Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
Jun 24, 2007
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July 7
Home Page:
The Plains

Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta

The Demon Slayer, Male, from The Plains


Everything feels fake... Jun 14, 2018

    1. starseeker3
    2. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Oh, yeah, that'd be great.
    3. Accalia
      She's my favorite character on that show. XD
    4. Accalia
    5. Accalia
      Lol maybe I'm just weird. XD
    6. ^_^Xion^_^
      Actually I think she did tell me something about a relationship but not who.
      Well now I know :P
      And that's good ^^
      Me and her met through this site too but in the video portal and then we started chatting more on AOL :)
    7. Accalia
      Yeah. It's probably my A.D.D.
    8. ^_^Xion^_^
      Well yes ^^
      Uh not much, I'm guessing you were her close friend too?
      Same here but I think it's her parents.
      I'm not sure >.<"
      And yes, nice to meet you ^-^
    9. Terra254
      But....what about Brooklyn? He still needs a group.....
    10. Terra254
      Hey Jaden...I'm ready for my Mark of Mastery Exam!
      Can you watch me and Brooklyn duel, and judge me on weather I should promote or stay in the Slifer Red? Brooklyn too, Since he doesn't really have a group, He's in his own category "Eraser Dark Red."
      You don't have to duel, Just log onto DN and watch us.
      If you agree, we can set up a time and date.
    11. ^_^Xion^_^
      I'm sorry for the late reply but I haven't been able to get a hold of her either.
      Like she's online but she doesn't reply :/
    12. Itachilives
      I'm looking for a different pic from that battle but I cant find any lol

    13. Accalia
      Yeahhh benadryl does the opposite. Plus I have stuff that makes me sleepy but it doesn't help when I sleep to much. XD
    14. Cloud.Strife.
      Alright, Just know I'd like you to.
    15. Accalia
      Lol yeah. Okay I really need to lay down. My eyes are dry as a bone. XD
    16. Accalia
      Good except for the fact that I haven't slept yet. XD
    17. Accalia
      How are ya? XD
    18. Accalia
      Xd. Anyway...
    19. Accalia

      Derrr hi Jaden!
    20. Itachilives
      That's all for now made a few more but want to check them first.
      Chad Sado

      Aaroniero Arruruerie The Noveno Espada
      Card Lore: Cannot be normal summoned or set. Must be speical summoned by trubiting one face-up "Aaroniero Arruruerie The Noveno Espada" you control. Once per turn you can select one monster your opponent controls. Equip that monster to this card. This card gains the attack and defense of the equipped monster and can also use the effect of the equipped monster. This card can only be equipped with one monster at a time. If this card would be destroyed destroy the equipped monster instead.
      Byakuya Kuchiki Bankai Senbonzakura Kageyoshi
      Ikkaku Madarame
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  • About

    July 7
    Home Page:
    The Plains
    My personality? Well I am quite eccentric...I like to think of myself as reserved but openminded...And I'm definitely a very generous and honest person. But I'm not exactly what you call a social butterfly. If I have not messaged you it's because I'm just sort of the type who doesn't message someone unless they message me first. I guess you could say I'm just sort of what you call a "recluse". But that doesn't mean that I'm not willing to talk to you. If you ever wanna talk just message me anytime. :)

    Also I am a very low functioning Aspie. I have SEVERE Asperger's Syndrome. And because of that I may not understand sarcasm or figures of speech. I also show many symptoms of ADD, ADHD, OCD and Bipolar Disorder.

    Some people think that I have a bad temper but I just get really irritated when people get stubborn with me when I know that they're wrong. I have VERY low tolerance for stubborn/hardheaded people, stupidity and closedmindedness... (- _ -; But if you don't judge me then I won't judge you. I'll be nice to you as long as you're nice to me.

    Aside from that I'm pretty much just a laid back guy who enjoys gaming, movies, anime, RPing and cartoons.


    I need to update my sig.