Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2014
Dec 21, 2011
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Stourbridge, England
College Student


Gummi Ship Junkie, Male, from Stourbridge, England

Aragorns was last seen:
Dec 13, 2014
    1. SmashFan127
      Hello...I cannot help but notice that Legato (my character) is being ignored in the bank in Crossover Cove.
    2. Lite
      Whaddaya know, I inadvertently made a Mass Effect reference. I lol at this.
    3. Lite
      Ah, yes 'Defenders of Azeroth'. One of the better tracks from World of Warcraft. I actually own the Cataclysm soundtrack since I bought the Cataclysm Collectors Edition. 'Tis a good set of music if I do say so myself.
    4. Lite
      Yeah, it can be. No problem though, it's a mistake that I made once.
      I could go with Cairne...Though I'd just have to look up some more of his backstory and abilities. Shouldn't be that hard.
    5. Lite
      First off: DT's a guy I believe.
      Secondly: Yeah, if it doesn't work out I'll probably go with a lore character. Maybe Baine Bloodhoof as I like the Tauren.
    6. Lite
      Well, if DT allows me to have two more OC's next arc (Which I doubt. Fairness and all that), I could play the Blood Elf Death Knight named Amorianis that I just made a couple days ago in WoW. You're playing the Lich King or someone under him, correct?
    7. Lite
      Oh, okay. I asked because I was gonna have my Doctor, along with M, come down to the beach party. He would be seen with your Doctor, and everyone else would be confused as to why there were two seeing as nobody else besides your Doctor and Zexion have actually seen my Doctor before. But that can still happen if someone asks mine who he is. Thanks anyway, though.
    8. Lite
      Quick question: Is your Doctor still at the beach party?
    9. Lite
      ...Okay then.
    10. Pinekaboo
      Ah, that's okay then.
      Pretty much whatever you feel like saying they did.
    11. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      O_o I don't know if I should be glad I'm playing both Serah and Snow or not.
    12. Pinekaboo
      Yeah, the 3 month timeskip isn't just yet, since Krown wanted a little bit of time at the beach, and I wanted to introduce Kurumu and Yukari properly, which I haven't had time to yet.
      Of course, I could just skip his part and do the timeskip anyway...
    13. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Yeah....... When it comes to Serah and Noel in XIII-2, he's not the jealous type. And I can only guess that his relationship with Hope will get better after he's saved.
    14. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Yup, the poor guy.
    15. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Nope, you can't.
    16. Princess Rapunzel
    17. Pinekaboo
      I do hate people that start something only to walk away from it like that.

      That's very true, but normally I don't think he'd beat a Reaper. He just will now.
    18. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      I think Hope's mad enough by Vanille being with Lockon, which she is going to correct in the second arc.
    19. Pinekaboo
      First off: we know it's not canon, because it's been said by the creators that Hope didn't have romantic feelings for Vanille. It's not an argument, I wasn't even imply that it was, don't over-react.
      Secondly: Meh. I still don't think it's gonna happen.
      Third: it's not your RP, you'd have no say in it if somebody wanted to take a seperate version of a character you have. And each Saber is actually a completely different person that is an alternate universe counterpart to one another, and just share a title of Saber. It's not their name. And you'd have no say in that either.
      Last up though, cool, and I'm perfectly fine with him actually being a badass and taking it down too.
    20. Pinekaboo
      I've actually just had two thoughts.
      First up, what if Hope and Older Hope (both would be yours) were seperate? As in, older would be from a different timeline or something, where he never really had feelings for Vanille (aka: canon). That way you could actually do both.
      Of course, that leaves Darelen high and dry, but that's likely to happen anyway. :lolface:

      Second idea is: this scene

      After he goes back to normal... but with him vs a Reaper Destroyer.