Hiro ✩
Dec 28, 2010
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Oct 8, 1996 (Age: 28)

Hiro ✩

Guardian, Enby, 28

    1. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Hmm...yes. Well, do you have an idea of how you wanna start it ?
    2. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Hm hm. I see....well how is it going so far ?
    3. Pinekaboo
      I think Vegeta was taken by NemesisPrime. If that's the case, you can have him now if you want him.
    4. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Hmm you should listen to the lavender town music while you write, perhaps read a non-Pokemon creepypasta for inspiration ? If you're looking to make it a really good (and creepy) fiction
    5. Terra254
      Cool, I guess.
      Talking with Aqua made me fee better xD
      None of this stuff is really quite creepy, thinking about it.
    6. Riku-Sama's Shadow
    7. Terra254
      I suppose if it were true that would make sense.
      I've played LavenderTown in Goldversion, But I never listen to the music on it because I'm always listening to my own, But I think they fixed it in that version.
      Either way, Its probably to late because I broke all three of my DS's.
      Or Two...I don't remember. haha xD
    8. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Yeah if you listen closely..hm hm
    9. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Already on it. It's cute :3
    10. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Ohhh 0: that makes sense..I heard the gold version had "happier" music but I've never heard it before
    11. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Ohhh 0: that makes sense..I heard the gold version had "happier" music but I've never heard it before
    12. Terra254
      Is there a gym there?
    13. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      With the move curse and killing everything and yeah
    14. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Ehhh yeah I suppose..And yeah I read about the ghost and black version. Is that the right one ?
    15. Terra254
      lol that was VERY descriptive xD
    16. Terra254
      That would be odd...But thats a modern way of showing unity. Americans do this by putting their hand over their heart; and soldiers also do the "Nazi" gesture, it's probably just a gesture to show that you are acknowledging someone or something.But if it was it wouldn't surprise me. Pokemon is pretty dark xD.
    17. Terra254
      Their agendas weren't the same at all...They're not even very elite...
    18. Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Riku-Sama's Shadow
      Yeah, I did. The white hand kinda reminded me of dead hand and the invisible hands from Zelda, but buried alive was kinda creepy.
      What's the black ghost thing about ? Like I read it but it wasn't creepy at all..unless there's something I'm not getting 0:
      But yeah, I don't believe the lavender town syndrome..I do believe it gave people headaches and probably some sort of ear problem, but the suicide thing ? I'm not buying it ;b
    19. Terra254
      Cool,I guess.
      Because we all know Pokemon=Ultimate Evil.
    20. Terra254
      I'm drinking tea and listening to music by the people we're supposed to be celebrating freedom from.

      What are you doing?
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  • About

    Oct 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Past Usernames:
    Default Name:
    I like anime, video games, and drawing, I also collect action figures. I aim to be a professional Street Fighter player (currently main R. Mika competitively in Street Fighter V), and a voice actor. My track record with fighting games is extensive. I play King of Fighters, Guilty Gear, Injustice, and Street Fighter! If you ever want a match, my PSN and Fightcade username is ToxicxGears.


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