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Mar 6, 2025 at 7:24 PM
May 1, 2009
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Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
Film Student


Transformation, Male, 28

Premium Jun 10, 2018

ShibuyaGato was last seen:
Mar 6, 2025 at 7:24 PM
    1. burnitup
      PM has been sent, btw.
    2. burnitup
      It's a major part of his character when Gwen dies, in fact, he was one of the reasons she died. Hell back with the orignal Spider-Man movie Gwen was suppose to be the love interest not Mary Jane, and guess what? She was going to die!
      Considering comics, any number of people could die.

      I'll PM it to you.
      Yeah, it's that kinda series. NASUVERSE!
    3. burnitup
      If we go by the comic books, she'll probably die. I agree on the Stand Lee cameo, it was awesome.

      Do you want me to PM it to you?
      It was from Fate/Zero, which is awesome. F/Z also had one of the best villains ever.
    4. burnitup
      I just know Gwen is going to die with they make a sequal, which they probably will. :\

      Well, thinking about it. That is why I want someone to review the scene I thought up.
      It's pretty cool. Here, enjoy this little slice of awesome:
    5. burnitup
      Honestly, I thought he was a better Spider-Man than Tobey Maguire. Probably helps that his Spider-Man was more like his comic book counterpart then Toby's.

      Which is a shame, but your choice. Great, I haven't done the scene for the RP yet and the reason I'm having you review it is because well... I want an outside opinion from someone with out spoiling it to people in the CC. Also, it is pretty dark. But before I show you it, let me tell you it involves introducing a new character and kills off one of my own.
      The one being killed is this:
      Read that first just so you know the character.
    6. burnitup
      Oh just relaxing, saw the new Spiderman movie yesterday, doing some stuff in the CC, you know.

      Speaking of the CC, while I know you have technically quit the CC I was wondering if possibly you could review a scene I have thought of.
    7. burnitup
      Hey Cat! How've you been?
    8. Machazo
      Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening?
    9. Ienzo
      Thursday would be better for skype :3 I plan of having a few rounds of TF2 with my sister before I flop into bed and DIE! XD

      Yeah, although I don't want Moffat to leave... he shoul;d never leave >:3 he's far too epic! My English teachers birthday is the 20th October so I have that as well ::L:

      2 hours Cat? xD And I thought I was slow... hehe. And don't give me the "YOU WERE TALKING TO MEH!" excuse :D

      Yeah, you can only succeed when you strive to be better. Once you are content with what you can do then you stop almost and then there is no progression. That's the case for me as well, my work never turns out how I want it to but I am getting better, I'm happy with my signature making currently and yet I haven't made a signature in a while because I am content.

      Alright then Nubcakes <3 Got to love Dory. Throw all the fuel into the sun so it stops burning us ;-; It burns and I burn easily and I know humans can be quite flammable.

      Well, you can just nod on and perhaps try and disuade her from her ideas >:3 My Dad was doing that with Secret Smile the other day. I suppose it's not hard to guess what will happen in some of the episodes but I'm glad she's enjoying it- that is the main thing.
      Rabbit turds aren't my thing silly :lolface: You were the one that had to draw them all. Well, I'll just have to brutually knock you out then >:3 it's the only way.

      Yeah, best way to learn. I've been really wanting to do some drawing recently and I really need to because I miss it and I just don't do it enough.

      D: B-b-but, it was epic! Also, lol, I put Herlock Holmes xD FAIL! Well at least she liked the first film?

      Yeah, it will always be hard to ignore the bullies with a smile but hopefully it'll come with time or just any act that shows that they don't control you. It's not weird at all, when I was younger I made up in my mind that I could turn into this Egyptian werewolf thing thing (like this: [/spoiler]) and I would imagine beating up the people who hurt me. It was a great destresser and then I gave the character a background and made him more real and imagined his life (which was also mine) as I lived mine. I kept him alive for about 5 years until I decided to let his story rest but he is still an important character in my head- he is 'my childhood protector'. You definitely haven't lived if you haven't gone through loads of crud, it also means you can't truly enjoy happiness eithe ras happiness is just the norm it won't be a high feeling.

      I don't know hoe long this took me but it's 9:00 now xD
    10. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
      Hey Gato...

