Last Activity:
Aug 20, 2012
Jul 3, 2012
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6:22 AM
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May 11, 1991 (Age: 33)
World Saver


Destiny Islands Resident, 33, from Pulse

ArosFarron was last seen:
Aug 20, 2012
    1. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      No sweat .
    2. Aelin
      Sleeping always helps pass the time. Unfortunately I am unable to sleep in moving vehical. I couldn't even sleep on a red eye flight home from Hawaii. But the kh2 soundtrack would have been nice to listen to. I only have a few songs that I downloaded on my ipod for music from kh, I would like to get more though
    3. Aelin
      Nice, yeah, I had my DS with me most of the time so I was good. Sometimes I would steal my brothers PSP as well. I never really get bored on road trips, so thats good
    4. Aelin
      Yes, that would have been worse if I was addicted to any sites like I am now. I never cared much for spending time on the computer until this year. Before that i prefered my game systems, and I had portable ones so I didn't care
    5. Aelin
      I know what that is like. Every year up until 3 years ago me and my family of 4 would pile in the car with my dog and drive 14 hours to visit family. And I never got along woth my brother all that well, we would spend most of the time fighting. Then the last 2 years I would pile onto a Crowded bus, Drive 2 and a half full days (through the night) to Calafornia with no air conditioning on the bus.
    6. Aelin
      Lol, wasn't it nice to get away from home though. I spend way to much time in my room, I'm usually on here from about 11am to 1am with only eating breaks in between. It would be nice to leave this town this summer
    7. Aelin
      Oh that sucks. I hate it when that happens, somewhere is suppose to have internet but it doesn't work properly.
    8. Aelin
      So no internet, eh? Was the internet down or did you go out camping or something?
    9. Aelin
      Yeah, I will try to figure it out though or just make Roxan ask about it
    10. Aelin
      That will be interesting. I think one reason I am slightly confused is that I was never allowed to play/watch/have pokemon/pokemon cards. I haven't played Mass Effect either so this will be interesting
    11. ArosFarron
      well, my thing is that since he involved pokemon into it I will involve a bit of Mass Effect and have The Reapers find their way to some worlds in the KH universe
    12. Aelin
      Yeah, that will be interesting. The only thing about that is that I feel like I am expected to know what to do next or excatly whats going on. It can be confusing sometimes but I try to play along and figure it out
    13. Aelin
      I am not completely sure how this is suppose to go, it was Ventus108's story or arc as he calls it. And sure, i would like to know what it looks like.
    14. Aelin
      in the rpg this:basically, there were mysterious deaths in Twilight Town due to some music. Roxan and Terra go to check it out. It is caused by a ghost who want revenge and is trying to figure out a code. Rain is said to be an ancient and isn't affected by the music. Rain, Terra, Roxan and the ghost go underground where there are a bunch of pokemon. Roxan and Terra get in a fight, Roxan ends up punching Terra and then he calls her a jerk and kinda tells her off. Rain gets an idea to move everyone to the alternate Twilight Town. Rain and Roxan are in alternate TT now. Roxan on top of clock tower. In regular TT a Gengar is playing music with such a high fequency that it makes peoples ears bleed. I think thats it, there is a long backstory that ventus108 posted it you want to read it as well. Hope that makes some sense, I might have missed something
    15. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      okay then, good night and see you later
    16. Beucefilous
      Meanwhile ignis was known as the crimson scourge.
    17. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Wow he did alot
    18. Beucefilous
      Funny how that works, huh?
    19. Beucefilous
      Get ready for, as his name might imply, a LOT of fire.
    20. Ventus PSP Aqua
      Ventus PSP Aqua
      Kinda the same as terra and aqua
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    May 11, 1991 (Age: 33)
    World Saver


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