Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Pinekaboo
      Nah, she's sturdier than you'd think.
    2. Bushy
      Yeah, one of the reasons we like to use it so much.
      And it's pretty interesting. Especially in a game like PSU/PSO2 where you just focus on typing speech (and some actions in asterix) but mainly do the movement and (available) actions that you can do which you'd normally type on a place like KHV. Also, getting to see the characters in front of you makes a big difference as well.
      and yeah, it's a great plot for this arc lol, but there are still gonna be a lot more surprised I'm sure. XD
      And nah, it wasn't that much of a genius move, it was just me improvising and having fun. Me turning myself into a legit parody godmodder on the other hand... alright, I'll accept the genius comment for that. *shot, but lives cause hey! GODMOD* ¦3
    3. Bushy
      That's the intention.

      I mainly use Phantasy Star games as an RPing format too, which is why I gear my characters like this. It means that they're perfect to RP as, as well as play as normally. (There was a lot of 'as' there)
      But yeah, It's common knowledge that me and Dark have known each other for years, but yeah. Before I introduced him to KHV, we practically RP'd all the time on PSU etc.
      It's why we work well together in RPs on KHV too. We have a lot of experience when it comes down to it. We also tend to know what the other is thinking or planning a lot. XD
      But yeah.
    4. Bushy
      Well, I base my avatars on characters from my books, like I do with my OCs in RPs.

      My avatar is based on a character from my book who is elfish in appearance and nature and is a strong magic user, although, later on she becomes quite adept at physical combat. That's why I took the magic class mainly (Which also ties in well for Newmans who are known for magic ability and look elfish), for the fact it can use magic at all, but the fact it also has access to the gunblade too is a nice bonus that I couldn't ignore.

      *big PSU/PSO/PSO2 etc nerd*
    5. Bushy

      Yeah, I'm a Newman female force.
      Although, you can change class at any time for free, so yeah.
      Regardless of which, I prefer Force. Gunblades can be used by all classes, so a Force is the only class that can actually cast magic, slash and shoot all at once.
      No other class can use magic, so yeah, lol
    6. Bushy
      I'm level 5 or 6... or 7... I forget now. But I know it's as a Force.
    7. Pinekaboo
      Just wait until the Nanohas meet. They'll make friends the only way they know how. Nobody is safe.
    8. starseeker3
      I dunno
      I couldnt tell you, I just listen to what adam tells me, nothing else
    9. starseeker3
      K but if we lower adam's voice any more he won't be existent!
    10. starseeker3
      I dunno... I just play video games, I don;t know nothing about computers other than they can go crazy and take over the world.
    11. Pinekaboo
      Also more epic because it's two (implied) villains fighting it out, and there's the dramatic reveal of his blood.
    12. starseeker3
      I was in a bathroom... Echoing stuff! And I can't durn my mic down (as far as I know anyway.) Thanks too, we already got like 6 ep, but adam is just trying to edit em
    13. Bushy
      I have no idea how to add someone by name unless I meet them in person in game [yeah... you know it makes sense]. (even then... my memory of what to select to do it is hazy) lol

      Anyway, nice to hear you're on ship 10. We'll have to run together at some stage.
      Although, I'm pretty low levelled, I restarted a few times etc and don't play as much as I used to play Phantasy Star Games such as PSU. lol
    14. Bushy
      More like I've been playing since the open BETA etc.
      I'm ship 10 if you're interested.
    15. starseeker3

      Here she be~
    16. Bushy
      Yeah I just accepted.
      I swear that I already had you though... lol, we added each other ages ago I'm positive. We've been RPing together for a long time now after all.
      I dunno what is up. The number of my friendlist did change a bit recently. I dunno what happened, but yeah, I guess I lost some people.
    17. Pinekaboo
      Also, at some point... I want Wesker to figure out what Jail is up to, and therefore attack him, thinking that he'd be easy to take out without Berserker there to help him. That's when Jail reveals himself to be a vampire. They then have an epic spanning the entirety of their base, destroying all sorts of equipment along the way, and being almost perfectly matched against each other. It would be awesome.
    18. Bushy
      Oh hell yeah!

      *gives you a Bushy token*
      I may be gone... but they'll still have their uses, trust me on that. XD
    19. Pinekaboo
      Alright, my characters are Mato Kuroi (Black Rock Shooter) and Sayaka Miki.
      However, since he will be a prominent villain for the next chapter of World Arc, could you have, even if briefly, Jail Scaglietti in there too?
    20. Bushy
      Natsu Dragneel and Rin Okumura.

      I've been in a huge part of the Cove... so you have to include me. XD (I was practically in all of the first arc, and I have played a part in this second one. lol)
      And not to be cheeky and add a third, but if Bushy just so happened to god mod his way into whatever you have planned. I wouldn't complain at all.
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    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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