Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2014
Dec 21, 2011
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Stourbridge, England
College Student


Gummi Ship Junkie, Male, from Stourbridge, England

Aragorns was last seen:
Dec 13, 2014
    1. Pinekaboo
      I dunno, this isn't really an argument at this stage. It's more of a discussion that some people are taking offense to for some reason.
    2. Pinekaboo
      That makes me think Shepard would say that line at some point. I have no idea what about though.
      But yeah, in case you weren't sure, you can go back to posting in Cove, no worries. I'll post too once I've eaten.
    3. Pinekaboo
      "Hold the line". Instantly made me think of Mordin. Not quite a song for him, but I just found it funny.
    4. Aragorns
      Ignore this! It was accidental!
    5. Pinekaboo
      Well, by all rights I could have reported some of it to the staff, but I figured I'd hear what you had to say first. You've said you're sorry, you seem genuine, and frankly that's good enough for me. Droid says that he'll be keeping an eye on you from now on because of it, but nothing more.
      So that's it basically. We drop this and go on.
    6. ArosFarron
      Nope. I don't mind. I'm just really messing around in PS EL so I've got nothing better to do
    7. ArosFarron
      Hey, they know you did not mean it. I know you did not mean it....did you?
      but on a lighter note. I made my first Avy and sig
    8. ArosFarron
      Oh...DT got on you about your comment?
    9. ArosFarron
      What do you mean by that.
    10. ArosFarron
      Good morning Aragorns.
    11. Pinekaboo
      Can I just say one thing that hasn't been addressed.
      You crossed out my name in your quote of Aerith's post. As Droid will say himself; I am the one that motivated him into wanting to get the RP up, I helped him come up with the ideas for the first arc, and I've been helping him run it since the very begining, while attempting to enjoy it myself. Please do not suggest that I didn't have anything to do with it again.
      What's more; I've done a lot of things for you personally. I've been making you banners, I let you have your Makuta invasion when you wanted it, and I've made alterations to the plans that I had so that you could do what it was that you wanted. I was among the first people to talk to you on KHV, and since the begining I've considered you a friend.
      In return, you accuse me of being a Nazi, sucking the fun out of Cove, and say that I'm taking things too seriously, even when the things in question are offensive to me and others. I really have to ask; why?
    12. StardustXtreme
      Script? Not good at that, I stick to my fanfictions.

      Recording: Can do that

      Put together with clips: Not a editor at all.


      Besides, anyone cna do a Musical with any character it's for fun and nothing more
    13. StardustXtreme
      Lol, I was once asked to do a Abridged Series, I think I did audition for soemthign but they never got round to making it.
    14. StardustXtreme
      Exactly, they have Abridged Characters who make such jokes and that's for fun.

      That's what CC is meant to be a fun RP, not so serious.
    15. StardustXtreme
      Meh sure why not.
    16. Princess Rapunzel
    17. ArosFarron
      Hey, I'm gonna have Charade have a bit of an encounter with Jafar and that group while he just walks around the battlefield
    18. Pinekaboo
      Actually, I wonder if I could ask this of you. When your thing is defeated, would the god be able to consume it's near-dead body?
    19. Pinekaboo
      Well, here's a helpful hint.
    20. Pinekaboo
      Ah, okay. Jecht will likely be too far ahed by now to take part then, but that's fine because IT'S GOD TIME.
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  • About

    Stourbridge, England
    College Student
    Will be filled out later.

    In the meantime, enjoy a Trollish Triceratops


    The Troll Empire Will Rise Again!
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