Shinichi Izumi
Last Activity:
Mar 23, 2015
Jan 27, 2011
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4:29 AM
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Jul 2, 1997 (Age: 27)
The Place.

Shinichi Izumi

Totally Pink and stuff, 27, from The Place.


say yeah Oct 22, 2014

Shinichi Izumi was last seen:
Mar 23, 2015
    1. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Are you making me do everything for this podcast?! : p
      I'll try but I'll have to test the quality first.
    2. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      TIME CHANGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Um, I suppose so, it should be alright.

      Btw, added you on skype.
    3. Excasr
      Sure thing. That's okay.
    4. Iskandar
      so what, around 5-6pm your time? That's fine. I've got nothing going on. Just gives me more time to waste on the 360
    5. Glen
      Can't guarantee i'll be up at 8am. I'm very rarely up before 9am. I'll give it a try, but i can't make any promises.
    6. Glen
      Fine, 8am then.
    7. Iskandar
      hey just wondering, you do know that what you have planned for the podcast is 2 hours, when they only want it at a max of 45 minutes, right?
    8. Excasr
      Ok, got it. If some unforeseen happens I will let you know. Hopefully I'm quite sure that any unexpected will happen.
    9. Glen
      You're really expecting me to do a podcast at 4am with everyone asleep? I'D be too tired, my family would crack the shits and turn it off. I can do it between 9am and 10pm lol any time then i'll be fine with
    10. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      You're killing me with the constant changing of dates and times! : P
      Btw, Sabby said it was all good so the podcast goes ahead. So 6 - 8 pm my time then.
      I'll have to add you on Skype tomorrow.

      Oh and i'm not that bad, feeling a bit sick, but not bad. Yourself?
    11. Iskandar
      yeah I know, you're an hour ahead of me. I'll be getting on just before 1PM over here.
    12. Glen
      If you expect me to make that you're crazy. That's 2-4am my time. It's 8am right now. I can do it from 9am onwards.
    13. Hiro ✩
      Hiro ✩
      Can we extend the day of the AMV battle? Windows movie maker isn't letting me convert the project to a movie file
    14. Iskandar
      oh ok, so you're only an hour ahead of me. That means I should be on skype just before 1PM over here. BTW, who else is going to be in the group...and also, I've never figured this out, how are you all going to get into one conversation? I mean, I understand if you started a conversation with someone else and called other people to get them in, but I've never done multiple people on skype. You might just end up with a person that has no idea what's going on on Friday XD
    15. Excasr
      I suck at second part.

      Eu estava pensando nisso agora também...
    16. Excasr
      E o assunto, será o quê? :o
    17. Peace and War
      Peace and War
      Well if you want me to tell Sabby, i'm gonna need names of all those taking part and the subject we'd be talking about.
      Since the topic will have to be something no one has yet done or claimed, and the members can't be in more then one podcast together and she said she wanted to keep a record of those people.
      Basically I can now no longer be in a podcast with the members libregkd, Myst or Clawtooth.

      But the timing sounds good for me, at least.
    18. Iskandar
      you know what would make it easier? What's your time right now? Because than I can just get the difference with that and know what time to get on
    19. Iskandar
      umm, what's the GMT for that? Brazil has different time zones
    20. Iskandar
      hey just wondering, have you thought about that podcast stuff? Like what day it is and all?
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  • About

    Jul 2, 1997 (Age: 27)
    The Place.



    "Me and Reality, we don't really get along..."
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    Steam ID: Finn_The_Human14
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