Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. adamboy7
      lol True. But while talking to my teachers and friends, I usually use them within 7 words when I talk about tech XD I felt so bad for my guidance councilor XD And I completely lost Sora's apprentice when i told him what I was doing XD
    2. adamboy7
      Awesomeness :D I like the ninja bit lol. Yuffi would be jealous lol. I did take some pictures, but none really awesome. It was for classwork. Currently I am doing a claymation-ish thing lol. My origional plan was to do a kindom hearts/anime theme, but then I got a partner in the project and it kinda went down the drain lol.

      I have been working on computer projects as usual. Oh, and I found out that I have a growing talent for being the only one who understands a word I say XD lol Its fun.
    3. adamboy7
      lol So, you do any awesome craftsmanship since we last spoke? Anything cool in teh jewelry department, any new photos, guitars? lol
    4. adamboy7
      lol Indeed. I took a look at my grades. To manage to fail I will have to get a -5% on my final exam in science XD Meaning technically I don't even have to show up XD I leaned back in my chair and started to do it, but stopped before I got too far into it that I would be sent out for psychiatric help XD
    5. adamboy7
      Kay, I will be here :) Oh, and I have the urge to do a Kira laugh XD I nearly did one in science class the other day :3
    6. adamboy7
      lol Indeed :) The 3DS is pretty cool, however its just an upgrade to the DSI. Like, DS games actually think the system is a DSI when you go into configuration. Still no gameboy slot, sadly T.T lol. I guess Nintendo has abandoned the gameboy system lol. Its still good anyways lol.
    7. Sora's Apprentice
    8. adamboy7
      Hmm.... I dunno lol. Lets see if it persists :3 I may get to see how deeply.... Off... my mind is XD Sounds like fun!

      And ah. Besides being more off my rocker than usual, I got a fancy new 3DS and the school year is ending lol. The only reason I got a 3DS was kh3d. XD Sad, I know lol.
    9. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Bacon is always worth it! xD
    10. adamboy7
      lol Sleep deprivation.... Probably doesn't help I sleep like, 5 hours a night XD Meh, summer vacation will probably straighten me out lol. Only a week and four exams till I am free as a bird lol.

      Glad to hear lol. Whatcha been busy with? Anything aaaaaaaaaawwwwwweeeeeeeesome? :3
    11. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      That has to suck
    12. adamboy7
      lol Yay! :glomp:
      And yep. Self diagnosed psychosis.

      "Psychosis is a loss of contact with reality that usually includes:

      False beliefs about what is taking place or who one is (delusions)
      Seeing or hearing things that aren't there (hallucinations)"

      All damn week, I have been seeing and hearing things lol. Like seriously, I keep hearing people call my name, I have been seeing glimpses of things that aren't there like the other day was waaay creepy lol. (I saw what appeared to be a glowing woman dressed in all white in a hallway at my house. I looked up and she/it was gone XD I only got a glimpse of her legs and dress)

      So, by definition I seem to be losing a grip on reality and am seeing and hearing things XD So, how the hell are you? XD lol
    13. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Working on a movie with adam
    14. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Hey Tifa, what up?
    15. adamboy7
      I know you cant respond easily, but I will bother you anyways XD Guess what! I have self diagnosed psychosis!:D
    16. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Thats wierd. It might be ur browser
    17. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      i did at first to but then i changed my layout to khv 5.0
    18. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Hey, havent seen u on in a while :)
    19. adamboy7
      Quite alright, I understand :) And odd. Have you tried logging on from alternate locations? A different internet connection? I dunno, maybe your account got "All kerscuflled" when the update happened? (Rhetorical questions by the way lol. Thinking out loud, as per usual)
    20. adamboy7
      So, any luck with bugs? Its been awhile lol. My main suggestion is to try another browser. I see different things on chrome than Internet Explorer, for example :)