NYAN CAT =^_^=
Last Activity:
Dec 17, 2012
May 18, 2012
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4:13 PM
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Gotham City
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NYAN CAT =^_^=

Destiny Islands Resident, Female, from Gotham City

You're not alone... We'll brave this storm... ~~ Nov 15, 2012

NYAN CAT =^_^= was last seen:
Dec 17, 2012
    1. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      lol but sora is taking this a little too far though
    2. Terra254
      You do not fool me.
      I might wanna help you and care about you but do not think I am fooled by you.
      That aside, What's going on?
      The spamzone doesn't see to like You,Sora, and Aros. Or should I say AROS
    3. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      could of copy and paste lol
      Well I see why and I would be too. Hopefully they learned their lesson
    4. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Aros and sora has been saying that they did something to upset you. What did they do anyways? If you don't mind me asking
    5. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Eh it fits him lol
      Very and competitive!
    6. ArosFarron
      Kitty.....I'm sorry. I really am.
    7. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Lol Very and justice-y
    8. What?
      You are a strong young lady then, I am certainly quite happy to see that determination!
      I wish you luck and support in your further ventures into the Spam Zone in that case.
    9. What?
      I am sorry things have been slightly rough this evening, by the way.
      It usually varies in frequency and eventually dwindles.
    10. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey, how are ya?
    11. ArosFarron
      So....what shall we do
    12. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Not a bad thing though
    13. Beucefilous
      lol nah. It's all good. Although i don't know who to be...
    14. Beucefilous
      Also, why did you think i wouldn't join?
    15. Beucefilous
    16. Terra254
      Also, Sora thinks you're ignoring him.
    17. ArosFarron
      Just tell me when it is up and ready if you need ideas I can help
    18. Beucefilous
      Eh, not really sure. It just kinda came to mind.
    19. Beucefilous
      I dunno.. It just does. Guess it's the clothes or something?
    20. ArosFarron
      Trust me. Even if you were not a part of my RP I would still sign up
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  • About

    Gotham City
    Hot Topic c:
    My idol is Andrew(Andy) Dennis Biersack. I am honestly a really sarcastic person. It's my second natural language, sorry if you need an interpreter, but figure it out. I love playing Zombies. It's my second nature. I am working on my writing and RP-ing and what not. I am learning guitar better and there is someone there who keeps pushing me forward <3 but, yea I guess I am done here. Message me if you need to know anything else because I am not a future see-er person thingy whatever you call them....


    Those times in life we learn to try, with one intention. Or learning how and when we'll die, but we can't listen...
    These lyrics heard a thousand times, just plush. A baby boy you've held so tightly, this pain it visits almost nightly...
    Lay your heart down the end's in sight, conscience begs for you to do what's right...
    We carry forward into the night, the strength of innocence like children's laughter...
    The Legacy, born from a dream, on leather wings, rose from the streets with our hands on destiny...
    The record is for the Outcasts. Following our stories of Love , Life, and Never Giving In.
    We are the Black Veil Brides...
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