      Meet IronCHEF ;3
    11. Machazo
    12. Llave
      Message for you in the Postbox!
    13. Daxa~
      I want.
      So much. All of them. Narggghh.
    14. Cloud.Strife.
      Ienzo! IENZO! Ieeennnnzzzoooo! Ienz-
      Hai ^-^
    15. Ienzo
      Oh yes, I knew Mark Gatiss before Doctor Who xD I grew up with him as a writer of "League of Gentlemen" possibly the weirdest program ever. When I heard he was in DW I was like L;KNHGSLKJNHHDFKUJNAS I LOVE HIM! If Moffat ever were to leave then I hope Gatiss would take over him as head writer ;-; It's an honour to share his birthday. Also, Matt Smith's birthday is 28th October, so while Mr Tennant's has the same birthday as you Matt almost shares the same birthday ^^ I know ,rivetting stuff.

      Now I shall spend the next 30 minutes replying to your long VM, it is now 14:49pm....

      Nine bumfsand? THIS IS MADNESS! *asplodes* That is true, my sister, who is in the middle of an art degree at Uni, says that it's very common for artists to despise all their work which I was quite shocked at but now I understand >.< It reminds me of Vincent and The Doctor.

      Yes, you did push through a lot of turdiness for me and I thank oyu gravely. That is true- but perhaps with any asploded person you could make a jigsaw to give to young children when they are visiting so they don't get bored ::L: There! What to do with an asploded staff/or non-staff member! BURN WITH ME! NOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOMNOM!

      Oh yes, I can understand that, it's normally my Mum making silly remarks about whatever is going on. Yesterday, I was watchnig Secret Smile with my Dad and it was very serious and he was just lowering the tone completely :B|:
      Then it'll have to be myxomatosis... prepare to EAT ALL THE MYXOMATOSIS INFECTED RABBIT TURDS!

      Ahh yes, well you definitely cannot draw perfectly from just being told to do so xD Proportions are very important and I loved doing them when I had art all that time ago... but it also comes with just observing and then learning what looks right and what doesn't.

      Fair enough, I can see what you mean but it's always impossible to make a sequel to something that was so good to begin with. Very few succeed- but hey, Herlock Holmes 2 :D that did.

      That is completely true, no one can force anyone to wear make up and it isn't always an improvement. I have been thinking about this since the last VM and I realised that the reason I wear make up is to make myself feel beautiful which hopefully then shows O.o but it is up to the person really, some people look so much better without it and you are one of them I think. If someone is forced to put make up on then it's not right because it could make them miserable which would then show through so there is absolutely no point forcing someone into it. How one feels at any given moment really does show through, be it happy, sad or whatever. Not everyone is able to recognise it which is just sad and personally they should just be ignored. I won't say "It doesn't matter what other people think" because for some people it really does and I just wish it didn't. When people try to fit everyone into their own mould of what they think people should be then that distorts their personalities and they will basically always disappoint the person. They may have to put other people down about what makes them stand out just to make themselves feel better or they just want to appear cool to everyone else and I wish more people saw how uncool that putting down is and yet it doesn't happen. It is hard to respect others especially when they treat you like crap but if you do respect them then you are better than them, you don't have to retaliate but you can pity them- those people who will one day live to regret what they have done to you, you may never experience or see how badly they are affected but that doesn't matter- sometimes it's better that way. Yeah, just stay out of their way as best as you can, or when they try to put you down just don't say anything, just smile at them and shrug and walk off- it'll hopefulyl leave them confused and have less power over you. I have found how much we, as humans, sulk and are sad and I find it hard to understand when being sad is sooooo suckish. We can't just smile though and everythnig made better, we have to have something to cheer us up- I normally use DW or comedy or something along those lines- it'll never fail to make me smile. Optimism is a good thing and always will be but with it you have to learn how to get back up again when you fall over (virtually speaking). Also, somethnig that does help is when you do feel upset it's normally the thoughts that drag me down, I keep thinking over what happened and each time it's made worse in my head and I start feelnig horrible and anxious and guilty about whatever it is- so, I have been trying to stop these thoughts dead and begin thinking more positively, like if I am feeling insecure about myself I stop my thoughts and think of what IS good- what are my good qualities and no one can say they don't have any (anyone who does just needs to experiment more with things because not everyone is great at school and that is the primary place for learning about talents etc.).
      It always is, a kind word can never be out of place unless the person it's directed at interprets it wrongly. So I try to take every opportunity to do so and not just say anything because that would be meaningless, but real things that I think are true. :3

      Any good DW music will be very welcomed indeed. I still need Misty to give me the recording though, she'll get around to it at some stage.

