Last Activity:
Jun 4, 2024
Jun 9, 2007
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7:14 AM
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Awarded Pins 6

Dec 1, 2012 (Age: 12)


literally dead inside, Male, 12

GhettoXemnas was last seen:
Jun 4, 2024
    1. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      You are such an amazing man!
    2. Kites
      congrats! which ending did you pick????
    3. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      It has always been a dream of mine, so thank you! <3
    4. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      I was kinda hoping it could be the other way around..
    5. Terra254
      Haha Okay .
    6. Terra254
      Hello, You like Rap, yes?
      Have you heard Nas's new album?
      I haven't but thought I should tell you...I think its his new album, I dunno.
      Just thought I'd let you know even though I don't know you.
    7. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      Oh, oh. Please tell me what that more could be!
    8. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      I'm going to ask for your hand in marriage, because I don't know what I would do if I was unable to find you again. If we're married, we have to be together forever.
    9. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      I have been searching for you for forever.
    10. muff monkey
      muff monkey
      hi there qt <3
    11. Beau
      Nice name change, sir! o:
    12. DigitalAtlas
      Exactly! It even probably takes the artists out of their comfort zones to try something new, and something that's going to get publicity.

      And I 100% agree about games that use current artists track. Just feels like a big missed opportunity or a ****** movie trailer.
    13. DigitalAtlas
      Oh yeah. Gotta love it. I love the way Platinum Games did it with both MadWorld and Anarchy Reigns, composing it first then handing the songs off to actual rapers (most are unknowns though, like they found Ox on MySpace) that they actually liked.
    14. reptar
      wow i actually feel bad about that sry Kanye for my sins
    15. reptar
      His character development was great, especially when he found Dondas plastic surgeon at the hugo gernsback and killed him.
    16. DigitalAtlas
      Hey, check out that thread I made in the gaming section for Anarchy Reigns. First and last youtube videos contain links to the full soundtrack, which I think you may really dig.
    17. DigitalAtlas
      Glad to see you're still here, bro. Thank you. I feel welcomed.
    18. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Sure. And I'll leave you to it.

      I'm not gonna be responsible for delaying the music, man. YOUR SKILL NEEDS TO BE HEARD
    19. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I posted in the requests/recommendations thread. And sounds cool man!

      Sweet. You able to talk now? On MSN? VMs are just kinda slow for me.
    20. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      I saw that thread, didn't read it. Sorry. What are you going to stream? I'm doin virtual classes. College credit. Boring as ****.

      Just added you.
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    Dec 1, 2012 (Age: 12)


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