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Mar 8, 2025 at 2:41 PM
Jan 11, 2011
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Oct 7, 1996 (Age: 28)
Home Page:
On board the DenLiner
Decimo the Keyblade Wielding Kamen Rider


Decimo, Male, 28, from On board the DenLiner


Down below is the truth Sep 9, 2019

CrownMoksha was last seen:
Mar 8, 2025 at 2:41 PM
    1. starseeker3
      Never mind I guess
      Sorry got buizzy (dishes and other rp's ya know?)
    2. starseeker3
      K, I will tell him (if he will respond to mt this time.)
    3. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Go for it. I can't participate anyway.

      Everything needed is in the OC Thread
    4. starseeker3
      I don't have any of it... He came out of the blue to ask me, if you want anything for it, ask hero yourself please! (sorry...kinda buizzy...)
    5. starseeker3
      Hero asked me to take it over, but I am not well liked on this form, I am afraid that people will leave If I start...
    6. Mysty
      Yeah. I am. Sorry for the delay. Was hoping more players would join. Guess we will just have to start with us instead.
    7. Cloud.Strife.
      Yeah lol. If you want to switch from Wielder to Organization Member, I can set it up in the story so that you give into the Darkness and become a Nobody and get recruited if you'd like. You'd just have to post another OC sheet.
    8. Krowley
      Like the D-Links in Birth by Sleep, I plan to try and see if I can work that into production. I've planned some Organization XIII Battles that can be gained after defeating them in the Mirage Arena. (This will be opened later)

      FF Character wise, I may do that with heroes from certain games, but not the villains (Defeat certain FF Villains to get the Hero D-Links) I'm just spit balling with that thought though.

      Regarding the FF Summons, I could probably add a few to the Moogle Shop after certain events occur. Again, this depends on the actual Summon.
    9. Cloud.Strife.
      1 character per person at the moment
    10. Krowley
      From Final fantasy do you mean Characters or actual Summons?
    11. Krowley
      Any and all past Disney worlds are planned to make an appearance. This includes TT, TWTNW and Port Royal (Though they won't make an appearance until later on) Summons mainly join you after completing a world. Since you visit mostly Disney worlds, Most all summons are Disney. What did you have in mind?
    12. Krowley
      Hello, just a quick check-in with people who have or are currently participating in the Kingdom Hearts SOS roleplay. My reason for this small update is to try and better the KH experience for members. Is there anything you would like to see more or less of? Any worlds you would like to suggest? Keyblades, Bosses or Summons in mind? Things like that. Reply back soon with your thoughts!
    13. Cloud.Strife.
    14. Cloud.Strife.
      You at the moment, are in Port Royal traveling. But yes.
    15. Cloud.Strife.
      The role-play has officialy started!
    16. Cloud.Strife.
      I'd like to invite you to my new RP: Kingdom Hearts: Far-Off Touch
    17. signerleo
      ok am reday then when every one reday to start we can
    18. Jayn
      ​Hello again, fellow role player! Just a friendly reminder here! Please try to nominate and vote for the KHV Awards this year!

      The role play section of the awards has always been pretty dead, so please try to support us! Nominate your fellow role players, any fun role plays you're involved in (or were at some point during the year), etc. Even if you've already sent in your RP nominations, if there's anything you left blank, try to fill it! There has to be something or someone worthy of nominating from your time role playing this year, hopefully?

      You may recall me doing this last year. We actually got more nominations than usual, but let's try to kick it up a knotch and support our community here on KH-Vids. If you have any questions, please let me know and I will do my absolute best to help you out. It doesn't matter how often you RP, either.

      The nominations thread is here and you can PM your nominations to me.

      Please try to let other role players know as well.
      Good luck and thank you! ♥
    19. Twilight_Nobody13
      alright. They're good.
    20. Twilight_Nobody13
      not yet. It'll take a really long and detailed post to get the ball rolling, so I'm working on it, slowly. And I'm okay with the Allen thing/change whatever.
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  • About

    Oct 7, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Home Page:
    On board the DenLiner
    Decimo the Keyblade Wielding Kamen Rider
    Past Usernames:
    master of keyblades, Moksha, 「 Altered 」, 「 Zephyr 」, Yuto, Takeru Tenkuji, CrownMoksha, Arch Hates Bueno
    I'm a gamer and hopefully a story writer, that's pretty much it.


    • [​IMG]

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