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Mar 3, 2023
Mar 4, 2007
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Jun 8, 1993 (Age: 31)
Awesome Town
Captain of the Intergalactic House of Pancakes


Still the Best 1973, Male, 31, from Awesome Town


I do now :v Aug 16, 2021

burnitup was last seen:
Mar 3, 2023
    1. Pinekaboo
      Alrighty. What I'll do is right out what would be on the first page, as well as something seperate that's for us, covering the entire basic premise of the plot, from start to finish. The rest would be filled in by what happens throughout the RP itself.
    2. Pinekaboo
      I like the sound of it then.
    3. Pinekaboo
      Probably exactly what it sounds like; people that fought primarily for a form of vengeance in life. They'd be a wild card class, in that they can have multiple types of weapons (like ranged and melee, I mean), but have generally weaker stats.

      It could be that the Grail 'eats' the dead. Maybe it's trying to create itself a living host, but since no mage would be strong enough alone, it's taking ALL OF THEM. That would also explain why so many Masters/Servants would be brought into this war.
    4. Pinekaboo
      In terms of 'gameplay'? I don't really know. We could include the Avenger class, at a push, but I dunno about that.

      Plot-wise, I think we know where we're going with it so far. People are invited from across the world to take part in the Holy Grail War, where they have to summon their Servants and fight against each other. The dead are sent inside the Holy Grail itself, where they could easily figure out it's corrupted, and start putting together an idea to either cleanse or destroy it. If there's a disagreement over which to do, they could fight over it yet again, with the results either being the Holy Grail being empowered by the chaos inside itself, or weakened.
    5. Pinekaboo
      Actually, sure, that works. I still like the idea of somebody dying before getting a Servant. I'll play that role if I need to.

      I like that. So they could have a specialisationg seperate to magecraft, like swords or something. Still weaker than most Servants, but enough to let them survive.
    6. Pinekaboo
      That sounds great actually. Although maybe one Master (possibly an extra one played by you or I) would get over-confident there and get butchered. This could be before the actual Masters are decided, since all potential Masters would be invited. Some of them would have to die early.

      It's basically a way of not kicking people out the RP once their character is dead. Likewise we can have some strong Magi go fairly far without a Servant at all, which allows for more than just the standard 14 characters.
    7. Pinekaboo
      That works. They'd work like extremely low-level servants, based off of crappy monsters from myths etc. Random Knights that were knighted proplerly but never did anything particularly famous.

      About that; what if, when killed, some of them are brought somewhere else entirely. Perhaps a dream world inside the Holy Grail itself, something like that. They'd be dead, but still playable until the end or something. Blarg.
    8. Pinekaboo
      Possible cities, huh. Limited knowledge of Japan makes me think that rather than just have one place like the normal thing, we could emphasis how different it is by having invites sent all over the globe to potential Masters. They'd have to get to wherever the battles were going to be set, and survive alone against whatever the arbiter of the war threw at them until the manage to summon their Servant, which is when the real thing would begin.
      Of course, since we don't want to just have it be "x person wins, RP over", we'd have to create something interesting for eliminated Servants and Masters to do between their defeat and the end. Some people can be Killed Off For Real, of course, but anyone who isn't could still take part somehow.
    9. Pinekaboo
      Alrighty. I assume it'll be an alternate reality to the actual Holy Grail Wars, right?
    10. Pinekaboo

      Ah, okay. Apparently Hrrunting was useless, and was replaced with a giant's sword given to him/her by God. In which case, that will be one of his strongest attacks, using that sword.
      Plot, I can definitely do.
    11. Pinekaboo
      The world will work differently to that, since regular time will have little meaning. Time can still be stopped though. Also, he'd still be stronger at night.

      I don't think it broke, but either way. Hrrunting failed in general until Grendel's mother exploded from a slash. Yes, I'd help you out, no problem.
    12. Pinekaboo

      One of them did. I forget which. S/he had three swords in the story though, the one s/he came with, Hrrunting, and Naegling. But either way, only two hands so that don't matter much.
    13. Pinekaboo
      To everyone else, they'll be teleport spamming. It'll be amazing.

      No worries, Beowulf is a legend I'm very familiar with. One of his/her swords is used by EMIYA already actually, but it was Beowulf's first.
    14. Pinekaboo
      Yes she is. She loses that fight, but against somebody like Dio she'd be more useful.

      Hmkay, I'll make sure to keep him/her balanced, but Sabers do tend to be stronger than the other servants. I may have a weaker master or something. Not Shirou level weak, but average or something.
    15. Pinekaboo
      Alrighty. Meanwhile, this is what Homura is capable of.

      Dunno yet. Possibly a custom since I already have ALL SABERS EVER in the cove. Thinking Beowulf.
    16. Pinekaboo
      Yep, it'll happen a fair while from now, I think. When Kyubey reveals something important is when she'll be coming in.

      Yes plz.
    17. Pinekaboo
      Yep. We have Droid's newest villain. It's for a limited time, but she can basically do it as long as she has sand on the top half of the hourglass in her shield, but using it all up means she'd have to find some time to replenish it.

      I would love if you made one. I dibs on a Saber, or if not, an Archer.
    18. Pinekaboo
      ...another Tim Curry? Hell yes that's okay with me. And yes, she can. She also hides a crapload of weapons inside a pocket dimension behind her shield, from machine guns to katanas to rocket launchers, and one time even a surface-to-air missile truck.

      Not a whole lot, just discussing cove stuff with people. You?
    19. Pinekaboo
      If you reserve Dio in the Cove, we can have an epic time-fight between him and Homura. It'll be amazing.

    20. Pinekaboo
      Many things. None of them I'm willing to go into.