Last Activity:
Mar 3, 2023
Mar 4, 2007
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3:54 PM
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Jun 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Awesome Town
Captain of the Intergalactic House of Pancakes


Still the Best 1973, Male, 31, from Awesome Town


I do now :v Aug 16, 2021

burnitup was last seen:
Mar 3, 2023
    1. Pinekaboo
      Caius Ballad, Lightning's archnemesis. He can use the powers of chaos to stop time.

      This arc already is.
    2. Pinekaboo
      Kiritsugu and Homura teaming up against Dio and Caius?
    3. Pinekaboo
      Oh god. Laughing so hard.

      Also, this will be done some time later:

      I am the bone of my bullet
      Severing is my body and binding is my blood
      I have created bullets from my ashes
      Unknown to mercy
      nor known to hope
      I have stopped even time to win my battles
      yet, these hands will never save anyone
      And so, as I pray
      Innate Time Control!
    4. Pinekaboo
      *Mephisto eats a cupcake, cuts his mouth on the kitchen knife hidden inside*
    5. Pinekaboo
    6. Pinekaboo
      Meanwhile Mephisto Pheles makes everyone wear silly hats and supplies the food. Pleinair is also an honourary member, because Pleinair is an honourary member of everything.
    7. Pinekaboo
      That could work. I may have a joke villain to join them. Or a genuine villain who just happens to love being flambouyant and silly about things too.

      I suppose so. Basically just told it all though.
    8. Pinekaboo
      Oh god I love your Skeletor already please bring him in soon.

      To be fair, I spent about a whole year focusing on my writing ability on account that I was labeled dyslexic. I refused to have it be a problem, so I basically said "screw it" to everything else and focused solely on writing and spelling to the point where now I'm one of the best writers I know. I'm nowhere near professional level, of course, but determination gets you somewhere.
      I've never been that determined again, of course. Now I'm lazy.
    9. Pinekaboo
      ...is that how you're playing Skeletor? I adore it, so much. That's amazing.

      Eh, everyone could improve, especially me. Me, I'm too impatient when it comes to writing.
    10. Pinekaboo
      Actually, embarrassing as it is to admit it, he did post a sheet about two weeks or so ago, but hasn't posted since on account of being busy.
      No, you really aren't. You punctuate correctly, your posts are a decent length, and I've never had trouble understanding them. Frankly I regard you as a rather good writer.
    11. Pinekaboo
      I have done. First thing I did. I've been ignored thus far.
      And yeah, I ignore the terrible writers too. Thankfully there's only two of them, one of them being adamboy7.
    12. Pinekaboo
      Enraged. adamboy7 started posting in Cove without saying a thing to us in the Sign-up thread, despite it saying clearly in the first post what's expected of new joiners, and on top of that Sora's Apprentice is responding to him as though it's not a problem at all.
    13. Pinekaboo
      Hm... I dunno. It doesn't seem to fit halfway through a battle.
    14. Pinekaboo
    15. Pinekaboo
      I love it. We must do it.
    16. Pinekaboo
      Yeah, and even once my first (a villain) dies, I'm not sure I would anyway. Ah well, we'll see.
    17. Pinekaboo
      Nor do I, but not my choice.
    18. Pinekaboo
      Just because he's a religious figure I believe. Although, quite why that applies to a raptor version, I have no idea.
    19. Pinekaboo
      I completely agree. I see no reason not to be allowed a genuine Raptor Jesus and a joke character based on Hitler, which is clearly going to die early on anyway, since it's cleary a Monster of the Week. Ah well.
    20. Pinekaboo
      So long as you call him something different, you'd be free to have Starfish Hitler.