Scarred Nobody
Last Activity:
Jul 11, 2020
May 14, 2007
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Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:

Scarred Nobody

Where is the justice?, Male, 32


cardiomyopathy Dec 18, 2016

Scarred Nobody was last seen:
Jul 11, 2020
    1. lightbeliver3
      hey do you know how to make post's?
    2. lightbeliver3
      Hey what's up
    3. Leblonk
      umm. This is random, but how do you do that repeating video thing in your signiture? I've seen it, and i'd kinda like to try it!
    4. Fearless
      How many boxes of bullets do you wanna buy?
    5. strfruit
      Oh noez :/ sorry to hear that! Hope you are able to soon! ^^

      Deadman Wonderland.....haven't seen that one. Will have to check it out :D

      :O You didn't like Black Butler! -faints- XD Just Kidding....we all have our likes and dislikes haha!

      I have heard of Cat Planet Cuties....Currently watching D. Gray-man....I am very pleased with it so far ^^

      Arkham City was a good game! I may look into buying Lollipop Chainsaw....quite interesting XD! I heard that Act of Valor wasn't a very good movie :/ My little brother went with some friends to see it and they all disliked it. I liked Rango. Went to see it in theaters.

      Haha...wall text is fine with me XD!
      I am doing quite well! Thanks for asking!
    6. strfruit
      XD that accomplished feel hehe

      Oh noez! derp computer >.< Hope that it wasn't broken! Have you gotten it fixed? I love my HP but the fan design was terrible. Doesn't cool it enough even while sitting on a flat surface so it overheats a lot which isn't good v.v Sounds like an airplane most of the time....uhg

      I still have yet to get to watch Toonami....things have been a little crazy lately. Thus is why it has taken me so long to reply. :/ I'm sorry.
      Though, I watched the anime Black Butler on my laptop headed home from college.....I believe I may have just found another favorite anime series ^^ read the manga as well. Love both. :P

      Hope you have been well! :)
    7. strfruit
      Haha default theater seating! :P

      Very nice! That would be a lot better than having to buy them all.

      Wow! That's a pretty big final! Some time to relax is nice. I finally finished my big sketchbook assignment and got it turned in. So I have had a little time to relax and actually get some sleep! haha!
      I know!! Toonami! It's really nice that they are bringing it back! I watched that all the time when I was younger. ^^
    8. strfruit
      Ah yes! The enabling of the "propping your feet up on a theater chair" XD That it always nice to do lol!

      It does help save money, which is great nowadays! :D

      Sorry for the late work piled up on me >.<
    9. Terra254
      I'm sure both me and Tummy can agree she is a lovey person.
      Her name is spelled like that, right?
    10. strfruit
      Of course!! XD I think the most I have been to see a movie more than once was when Harry Potter 4 came out....went to see it 7 times :O was crazy! But I enjoyed every moment XD

      That is definitely a good benefit! No!
    11. strfruit
      lol! No worries....just your intelligence of the movie showing XD

      Aw....well that stinks....v.v
    12. strfruit
      Lol! That is true! Love seeing other's reactions.....funny at times XD

      The costumes look great!
      XD When she had to cut his head off...I lol'd :P it is very funny! woah! worse! oh my! however....a must see...well..hear..haha!
    13. strfruit
      Me too! Can't wait until they come out! Sooooonnnn!!!! XD
      :P I love to go see movies twice when they are good. Definitely worth another movie ticket haha!

      O.O That.....was awesome! XD Pretty funny and looks!
      Gotta love the boyfriend head! And it was pretty weird Tara saying some of that! Wowz!!
    14. strfruit
      That is wonderful! ^^ Glad you are able to go on a date. Those two movies would be perfect!! haha!

      Oh I love Tara Strong!!! She is amazing!! XD I will have to check out the trailer then :P
    15. strfruit
      Schedule conflicts! >.< Always get in the way! Even something small like going out to eat and watching a movie with popcorn would be a nice thing for her. I am sure she will love whatever you do ^^

      Oh my, cheer leading zombie killer! :O haha! Sounds quite interesting! :P
    16. strfruit
      Yeah it does! v.v

      Aw...:/ Well you could always do something really special for her to make up for it. I think she will understand your situation. ^^

      Lollipop Chainsaw....hmm...I haven't heard of that one. Dumb + Fun......o.O lol = interesting XD
    17. strfruit
      Oh noez! :/ Wish you the best to turning it all back in.....reminds me of the time my teacher lost my essays v.v Had to retype them both. >< Was very upset.....:S

      I am doing quite well. I am finally getting a small break away from the work load. It's nice...I miss being able to play a video game and having some free time XD
      Thanks for asking! ^^
      And yourself?

      (sorry, vanished from khv for a few mins lol)
    18. strfruit
      That is good and I know what you mean v.v I have been loaded with time to even take a small break....I am dead tired >.< Hope your work is coming along well :)

      No worries.....take your time, no rush for a reply ^^
    19. strfruit
      Oh yes...that's when you really have to be there early haha

      How is your idea coming along? ^^
    20. strfruit
      Oh yes! The movie zone seat XD! My mom is pretty good at getting to the theater at a decent time, but when we bring along my little bro, we always get there a little late....I seat T.T lol!

      To release one once a month is a nice idea. It gives a nice little space in between each book. Thus, the reader will have more time to read and will be anxious for the next release! haha
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  • About

    Aug 20, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    V@nit@s, Creature, Tummer, SPACESHIP, Sweeney Tummer


    I write poems | I also tumblr | twitter: @joseluissolo

    "It's all a circus. A three ring circus.This trial... the whole world... it's all... show business. But Kid.... You are working with a star."

    "Children instantly accept joy and happiness with quick familiarity, being happy and joyful by nature."
    - Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

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