Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Pinekaboo
      Actually, yes. But at the same time, it's the same song with ever so slightly different lyrics. Then there's the true version of the song.

      Indeed we will. We may end up having Utter Chaos vs Galactus, if things go a certain way. Now that would be epic.
    2. Pinekaboo

      Lyrics in the description.

      It was, but it wasn't the first time she'd been killed. Every cycle has the losing god revived to fight again in the next one. That said, I don't mind how it goes, it's still going to happen. It might have something to do with time being screwed up anyway.
    3. Pinekaboo
      There's a lot of meaning to the songs in Final Fantasy. The song actually called Chaos is actually sung from the point of view of the Cosmos warriors.

      Yes I do. Cosmos doesn't have to die permanently if you don't want, death is cheap in Final Fantasy anyway. Unless you're Aerith. Then it's for real.
    4. Pinekaboo
      Not exclussively. It's about everything to do with him. About how he was raised (Backwater town where nothing happens), the cycles in general (Gods are warring, sorrow neverending) and then how once Cosmos was gone there was no more reason to exist (Now the universe is broken, lost its course/Turn your back on all you have loved, for it is/Gone in a second).
      When you know that, the fact that it's playing while you fight Feral Chaos, it becomes so much more powerful. He wants you to stop him, kill him even, to end his torment.
    5. Pinekaboo
      My mother's ghost still haunts me now
      Fortune abandoned by God
      Nothing can bring her back to me
      Now I will seek to rage heavens doors

      Cosmos is his mother. Also allegedly his former lover. It's complicated. He went feral from a combination of loss and guilt over the death of Cosmos.
    6. Pinekaboo
      Cantata Mortis is okay, but God in Fire is sung from Chaos's perspective. This is his version of Be Prepared or Hellfire.
    7. Pinekaboo
      Duodecim is amazing purely for this song. There is no other reason needed, although it has them anyway.
    8. Pinekaboo
      Megaman X? Wouldn't know, never played it. Dissidia on the other hand, I just started playing again.
    9. strfruit
      Lol! I know exactly what you mean. Makes you feel guilty inside for not giving them what they want XD
      Like Puss-in-Boots eyes from Shrek haha! Hypnotic!
    10. starseeker3
      Pm missions would be more to gain new weapons, or fight certain bosses and the people whom are to be involved would be told who else is involved

      Well the angels of darkness would have to serve magnus and Gaol, I was thinking it would be fun to add a dramatic death background for once in my storys
      i know, i just was in a rush to say that, had to put up the laptob and sleep ya know (by that, i mean log off and watch avatar the last airbender on my comp)
    11. Pinekaboo
      Equally late response due to laziness and not knowing how to respond.
    12. Pinekaboo
      SHIVER! at the power of a moe. >:3
    13. Pinekaboo
      It's apparently a rythm game. Chaos is somehow adorable in that though.
    14. Pinekaboo
    15. Pinekaboo
      Nor have I, but I know him pretty well. Hm, we'll see.
    16. Pinekaboo
      I already have 46 reserves!
    17. Pinekaboo
      ... don't tempt me.
    18. Pinekaboo
    19. Pinekaboo
      And yet Titan swallowed one whole without a second thought. Now you get the size of him.
    20. Pinekaboo
      Clearly you didn't recognise the scale. Said random wild animal was one of these.