Sep 30, 2006
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Sorry for any buggy-ness on the site the past few minutes! Everything should be a-okay now. Aug 6, 2015

    1. Mish
      [late reply due to being rly tired over the past couple of days ;;]

      I think I'd rather take a train or car for a long trip rather than a plane. Road trips can be fun, plane rides.. not so much, heh. Although, any form of transport for a duration of over 4 hours kind of sucks.. On my flight to NYC, it wasn't so bad because I managed to occupy myself with a couple of movies.

      Yeah, I'd like to seem some of your creations, lol. The tree looks v. pretty. c:

      Libre, Nick.. Library Kid.. I think only a handful of KHV people know my real name, since I have a few on facebook. Though most people, including Misty, still refer to me as Mish - I guess because Mish is a lot easier to type and remember than my real name. lol
    2. Fork
      We're all bewildered by it. Better late than never I guess? >_> I'm actually looking forward to it. Would give me a reason to play it again. But dear god if there's a trophy for the Big Boss Emblem, I'm breaking the disk in half.
      (Edit: Actually wait, I think I still have the save for that heheh.)

      I've been alright. Enjoying my summer by going to the beach and **** xD Wish I could be more active on the internet though. This happens every summer with me. I suddenly get a social life for a month or two lol.
      And how've you been?
    3. Mish
      At least you have a developing Metro line.. I will have the choice of an unreliable bus that takes about an hour to get to where I'll want to be, or a 20 minute walk followed by a half hour bus ride.

      Who wouldn't~?

      I don't know why but when I try to recall photos of you, all I can imagine is you with a poker face most of the time.. maybe I'm thinking of someone else, haha. You may be on the other side of the world, but I'm not. :P Pretty sure he'd kick my ass, haha

      My bedroom isn't very big, especially with all my stuff crammed in.. It would help if I were at least somewhat tidy, heh.. I noticed the tree. You made that? o: It's very nice. I'd like to see your other works~

      Yes, I do know your name, Nick. I'm not sure I've seen Misty use it around the forum, but she did mention you by your real name on Skype not too long ago, which is when I learned it. So quite recently, really. I'm pretty sure Amaury scours every post of every thread ever, so I wouldn't be surprised if he knew all of our names, our addresses and phone numbers too. Do you, by any chance, know my name?
    4. Mish
      If that's the case, I suppose the transportation systems in place here aren't so bad haha. I wish my hometown (where I'll be living from September) had a Metro/Subway system though, it'd be soo much easier. There is a Metro line in my city, but it doesn't go as far as my town. ;; We do have a train system, but.. it's not very convenient. The station is halfway across town. :I

      That you are, haha. I look forward to my daily Libre VM.

      Yes, I do think that I smile from you is somewhat of a rarity. Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention? Well, it's not something I see everyday. xD Actually, it's not something I've ever seen until now, haha. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, let's just hope he doesn't decide to log in and check up on me one day, aha.

      Haha, that's great, good to see they're still going strong. I feel like I know too much about your bedroom though. lol
    5. Mish
      So lucky. Public transport around here is so ridiculous compared to some other countries. :I Plus, I don't like to carry a whole lot of cash around with me, ever.

      Haha, yes, I'm sure it can't be too bad if you're there. I'll come and you can keep me entertained.

      Sorrryyy! For what it's worth, you did a splendid job despite the difficulty, way better than I could have done, haha. Your collarbone is a true work of art. AND you're smiling too, wow. P: What ever would my boyfriend think? haha

      Also, is that your coardboard shelving unit I see in the background? lol
    6. Mish
      That's true, ugghh the amount of times I used to be late for work due to getting to the bus stop then realising I didn't have any money on me.

      I wasn't built for heat, lol. I'd still love to visit LA one day.. though I would say that about pretty much everywhere. The cold here is just as annoying! So far this Summer has been awful, ha. We had about a week of sunshine and since then it's been raining nearly all of the time. Sucks.

      Write it on your collarbone. ;3 and oh lol, I don't know.. just write my name and stick some love hearts around it, ahaha. oh lawd.
    7. Mish
      Like I said, I'd rather pay the ridic bus prices than pay rent. P: Though I'm sure my Mam will have me paying some sort of board money.. hm.

      Wooow, we're lucky if we can reach 26 C in Summer, haha. Yeah, I don't think I would be able to adjust to the temperature in LA for a long while. One time when I was holidaying in Spain, I fainted in the hotel bathroom due to the heat/dehydration, lol. The one and only time I've ever fainted.

      Of course you won't. P: and YES do ittt.
    8. Fork
      You've obviously been dreaming of meeting Kitty, Clawtooth, and other Scottish members :b
    9. Mish
      Yeahh, it will be expensive.. I'll have to go from being able to walk to uni for free to paying up to £18 per week ;; Plus the bus stop is about 20 minutes away, ergh. Public transport, maaaan..

      I think it's a good idea to have extra safety precautions and everything, it's just a little silly for people to become overly panicky about it and avoid London this year, haha.

      I suppose it is. To be fair, it's the South of France, so right on the Mediterranean. According to Wiki, the average temperature during the day is 13.4 C.. in Winter! I'm going to be cooked alive.

      Lol, a clam, a hermit, a snail - something with a shell. x} And you're probably right about the knowing someone vs knowing and talking to someone for 6 years, but I'd say that reading your posts for the same amount of time has given me some insight to your character at least.

