Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. burnitup
      Yeah, I really don't get it. :\
      Eh, whatever. I'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

      Yeah well, Chaos wouldn't sing either. Like at all. In fact never. Unless you are a Slaanesh worshiper but even then...
    2. burnitup
      Kay. So what's this I hear about "perfect worlds" in the CC.

      It isn't too hard. Just take an existing song and change the words to being related to the person(s) singing it.
    3. burnitup
      Chaos: We do what we want!
      Dude. If you do it you'll be immortalized as the most awesome.


      My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical campaign of my illustrious career. A crusade to top all crusades, a crusade that will live in infamy!

      Soon we will invade the world which skies we were defeated over again. And, with the enthusiastic help of our good friends in other Chaos Warbands, it promises to be a night they will never forget. Their last night, and my first, as supreme Warmaster of the Materium!

      From the brain that brought you the Black Crusades
      The head that made headlines on every dataslate
      And wondrous things like the Gunmetal Job
      That cunning display that made all Imperium sob

      Now comes the real tour de force
      Tricky and wicked, of course!
      My earlier wars were fine for their times
      But now that I’m at it again
      An even grimmer plot has been simmering In my great Chaos lord brain

      Even meaner?
      You mean it?
      Worse than the loyalists and orphans you killed?
      You’re the best of the worst around!
      Oh Abaddon! Oh Abaddon!
      The rest fall behind
      To Abaddon! To Abaddon!
      Chaos greatest Chaos lord mind!

      (speaking) Thank you, thank you. But it hasn’t all been Amasec and Caviar. I’ve had my share of adversity, thanks to that miserable second-rate general, Creed of Cadia! For years, that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans. I haven’t had a moment’s peace of mind. But now, all that’s in the past! This time, nothing, not even Creed can stand in my way! All will bow before me!

      Oh Abaddon! Oh Abaddon!
      You’re tops and that’s that
      To Abaddon! To Abaddon!

      To Ratigan, the sector's greatest failure.

      What was THAT?! WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!

      [Chaos Space Marine 1]
      Oh, he didn't mean it my lord.

      [Chaos Space Marine 2]
      I-it was just a slip of one of his tongues!

      I am NOT A FAILURE!

      [Chaos Space Marine 3]
      'Course you're not, you're success!

      [Chaos Space Marine 4]
      Yeah, that's right, a success!

      [Chaos Space Marine 5]
      A really big success!

      SILENCE!! Oh my dear Bartimus, I'm afraid that you've gone and upset know what happens when someone upsets me... I trust there will be no further interruptions. And now, as you were singing...?

      Even louder! WE'LL SHOUT IT!
      No one can doubt what we know you can do
      You’re more evil than even you
      Oh Abaddon! Oh Abaddon!
      You’re one of a kind
      To Abaddon! To Abaddon!
      Chaos' greatest Chaos lord miiiiiiiiiiiind!
    4. burnitup
      True, but that is only one idea so far. Might find a better place to put it in a later as the RP continues.

      Also, for some reason I feel like the Forces of Chaos should have another musical number. Is that weird?
    5. burnitup
      Yeah, you're right. Seems like a good epilogue song though.
    6. burnitup
      Still trying to figure that out. :\
    7. burnitup
      Ah, got it.

      Okay then. Also, I'm thinking of using this at some point in the RP.
    8. burnitup
      I can see how you got Cthugha confused with Cthulhu.

      Anyway, do we have a theme song for the World Arc?
    9. burnitup
      Well I just looked it up and... well... Cthulhu in that has green hair. And large breasts.
    10. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Hey DT, caption this picture:
    11. burnitup
      Hmm, I'll have to think on this.

      Oh. Different Nyarlohotep then. Still might reserve the Big C's boss, who probably wouldn't like Caius screwing with time.

      edit: Also, I'm assuming those pics were from Nyarko-san, correct?
    12. burnitup

      ****, someone's got Gnarly? Hmm, change of plans then. Guess I'll have to think about reserving Cthulhu's boss then...
    13. burnitup
      Hmm, I see.

      Oh? Didn't know that. Well! I guess the next arc could work off of that. Though if I end up writing it, expect a lot of Eldritch Abominations to come and ruin everyone's ****. :D
    14. Lite
      Uh huh...I'll use them both. Very well done. *Gives "Well Done" cookie*
    15. Lite
      I like the World Arc one quite a bit, but...Wut up wit Scar?
    16. burnitup

      You know what? The whole next arc should be based on time considering we have people who can stop/travel through time.
    17. burnitup

      Yes. Do it. And we need him in the fight against Dio.
    18. Lite
      Alrighty, cool.
    19. Lite
      I meant me, but you can make one if you want. You'd probably do a better job anyway.
    20. burnitup
      Grail-kun: Fufufufufufufu... *shiny evil eyes*
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