um I don't think so and ya its cute wehn my pets lay ontop of my bed... So I m guessing your talking about your dog Mac that lays ontop of your bed right?
The POWAH....In the pencil. *Shot* I wanna get to Chapter 10 really quick o.o Then 18 and then the movie <3 I might kick it up to chapter 15 since I wanna work on this movie for a while.
cool I used to have fishies but right now I have a cat named Madame who is in my room on my bed right this sec, I also have another cat named Spot who is Madame's sisters and then there is also a cat that stays outside and its technically not ours
Since I write a chapter everyday or two I should be able to put it in xD Thanks for that <3 Maybe you should show them yours too? I would love to see it <3
cool and ya 3cats and I used to have like 5cats but 2 of them died there has always been at least 1boy cat hanging around outside 1died a while back and my cat Daisy died over the summer so now theres 3cats my cat, mine and my dad's cat and an outside cat thats technically not ours
Phew. XD I don't think I'll be able to get the movie done in time for him if he leaves soon o_o; Besides I still got loads of chapters xD
Whoa o.o Hope your arm isn't cramped DX I'll have to think of some more later xD I'll try to get to work on Chapter 7 later today x.x Need music.
np and thank u^^ Ya pretty excited maybe not as much as I was last year but I know why I m not so excited as last year