Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      I see... Well It's a good movie so definitely worth the wait. Remember our Dark Link fight? Yeah? Well can I borrow him next post? They're (Link & D Link) gonna argue.
    2. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      The Amazing Spider-Man lol...
    3. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey bro, had a chance to see TASM yet?
    4. Pinekaboo
      Yeah, that's fine.
    5. Pinekaboo
      Oh yes, it will be.

      I need to know what the line is, obviously.
    6. Pinekaboo
      I was expecting something about the darkness in his heart, but that works too.
      Basically, this fight will be interesting, once Droid posts as the other villains.
    7. Pinekaboo
      Explain how it makes sense?
    8. Pinekaboo
      And Dysley of all people is the host. Expected?

      It's purposefully written to be short while explaining what happened. I'll be writing one for World Arc too, once we've reached the end of the next boss battle.

      Make it happen. Except for Banagher, since he's piloting his Gundam.
    9. Pinekaboo
      Yes we do. >:3

      That's why it's a summary. Anybody reading isn't going to want three pages of stuff to read to catch up, it's an outline.

      What? They're a team; everyone is going with everyone.
    10. Pinekaboo
      So Dysley suddenly keeled over and turned pitch black. That's definitely not ominous.
    11. Pinekaboo
      I may just do so. Even if it fails. I may have him sing too.

      Also, check the OOC thread, please.
    12. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      How be teh post coming?
    13. Pinekaboo
      No, but it does mean there are some things I can't understand.

      Also, VERY tempted to have Alan Wake kick down the nearest door explosively, say an epic one-liner, and shine his industrial-grade torch straight at Doppelganger for his entrance.
    14. Pinekaboo
      I do, but it's fairly mild. It scrambles my thoughts and makes me have a more childish viewpoint, but otherwise nothing else.
      Typing is different to speaking. I rarely push myself to explain something on here; there's never much point or need.
      Dimensia is somewhat similar to autism in that regard, but I don't have dimensia.
    15. Pinekaboo

      Oh, I know. I was just saying.
      As for the wording things right; it's actually because my mind doesn't work in the same way everyone elses seems to. My thoughts overlap one another and form no ordered structure. I understand everything that I'm trying to say, but I'd never be able to put words to them. That's just what autism is, unfortunately.
    16. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      ah no sweat
    17. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Wanna Brawl in 20 minutes?
    18. Pinekaboo
      Yep. They keep one interested.

      Which I think is unfair, because frankly everyone has their own way of communicating that is part of their character. I'm the kind of person that can never word things right, and yet I never get raged at for that.
    19. Pinekaboo
      Arguements are only the negative kind when one side starts going into the attacking mode, and starts accusing the other's opinions of being stupid. Neither of us said anything like that. This is what people misunderstand about Makaze too; he never personally attacks somebody with things like "your opinion is stupid and that's why I'm right", he makes genuine points.
    20. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Be sure to re-post the battle music too. and Lol, thanks. /isfeelingincrediblyaccomplishedno
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    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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