I'll ask Misty, then. Thanks. I guess Super Moderators can only assign, just not receive requests, lol.
Thank you. Feel free to post there if you have anything to add. If you're interested, the typo was twisted. I had twsited. Also, I'm visible again. :3
Never mind. I asked Chev since you were being all "I'm going to be online all this time, but not reply to Amaury". =P =P
So I hurt my ankle on Saturday. I was jumping around like I do sometimes because it's my way of getting exercise, and I stepped wrong and fell down and landed on my left ankle, and I think I twisted it, because I had to get my mom to help me up. I've been one of those roll-up bandages for the past three days, today being the third day. If I move just right, it hurts.
Plums, I hate you! Not too bad. I've been invisible since the "fiasco" today started; I'll probably disable it later tonight. I just wanted some privacy after that.
Ah, don't worry. I wasn't planning on turning it into a big discussion, I just wanted to see what you thought of my paragraphs. :smile: How are you, snookums? :3
Well, posting obscene porn is certainly a surefire way to get the permanent banhammer. All this over a thread comment, too. I mean, look at me. I won the Last User to Post game, and my victory was tainted and stolen from me and I'm being disrespected, but you don't see me doing things like that. I may let those things somewhat get to me, but I eventually get over them and move on. Additionally, I act mature when things like that happen instead of getting myself intentionally banned. If it bothered him that much, he could have simply taken a break for however long, but he instead chose to post porn and get himself permanently banned. Sorry for the somewhat rant here, but I never see the point in going around posting obscene things to get a ban.