Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Lite
      Okay then, were the heroes on Earth convinced that he brought the Reapers to them?
    2. Lite
      :lolface: I feel sorry for anyone in the cove who's reading this.

      Did Loki have any involvement with the Reapers? I can't remember.
    3. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      You HAVE to get nominated for a roleplaying award.

      DO IT.

      DO IT, I SAY.
    4. Lite
      You'll destroy the entire "planet" with this madness!
    5. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I bet I'll be nominated for Most Likely to Leave/Quit a Roleplay. I either never have time for it, forget it, or am just not creative enough.

      Dude D: Be brave.

      Then get Google Chrome!
    6. Lite
      Precisely. Gawd, so many epic things happening in this arc.
    7. Lite
      Oooh, you mean similarly to how it went down between Wesker and Grell in the Kingdom Arc, but on a much bigger scale? I like it.
    8. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Oh yeah I forgot that posts count at a certain character amount now.

      Oh. Well get out there! Converse with random people.

      Btw, check this out.
    9. Lite
      Noted, thank you.

      All of the major villains are going to appear, and Jail was on my list. So yes.
    10. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Posting is the way of the world. A force of nature. A sign of boredom.

      I'll give you a tip: write up a resume, either a student resume if you haven't had a job before or a standard resume stating your level of education and past jobs. Carry multiple copies of that resume around with you. You never know who you will be talking to in a coffee shop or a pub.
    11. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I remember when I had 333. Then I hit 334.

      Besides that, we haven't talked in a ton of time. What's up with you? How's life?
    12. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Nice post count you have there.
    13. Lite
      Okay, no problem.
    14. Lite
      You will? :D
      Thank you, bro, not only for the appearance, but for working this out for me. I really appreciate it.
    15. Lite
      I know that (Thank you, by the way), I was Dammit-ing because that Kittan looks cool. :lolface:
    16. Lite
      Oh...I was unaware of that...Dammit...
    17. Lite
      Here he is in Gif Form:
      And here is the video if you just want to see the entire thing:
    18. Lite
      I was thinking, would Kittan from Parallel Works 2 be acceptable(T'would make a bit of sense, since my Kiyal is also from a Parallel Works)?
    19. Lite
      And the only reason I took both is because nobody else in the Cove said that they wanted one of the Virals. If someone were to have said that they wanted either Double K Viral or Gurren Lagann's Viral, then I would have complied and let them have the Viral of their choice. The difference between our situations is the fact that nobody wanted the alternate Viral when I reserved them, but someone does want the alternate Kittan (Which in this case is the Gurren Lagann Kittan). And I don't think that "They're too similar" is a valid reason for not allowing the regular Kittan to be used. There are several characters in the cove that have near identical-to-identical personalities, so it doesn't make sense as to why that would be your reasoning.
    20. Lite
      If you wanted a Viral you could have said so, and I wouldn't have objected to it. The case would be the same for anyone else.