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Apr 10, 2007
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Jul 22, 1990 (Age: 34)
Sector 7 Slums
A bartender you clearly don't want to mess with


Chaser, Male, 34, from Sector 7 Slums

StardustXtreme was last seen:
Apr 7, 2021
    1. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      But Kazari is like his first and longest partner, and he won't mind that, right?
    2. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      I've been thinking, would Maki like Kazari in the cove?
    3. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel

      Look at this, you guys. A example of one of my pages. When you're at the main page, go the Contribute tab, click on Create a Page, name the page you're creating, then you'll be taken to the edit page. The info box template is like this:

      |Box title =
      |Row 1 title =
      |Row 1 info =
      |Row 2 title =
      |Row 2 info =
      |Row 3 title =
      |Row 3 info =
      |Row 4 title =
      |Row 4 info =
      |Row 5 title =
      |Row 5 info =}}'''

      You need to input your characters' info in the info box, then put Biography like this: =='''Biography'''== which will create a section of your character's history. It's been done like this, you made the history of the series your character is from before the rp, then put ===Crossover Cove=== and ====Kingdom Arc====, which give you another section for your characters' role in the rp. You can put in =='''Trivia'''== about your character if you want to. The finished result will look like this: you go. OH, you need to be logged in to add pictures for the pages.
      This should help you with creating your characters' pages. The explanation I gave in the cove.
    4. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      I said if you wanted there to be music!!!!!!!!!! And I can help you create the wiki pages for your characters for the wiki.
    5. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      There can be if you want music to be there.
    6. Princess Rapunzel
    7. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Easy, there. U-D is defeated, now I would like to see Ankh in a suit, because next is the Joker's party for Princess Oerba Dia Vanille!
    8. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel

      Some of my favorite posts from the tumblr.
    9. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Click Contribue, go to 'Create a Page', enter the title of your page. When you reach the edit page, look at this example for my Illya page:

      |Box title = Illyasviel von Einzbern: The Berserker's Master
      |Row 1 title = Origin
      |Row 1 info = Fate Stay/Night
      |Row 2 title = Gender
      |Row 2 info = Female
      |Row 3 title = Age
      |Row 3 info = 8 (18)
      |Row 4 title = Status
      |Row 4 info = Master
      |Row 5 title = Played by
      |Row 5 info = Aerith G.| image = File:180px-Ilya.png}}''''''Illyasviel von Einzbern''''''' is one of the Masters who is partaking the Fifth Holy Grail war. She is a bright and cheerful young girl who just wants fun. Illya, as she is commonly known as, looks to Harry Potter and Ron Weasley as her 'big brothers' and sees Kisa as a little sister. Illya is the master of the murderous Servant, Berserker, aka Heracles.'''
      ===Fate Stay/Night (Before Crossover Cove)===
      Illya reached the city of Fukyuki to be a part of the Fifth Holy Grail War with her two maids and her Servant. Wandering around town, she met Shirou and warned him to summon his Servant soon. Later, she met him again, now that he had the Servant, Saber, whom she recongized due to the fact it was the same Servant who helped her father ten years previous. Despite her feelings of meeting Shirou, she immediately sent her Servant to attack them, and was surprised Shirou nearly scarificed himself to protect Saber.

      Over the following days, Illya tried to subdue Shirou in giving up his Command Seals, even gaining a unlikely friendship with him. She lived in a castle on the forest of the city and entered town to meet with Shirou, sometime after her Servant's defeat, she lived with Shirou.

      ===Crossover Cove===
      ====Kingdom Arc====
      Illya and her Servant, Berserker, appeared in New York City and soon met with Harry, Ron, and Kisa. Illya revealed her status as a Master to them as they could see her Servant, shortly after Kisa was revealed to be cursed. The group arrived at the Joker's bunker and began to prepare for Vanille's celebration, but soon went to the temple of SkyCity. After meeting Harry and Ron's friend, Hermione, Illya began to call her onee-chan because of her friendship to Harry and Ron.

      The moment Ali Al appeared, Illya ordered Berserker to help Hermione defeat him. The group was later taken to Castle Oblivion, then to Jail's ship, waiting for a moment to help.

      *Illya calls Harry, Ron, and Hermione, 'Harry onii-chan', 'Ron onii-chan', and 'Hermione onee-chan' instead of the normal onii-chan and onee-chan. This was done to avoid confusion when she calls Shirou 'onii-chan'.
      *Originally, Illya's dress for Vanille's party was to resemble the Dress of Heaven, which she wears in the Heaven's Feel route of Fate Stay/Night. But the dress was changed for personal reasons.
      [[File:180px-Illya_dress-of-heaven.png|thumb|The original design for Illya's dress.]]
      *As a unexplained joke, Illya's Servant, Berserker, hurts Harry for unknowns reasons, though Harry treats her like a little sister.

      This is what the edit page look like, filled with info.
    10. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      I'm a huge fan of animes. I'm definitely what you would call an Otaku.

      My favorite animes would have to be:

      1. Bleach & DragonBall Z
      2. Yugioh (All 4 Series)
      3. Naruto & Shippuden
      4. Zatch Bell
      5. Death Note
      6. Gurren Lagann
      7. Black Butler
      8. Soul Eater
      9. The Melancholy of Harhuhi Suzumiya
      10. Rosario + Vampire & Capu2

      I haven't seen Full Metal Alchemist yet but I wanna try it once I've caught up on Bleach.

      I know this is a pretty short list but that's only because I haven't seen very many animes. I have yet to see an anime that I didn't like. Oh Yes, and the reason why I put Bleach and DBZ together is because they're both my very favorite animes and I really don't know which I like better. And yeah I've lost interest in One Piece too. It just got boring to me.
    11. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      TwilightBlader got a page of Gilgamesh on the Wiki, and I added Illya. Maybe you can add some of your characters to the wiki.
    12. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Think you might use it sometime?

      Anyway I came here to say I see you're a Bleach fan. I love Bleach too. It's one of my very favorite animes.
    13. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
    14. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      :glomp: Pro, I posted some of your characters in the tumblr yesterday!
    15. Arch
      Can you edit your post in Slaves of Fate? Ryou wouldn't know about Hope being around. D8
    16. Princess Rapunzel
      Princess Rapunzel
      Now, I really want FFXIII-2, Mog has so many adorable forms! Just need to beat the remaining chapters of FFXIII. Also I can guess this graph will be accurate when KH3D comes out in Europe for you:
    17. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Dude! Look at this awesome card! Is this epic or what?

      It's not real but I just thought you'd like to see it and maybe use it sometime.
    18. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Yeah I think that would work.

      But for proper gameplay terms it needs to say "Dragon-Type Synchro Monster" not "Synchro Dragon"
    19. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Still kinda OPed since it would let you bring out a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon or a Five-Headed Dragon instantly.
    20. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      ohhh okay... i posted another one of my works! can u CnC please?
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  • About

    Jul 22, 1990 (Age: 34)
    Sector 7 Slums
    A bartender you clearly don't want to mess with
    Past Usernames:


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