Sep 30, 2006
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Sorry for any buggy-ness on the site the past few minutes! Everything should be a-okay now. Aug 6, 2015

    1. DigitalAtlas
      Dear Libregkd,

      I have been dared to leave a VM to five different members who I genuinely appreciate and I have chosen you as one of the five.

      I was honestly glad you were the first person to recognize me when I came back as you are one of the few I can geek out and have a genuine, intelligent conversation with.

    2. Jiηx
      Awesome, it could've been better, but it's still really fun to watch and play.
    3. Jiηx
      Damn, doesn't seem many people actually have.
    4. Jiηx
      You played Asura's Wrath?
    5. DigitalAtlas
      Keep it that way! LOL I don't have another way to find my old account XD
    6. Terra254
      I kinda always thought so...Any way, I was asking you, Is that the person your name is after,or another?
    7. Terra254
      Uhh...What do you mean by yes?
      That wasn't really a Y/N question... Unless you're asking what I want.
    8. Terra254
    9. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      That's why I wanted to get your honest opinion, because I kind of agree with a number of the games you talk about and are interested in.

      Not likely to look at Wipeout, not a racing game fan, but the rest look like a definite 'keep my eye out' for.
    10. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Wow, I wasn't expecting such a long response!
      Thanks to you indeed, Nick, this is certainly helpful. I am still torn though, KH games have that affect on me.

      Whenever I am likely to get a PSV, considering the fact I believe the chances of a KH game being on it is high, I'll be sure to check this out.
      Again thanks a ton!
    11. Fork
      xD And why did you think that?
    12. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Mr Gamer! How are you this day?

      I would inquire, what would you consider to be the top 5 PSV games out and coming this year?

      I'm deciding between a 3DS and a Vita. 3DS mainly for KH3D, but Vita is looking like it's shaping up well as a better handheld. So, honest opinions please.
    13. Mish
      Eh, a road trip alone could have its merits. I wouldn't know, though. xD;

      Oh, you're lucky! The only 'trade' my family seem to have is seamstress-ing and.. that hasn't really rubbed off on me.

      The simple explanation is usually the correct one. ;P
    14. Jiηx
      Must be fate then. I'm serious about Curse of the Chocolate Fountain aswell, good humour.
    15. Jiηx
    16. Fork
      USA vs Canada
      ....Wat. How did this happen o.o
    17. Mish
      I'd love to road trip around pretty much anywhere in the US. It was kind of a fantasy my friend and I had in high school, haha. Someday.. I'm looking forward to November, when I'll be going to Edinburgh for Distant Worlds; on the way there, I get to travel right up the coast via train. I should take photos of the views, haha.

      Ahh, my housemate likes to bake all the time. She's not really one for sharing with me, though aha. I sometimes get to try her more weird concoctions - like scones with tomato and olives (so ****ing vile omg). I'm not very good with cooking/baking, though I'd love to learn. I'm going to make some crispy cakes soon though. MMM~

      It's.. a username I've always had? haha, I've been using it for nearly 10 years now and when my IRL friends noticed it, they just started calling me it. It's kind of died down a bit now though, only a couple still refer to me as Mish. Why 'Mish' in the first place? I just wanted to shorten my real name, but 'Mich' doesn't look/sound all that nice and um, 'sh' does?
    18. Fork
      Better than no computer I guess xD How come it's only temporary?
    19. Mish
      Lol, I suppose seeing nothing but desert would get a bit tiresome. I like to go on roadtrips up the coast around here. It's a really beautiful area once I get away from the city, lol.

      Those are really nice! I never knew you had such an artistic flare, haha. And wow, I wish I knew how to bake a cake like that. xD Was that all for you? ;P

      I don't think my name is bizarre, hah! It's not that long either. I prefer to go by Mish though. Even some irl friends call me by my 'online persona'. But fyi my real name is Michaella.
    20. Fork
      Wait, a full install is going to be in the patch? GODS BE GOOD. That was so annoying xD I'm also getting the MGS HD Collection, and soon hopefully. I've been wanting to replay MGS3 for a while now.

      Oh well, like I only suddenly get a social life during the summer xD Because I get to see a lot of my old school friends and people I've met during my childhood. It's always a lot of fun, but I also really like the internet. I start feeling bad that I'm not talking to you guys, or not getting on KHV much. I barely have time for myself anymore.
      Also good god how do you still have no computer. How are you even surviving lol.
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