      Also I don't know why I just remembered this, but.. did you ever write my name on your body? lol.
    10. Fork
      Easily the best ad KHV has ever gotten.
      Though I'm pretty sure it's related to your own internet history xD
    11. DigitalAtlas
      Oh yeah. I'm back. And ready for... whatever it was I did here. YEAH!
    12. Fork
      Times like these I wish I knew Japanese.
    13. Fork
      Goddamn that theme man. It's so awesome.
      They better release the damn thing on steam or something, 'else I'm going to have to get a Vita. The game looks great ;~;
    14. Mish
      Sorry, I meant to say $7, not £7. So that'd be £4.50 for a return ticket - to uni and back to my Mam's house, every day. :\ I could get a weekly ticket, but I don't actually travel to uni enough times per week to justify it. Also, it takes about 45 minutes each way. SO when I move back, I'll be spending a looot of time and money on public transport.

      It would definitely be cool to go see the Olympic games. Though a lot of people I've spoke to have been put off going to London this year in fear of a possible terrorist attack. Ha, everyone just seems to be a bit on edge. I don't want to say people are just being paranoid in case something actually does happen and I'd feel terrible, lol. If you do come over here though in the future, drop by at Newcastle, haha.. (as if anyone wants to visit my crappy area xP)

      Oops! Man, my typing/reading comprehension was terrible last night, haha.

      I suppose that is true. Well, the climate will be hotter than I'm used to when I'm in France next year, so we'll see how easily I can handle it compared to the cold.

      I don't think that you ever bother Misty. She sometimes mentions you in my conversations with her, always with good things to say. P: Well, not everyone is a social butterfly, myself included. I suck at making friends irl, that's for sure, aha. As long as you're happy! And I won't change my mind, I've known you for 6 years, surely a couple of convos won't sway my opinion of you now. ;P
    15. Chevalier
      Because I saw an account there and it sort of acted like you, and it has the same avatar you do. I thought it was you.
    16. Chevalier
      Do you have an account on Andriasang?
    17. Mish
      Free bus rides? Luuucky. If I move back to my Mam's house next year, a return ticket to my uni is like, £7. .__. It's still cheaper than paying rent every month, though. It'd probably cheaper for me to own a car than take the bus, as hard as that is to believe.. ajkfn I wish I didn't suck at driving. x}

      Ah, Boston is another place I'd really like to visit. Or anywhere in New England really. Ah, your friend is so lucky. I'd love to go to London this year. The olympic torch came through my city recently.. I didn't bother to go see it, though, haha. I've been to London once, it was pretty good. It probably would have been better if I wasn't there with my ex, lolol.

      "I don't gamble at all", "I turned $150 into $5" - get your story straight! :P

      To combat heat.. go nude? D: Douse yourself in water? The possibilities are endless. And I have to disagree about heat being more uncomfortable than the cold. You don't know what it's like to be standing outside in a blizzard, I bet. ;;

      Haha, what would it take to convince you that you're not bothering me? I don't know if you're 'unapproachableness' is due to a character flaw, more like you just seem quite intelligent and, yes, cool, that people are intimidated. And I honestly don't have a bad thing to say about you!
    18. Fork
      Oh god xD You can't be serious. I would get AIM just to talk to you, but I'm not using my computer much these days >_> Been busy. The only thing I've been constantly using was eRepublik hahah.

      D'aw. Well, I'm still getting paid so that's what's important :b I haven't missed a day since I got the job!
    19. Mish
      I tried learning how to drive this year.. I could really benefit from owning a car, but the lessons were so expensive and I wasn't improving enough in the short amount of time I had before my money ran out. I even booked a test, but had to cancel it to get the money back. :c Plus I find driving kind of terrifying lolol.

      Wow, I must have been through at least 4-5 bikes when I was a kid, they were a staple present at Christmastime. I'm not sure about getting a bike straight away anymore though. I've just decided that, because of the exchange, I'll want to save up a lot of money. So I'm thinking about moving back in with my Mam once the lease on my current place runs out. Then I won't have much need for a bike because I'll have to get the bus to Uni. Decisions, decisions.

      I've only been to Spain and the Spanish Islands for holidays, also been to Scotland a couple of times though. Outside of Europe, I went to NYC for the weekend which was the best ever. I'd love to go back there, or to other places in the US. Las Vegas would be cool, do you gamble much? lol. I've only ever been to a casino a couple of times, but I liked it a little too much and now I'm afraid to go back or I might just lose everything I own. And yeah, the cost of a flight over the Atlantic is a looot. The only reason I was able to go is because my Mam and I went from owning a house to selling it and moving into a rental, so we decided to have a bit of fun with the money we had left over from the sale.

      I definitely prefer Summer. It's hard to get up in the morning when it still as dark as night outside.. The sun gives me energy! O:

      Interesting, moi? Oh, you. Ha well, now that you mention it, when I came back to KHV after a long break and there were so many new people, I found it quite hard for a while to establish new friendships and get to know people.. I like to think that I am approachable, though, so. I don't know if I would say that you are approachable, but I don't have a bad thing to say about you either, I always thought you were cool and respected you. P:
    20. Mish
      Ah, so.. rustic/vintage, then? It sounds lovely, lol. You've never owned a bike? Not even as a kid?

      'Tis quite the expensive endeavour.. It seems like a lot of the US people I know haven't left the country, or even left their home state. It's like the life goal of everyone I know irl to go abroad at least once a year. Though, it's a lot easier for us Europeans to get around..

      I bet it's still warm when it rains in CA. ;P Here, when the rain comes, it's time to run home and wrap up warm! It is a nice feeling though, when you finally get inside after being soaked by the rain, peel off your wet clothes, crank up the central heating and grab some hot chocolate.. aaaand now I'm looking forward to Winter..

      I didn't take you for the apprehensive-to-talk-to-people type. I just thought you were kind of stoic, or that you just didn't have any interest in me or becoming friends with me P:
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