Hiro ✩
Dec 28, 2010
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Oct 8, 1996 (Age: 28)

Hiro ✩

Guardian, Enby, 28

    1. Aelin
      Ok, will do
    2. Terra254
      If you got banned we'd raise hell you you 8D.
      Or try...Me and Aqua don't post much, But we'd try!
      Riku is pretty big on KHV and he might raise hell too, so we might make an impact!
      I'd be like "GRGSDDFYJRDYUIJR"
      and aqua would be like : "vufnygEWbijatJbEGKTH"
      and riku would be like : "Thats not cool, Man. Not cool."
      But riku wouldn't have to rage because people'd listen to him calmy :3
    3. Aelin
      Yes, there are alot of people that would make a big deal over it. But there are only a few that I actually know (the ones from kh rpg group)
    4. Ventus PSP Aqua
    5. Aelin
      Yes, the quiet litlle Christian girl that doesn't post much yelling at the admin. That will be interesting. At least I would have Terra to back me up right?
    6. Terra254
      Haha,I'll write that down for later xD

      Just do not end up like SJ.
      Currently known as Digital Atlas, He was once a great Mod but he left because he broke up with CTR and he said something "inappropriate". I don't blame the guy , though. he was awesome, but everyone treated him really badly for some reason...
    7. Beucefilous
      So i noticed
    8. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Hello there sora
    9. Aelin
      Yeah, things on here would get quiet interesting for awhile if you got banned and they didn't. And yeah there would be quiet a show
    10. Terra254
      Then I guess yay xD

      You never told me why you were Depressed, though.
    11. Aelin
      Well. I would get pretty pissed over it too. That would be so unfair, they are as much or more in the wrong for that as you are.
    12. Aelin
      I hope not, that would be a bad thing if you did. And if you get banned I would hope some of the other members that posted in that thread would be banned aswell
    13. Lite
      I dunno, it seemed like she was talking about the people who were all, for lack of a better term, "ganging up on you".
    14. Terra254
      Is...That good or bad?
      Because like every main character in FF13 seems to hate him xD
      Atleast Hope and lightning, and those are the only ones I know xD
    15. Aelin
      i saw the thread got locked. There were no staff online when the whole thing took place, I checked. There was one reporter online at the time and that was it
    16. Terra254
      I see, I believe you and Riku might have some time to learn about females.

      Your GF sounds quite Lovely, Though.
      My GF is pretty bossy and always either mad at me or over affectionate...
      She's also really mean to everyone, Except Me and Niall. If she met you she'd yell at you over something you didn't do...

      Anyways; If I was either Hope or Snow, Who'd I be more like?
      Because I've never played FF but they seem awesome :3
      So I wanna RP as them, Well 1 of them xD
    17. Lite
      It didn't seem like she was referring to you in her lock post...She was referring to (I think) the ones who have been here a "damn long time". But that could be anyone.
    18. Lite
      Yeah, I know. All that will be dealt with tomorrow morning, compadre.
    19. Lite
      I'll do it tomorrow morning. As soon as Phantasy Star Online 2 finishes updating (Which it's been doing for almost THREE HOURS NOW!) I have to get off. It's almost done, so yeah.
    20. burnitup
      Yep. Now I must be going now. Talk to ya later.
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  • About

    Oct 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Past Usernames:
    Default Name:
    I like anime, video games, and drawing, I also collect action figures. I aim to be a professional Street Fighter player (currently main R. Mika competitively in Street Fighter V), and a voice actor. My track record with fighting games is extensive. I play King of Fighters, Guilty Gear, Injustice, and Street Fighter! If you ever want a match, my PSN and Fightcade username is ToxicxGears.


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