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Feb 27, 2016
Jan 5, 2012
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November 13
somewhere out there....
Visual Effects/Animation (College Student)


Gummi Ship Junkie, Female, from somewhere out there....

If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme... Aug 22, 2012

strfruit was last seen:
Feb 27, 2016
    1. Llave
      Ah yes that wouldn't roll particularly well on KHV.

      Please do. I know how it feels to not being able to do your own stuff for fun. I haven't done it in nearly 6 months. ;~; Luckily I've finally gotten around it.
    2. Plums
      Same. xDD I actually can't really remember what I used to do on the computer (aside from staring at Myspace and playing games haha). I don't really post too much on Facebook anymore. It's only every once in the blue. :v

      And that's good. :D
      I am doing all right, just speeding through some homework that's due by midnight. @.@

      college will kill me in the fall orz
    3. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      The majority of the time, the seat isn't taken. It's when movies are really popular where it gets really iffy.

      Yeah, hopefully it works out okay.
    4. greater_bloo
      Thought I'd continue the "GB" conversation here since we were getting a bit off topic there. >_<
      But yeah I don't mind being called that at all if it's easier for you.
      Anyways what's up? :D
    5. Mysty
      "I'll... disappear?" The man in mummy clothes walked toward Namine angered
    6. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Mmhmm; there's always that sweet spot that puts you right in the action of a movie. My parents don't see movies the same way as I do, and we usually run late on everything.

      Yeah; I'm working on a bit better outline. This first serialization is really testing out the water on this idea. Actual writing for it will actually start soon too. The best part is I can probably release it fast since it's the first part of a bigger thing. I want to try to release each part (around four or five parts for this one) once a month.
    7. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Mmhmm; the large stuff always gets you the free refills too, in case you want some more after the movie. It also works well when you go see more than one in the same day. Yeah; I usually have some kind of designated place where I would like to sit, but at the theater I go to now, it has a different seating arrangement, so I'm still trying to find a sweet spot.


      I had a big explosion in my brain today. I was thinking back to that idea by having a serialized story, and I was looking at one of my story ideas. I actually got a very basic outline done for it, and it has started to consume me.
    8. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I usually go for the large on both popcorn and soda. It's a force of habit that I've gotten into for some reason. I've been trying to remind myself to go at least medium sized on the popcorn, but I'm usually just in a hurry to get a seat in the theater. I tend to be eating and drinking all the time, so that has something to do with it. When I'm really focused on a movie, I tend to drink more than eat.

      Haha, maybe.
    9. Plums
      i swear i replied to this dhgheg

      But yeah, KHV does get a bit addicting after a while. xD
      Surprised I haven't made it my homepage yet >_>

      Anyway, how are you? O:
    10. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah; I'm going to have to go out of my way next time (if people come with me) to buy a second tub of popcorn. Usually, if I'm by myself, I don't eat all that much anyway. It's the soda that I usually consume, and I still have a good amount left over after the movies.

      Yeah, it sucks, but I can't do anything about it. No use crying about it. And people seemed to like it anyway because my teacher told me that some guy was reading it and was wondering when I would get my Avengers review in. XD
    11. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, I so badly wanted to see it again. My dad doesn't like seeing the same movie twice though. And I didn't get to stay for after the credits. I prefer going to the movies by myself. No one constantly whispering in my ear every 30 seconds, no one eats all of the popcorn before the first act finishes, and I can stay there as long as I want.

      Yeah; they're going to think that the main purpose was the simply bash it. The only time I said it was boring was when I was talking about the main character. Yeah, he was really boring, but thankfully other characters were able to save it.
    12. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, it's totally good. It's hard to describe the movie. It's truly something one must experience. It does start off a bit slow, but once it get its momentum going, it grabs you by the jugular and refuses to let go. I love how Iron Man and Captain America clash. The next movie could just be those two and I would be waiting in line.

      Yeah; I don't know why it bugs me so much. I guess it changes the tone of what I wrote. Yeah, I bashed the movie a bit, but a lot of it is praising the special effects.
    13. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Hey, I have a bit of a problem. My ears just started to bleed. I think it's due to the Avengers blowing my MIND!!
    14. Mysty
      Namine pixels away before my eyes as a mysterious man talked to me about not being aloud anything. Another figure in black, the pickpocket maybe, also joined saying there were too many nobodies around. Suddenly a dark vortex appeared and Namine came out.
    15. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Haha, my brother is always loud.

      The newspaper did come out today, and two of my stories took up an entire page, which was pretty cool. One of the headlines kind of bothers me though. On the website it's "'Wrath of the Titans' packs a visual punch" but in the paper, it's "'Wrath of the Titans' is predictable and boring'". It's the same review, but the headline gives it a different meaning. And I liked the movie. It was stupid, but I liked it.
    16. Scarred Nobody
      Scarred Nobody
      Yeah, but also so loud.
    17. Scarred Nobody
    18. Mysty
      "Its just, I think-- I've been away from the question I really wanna ask: What's going to happen to me now? Just tell me that. Nothing else really matters anymore."
    19. Mysty
      "Its just, I think-- I've been away from the question I really wanna ask: What's going to happen to me now? Just tell me that. Nothing else really matters anymore."
    20. Mysty
      "What?" (have to type more)