      ANNNNNNNNNND 15:18pm now... Almost half an hour hehe... am I just slow? xD
    16. Amaury
      For the sake of any potential curiosity you have, these are formats I've used:
      Format 1 (8/28/2011 - 9/24/2011)
      Format 2 (9/25/2011 - 10/2/2011)
      Format 3 (10/3/2011 - 10/6/2011)
      Format 4 (10/7/2011 - 12/20/2011)
      Format 5 (12/21/2011)
      Format 6 (12/22/2011 - 12/23/2011)
      Format 7 (12/24/2011 - 12/31/2011)
      Format 8 (1/1/2012 - 1/22/2012)
      Format 9 (1/23/2012 - 5/6/2012)
      Format 10 (5/7/2012 - Present)

      Format 1: I later changed Also on This Day to Other Stories and then changed that to Other Stories from [date] (which later just went back to Other Stories and stayed that way), but I didn't feel it worth posting a link to it above since it wasn't really a format update. On 9/13/2011, I changed it a bit and put The lead story. On 9/18/2011 and 9/20/2011, it was Today's lead story is. On 9/21/2011, it was Today's lead story.
      Format 2: On 9/26/2011 and 9/27/2011, I re-added the Today's lead story thingy.
      Format 5: Nothing major. I just stopped using the hyphens I was using for the lists in Other Stories and started using the list BB code for Other Stories.
      Format 8: Removed the underlines from the Other Stories. Also, that first post was merged into December 31st's so scroll down a bit to see January 1st.
      Format 10: Current format. Added retractable spoiler tags.

      Regarding the dates in the parentheses, please note that I obviously didn't get all of those days, since Llave also does this, and he especially got the history most of the time in the beginning, those were just the durations / time spans of the format I was using then. For example, even though Llave got May 7th, I still have it as May 7th - Present.

      Also, this is still from format 4, but I noticed you found November 6th amusing from your reply to that, so here.
    17. Amaury
      To most people, it would be, but I don't mind.

      I'm actually thinking of doing the same here with my old posts in Llave's thread, although I will have more to do, since Llave started his thread here on 8/25/2011, while I started mine over there on 11/15/2011.
    18. Amaury
      Oh, and I'm also adding spoiler tags to the Other Stories part now that we have them.

      I actually started this back on May 6th and got all of November that same day, but I never got back to it. On June 25th, I started again and got all of December. Now I'm getting January. Not sure how far I'll go yet.

      November through December 21st took the longest because of the very outdated format -- for a lot of those, I had to completely erase everything (except the header of the history date), re-paste everything, and go through and format everything. It took about 5 to 10 minutes each.

      December 22nd through January 22nd are easy, and for January 23rd through May 6th, all I have to do is add spoiler tags. We got the spoiler tags either the night of May 6th, after I had already posted that day's history, though, so I don't have to do May 7th and up. *phew*

      December 22nd through December 31st only took me about 5 minutes, while what I started today is only taking me about 2-3 minutes.

      I recently just got done with January 11th, also.
    19. Amaury
      Not too much here, either.

      I'm just listening to Basshunter, listening to the TV, browsing other forums, and working on KH-MF (I'm updating all of my old This Day in History posts to the new format I started putting the posts in on January 23rd).
    20. Amaury
      Ah, okay. Understandable.

      How's your day going?
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  • About

    Apr 18, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Film Student
    Past Usernames:
    Cat<3 Sora / ЅкyCɑт / Skitty / €atastrophe / Doctor Who? / Christmas Cat / Tony Stark / iCat / Princess Yue / Chipster the Cat / lawlCat / ɪenzo / Cat~ / Terrible Ten-inch / Naoto Shirogane / Dean Winchester / Oswin Oswald / Ten / Yui / Damon Salvatore / BARRY... / Doctor / Koki Kariya / Nui Harime / NubCat / anelg / Crowley / Mega Man / Arch Hates Dean / ShibuyaGato
    Default Name:
    I share a birthday with David Tennant. This is all you need to know~

    Interests? Why yes, I have many.
    CatxKT 5ev-shot-

    "I'd want Sherlock to be canceled." ~Ienzo
    "Majestic fat flaps." ~Ienzo
    "I will accept anything right now... I was under sleep-deprivation." ~Ienzo
    "Yeah! Get muscly man legs" - Ienzo



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      Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd)|2017
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