Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Lite
      Well, yeah. When I compliment the plot I am, by extension, complimenting you too.
    2. Lite
      Curse you, plot, and your deliciously long stories...
    3. Lite
      Dern right he is. DOOOOOOD I so hyped for the AS battle...Why does it have to be so far away. ;_;
    4. Lite
      Good God...Think what all that power would do when in STTGL mode...
    5. Lite
      Knew the first 3.
      Really now? That'd be an odd sight. XD
      Never read the Manga...I should probably do that if there are differences such as that.
      You tease.

      EDIT: Well, whaddaya know...
    6. Lite
      ...Okay, unless you mean 2 GD's per Gunman, I don't see where the 3 extra drills would come from...Not that I'm complaining.
    7. Lite
      You did? Alright, good. That skips the thoughts process then.
      Good lord, 3+ Giga Drills?
    8. Lite
      Idea has been had: Simon and Genome get a Tag-Team move with Gurren Lagann and Lazengann: Double Drill Break(er). They both bring out their Giga Drills, touch them together, and then the two drills combine into one giant one, with Gurren Lagann and Lazengann's arms attached to the bottom. This allows for a more powerful Giga Drill Break(er), but without the need for a more powerful Gunman. Thoughts?
    9. Lite
      Ah, alright then.
    10. Lite
      Well, ****, then they were obviously father behind her than they looked or something.
    11. burnitup
      Or a Savior class Servant. But no Savior in the RP so, yeah.

      Speaking of which, I know you don't care for the ranking thing to much but I'm going to need them for your Servant. Skills, Nps, Parameters.

      And I'm going to need a discription for Guan Yu's weapon NP.
    12. Lite
      Small compared to Nono then.

      Me wants to start collecting the cards again (Lost my old one)...But I don't know if it's worth spending that amount of money...
    13. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Cool, just wanted to know cuz I be making a playlist on my iPhone

      Treat my darling Claire well
    14. Lite
      Oh, whoops. Guess I thought they just looked like small electrocution weapons or something.
      Ah. It was kinda hard to tell if it was a moon or a planet because of how it looked.

      In other news: I looked on Amazon to see the prices of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! card packs (The ones with like 30-40 boosters in them). Hot damn, those things are expensive.
    15. Droid
      But look at those tatoos, how can he not be anything but powerful?
      Seeing as the villian league will probably fall out after this part, then yes, Scar could use a servant. As unhelpful he might be.
    16. burnitup
      Being a carpenter doesn't make him a strong fighter Servant. At best he have a high Mana stat. Plus Jesus was a promoter of love and tolerance. Yes, he could be a Heroic Spirit but I doubt he'd be able to do toe-to-toe with any of the canon Servants who have legends of taking on armies and slaying monsters.
      Well Prototype Perseus can use Bellerophon and the closes he gets to it was cutting off Medusa's head, so I guess that makes sense.
    17. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey DT, are you gonna use Lightning's FFXIII-2 Theme Song for the CC?
    18. Lite
      You know you're a badass when:
      A) You control your weapons with your hair
      B) You have lasers in your legs
      C) You can cut a planet(?) in half with little effort.
    19. Lite
      Ah, okay...That would make the Mufasa line in your lyrics make a lot of sense then.
      Blurgh, now I'm excited to use the number in the cove...I think it will be my first one, actually.
    20. Lite
      Alright...Now I just need to figure out when this is gonna be sung...