Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Lite
      Let's see, Kilik has someone to fight, I've got to wrap up the battles between Link and Pit vs Dark Link and Dark Pit, along with Red vs. Blue (as in the Pokémon Trainers), there's Siegfried's noticing of Charade, and Yusei & Yugi have to respond to Akiza.
    2. Lite
      This is true.

      Grr...I want to post...But I also want to keep watching Fate/Stay Night...What do?
    3. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      This is gonna be so cool
    4. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      And that's when Link gets jealous
    5. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      I can see it working out. It appears they have contrasting personalities
    6. Lite

      Right, that's what I was saying. He won't lead like Kamina, but he'll motivate like Kamina.
    7. Lite
      Ah, I see.

      Hmm...Maybe Sonic could co-lead Team Dai-Gurren? Nah, that's a bit much...
    8. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Ooh, that sounds cool
    9. Lite
      So I'm watching it, thinking that Shirou's the only one that I'm gonna recognize, but nope. Within five minutes I see Shirou, Archer, and Sakura. I'm guessing a lot of the Fate/ characters that're in the Cove come along relatively quickly?

      Kamina and Sonic need to stand side-by-side like that at least once before his passing. Simon and Tails could watch with awe as they did so.
    10. Lite
      The glow from the fire gave it a gold-ish tone.

      Now that I think of it, he's gonna need a name for that size...Tengen Toppa Sonic the Hedgehog? Or is that too cliché?
    11. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Now please.
    12. Lite
      Ah. The lighting kinda made him look like Gilgamesh.

      I know, I was just joking.

      Well, for one you allowed Sonic to partake in the final battle by allowing him to grow to the size of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann WITHOUT a Gunman.
    13. Hiro ✩
    14. Lite
      You've got that right. Not even 2 minutes in, and I'm given Saber(?) vs Gilgamesh(?). Pfft, Like I'm gonna pause that. :lolface:

      None of which are actual humans...I kid, I kid. I know what you mean.

      Ah, I see. You still have a knack for making things 10x more awesome than they already were.
    15. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      I would like that very much. But what is a master really? I know the gist of it
    16. Lite
      I can multi-task. Every few minutes or so I could just switch over to the KHV tab and refresh the page to see if I've got a VM. It's what I do when I'm doing anything else.


      Well...Yeah, I guess you're right.
      Huh...Guess I never noticed...That's just horrible of me, lol.

      Ooooh, sounds awesome. Man, I can see why your arc is going to be so long. You're just chock full of great ideas!
    17. Lite
      Alright. Maybe I'll start right now...

      Okay...Maybe they won't...

      Awesome, I was sure you were gonna say no. :lolface:
      Really? Holy hell, I had no idea...

      I'd shoot myself if it didn't happen. That'd be the most fitting thing he's ever said.
    18. Lite
      Ah, I see. So I wouldn't be able to fully enjoy the movie if I haven't seen /Stay Night first, gotcha.

      They'll soon figure it out.

      I was thinking of bringing in a villain. He would most likely work with Maleficent and co. (If they're still around after the KH dealio is done with), but would be nothing like them. He'd be the most human out of all of them. Who is he? He is Vladimir Makarov from the "Modern Warfare" series of Call of Duty games. Now, as he currently is, he is completely useless. But if he were to be given some kind of power over Darkness via Maleficent, he could be a very threatening...Uh, threat. I understand if you would rather not have him in the CC.
    19. Lite
      I knew they were animes. Alright, so a couple episodes shorter than Gurren Lagann.

      I really don't see how they can't comprehend it...
    20. Lite
      And how long is each of these series? I know UBW is a movie, but the other two aren't.

      Well...I guess I can see where the misunderstanding comes in. If they phail to figure out that the arc is gonna go well into next year, THEN I'm gonna be facepalming like it's my job.

      Well, I'm off for a bit. I promised my brother I'd play some Halo Reach with him.
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