Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      What course you wanna go on for the first race???
    2. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      YAY! Lol. I cant wait to race you (And deadboy7 is gettin a 3DS to race).
    3. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Well I guess i should be in love with it already because i LOVED MKDS.
    4. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      As am I. (Well the DS series anyway)
    5. Pinekaboo
      A duo, you say? That could work actually. Sakura idolises Ryu, Evil Sakura idolises Evil Ryu. Fitting with the evil part, she could plot to surpass and probably kill him because of that idolisation.
    6. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
    7. Pinekaboo
      Indeed. You should've checked it first.

      I know, right? So using that in the cove.
    8. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Until then. What you up 2?
    9. Pinekaboo
      Laziness no be escuse.

      No, just Sakura. Because schoolgirls.
      Also, look what I just found.
    10. Pinekaboo
      Hadou, Hadouken, something like that.

      y u lie to meh, bro?
      Listening to Sakura's theme song. It's awesome.
    11. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      KK i will save that for tomarrow :)
    12. Sora's Apprentice
    13. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Bro??? Deadpool???
    14. Pinekaboo
      Hm... what about naming them after the Hadouken?


      Street Fighter X Tekken
      Sakura and Blanka hear the news about Pandora located in the South Pole. A few months pass, leaving Sakura and Blanka to wonder where Dan has gone ever since he left and never came back, so Sakura and Blanka head out to the South Pole to find Dan and check out the Pandora Box.
      Continuing their journey to the South Pole, Sakura and Blanka run into to Lars and Alisa thinking that Lars is a TV Star known as Red Warrior Bakori Man, to which Blanka agrees. After Lars gets confused as to who Red Warrior Bakori Man is, Alisa explains to him, after which Sakura and Blanka challenge them to a fight.
      After defeating Ogre, Sakura and Blanka feel excited, as they got to fight many fighters searching for Pandora. Soon, they remember that Dan is missing, so Sakura calls out his name. Afterwards, Pandora Box opens, prompting them to check inside. Looking inside, they find Dan freezing and beaten up, prompting Sakura and Blanka help Dan out of the box.
      Dan isn't dead.
    15. Sora's Apprentice
    16. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Im getting MK7 and Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D with it! I cant wait to race you! Also, i may be getting more xD I have some friends bidding for my old systems xD
    17. Pinekaboo
      It's okay, but you shouldn't leave me so bored. ;_;

      Okay, that's confirmed then.
      Different team name. What was Ryu and Ken's style called again? Only, the other two based theirs on it, so it should be named after that, I think.
      Asura teams up with my Gilgamesh. Team Arms. :lolface:
    18. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Good. Tomarrow i get my 3DS! Im so exited!
    19. Pinekaboo
      So, idea time. Thinking Dante/Vergil/Nero team-up for the Tournament. Team name: The Sons of Sparda.
    20. Pinekaboo
      I am bored. Very bored.
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  • About

    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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