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Dec 12, 2023
Jan 22, 2011
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May 27
The Matinée


Some kind of mercenary, from The Matinée

Onward we ride! KHV is back and kicking. Aug 3, 2021

Makaze was last seen:
Dec 12, 2023
    1. Llave
      Looking back on our conversation history makes me realize how naive I was and I hate that. It was a bumpy road I must confess, for the both of us really.
    2. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Yep, very helpful. Thank you.
    3. Maka Albarn
    4. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      ... That was like... way over my head. :\
    5. Britishism
      No, people caught my eye. There a few members here that I find genuinely interesting.
      I don't know. I like this place.
      It's just a part of my psyche.
    6. Britishism
      I know. But part of it is also due to age.
      Even though I fit in with older people, I'm uncomfortable, to tell the truth. I've always been kind of uncomfortable on KHV. I think that's why I'm not staying. I like this place, but I was never going to stay ere for a particularly long time, because it's just the way I am.
    7. Britishism
      I guess.
      I don't like connecting to people on the Internet, which is kind of a flaw.
    8. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Life in general. Nothing here on KHVs cause I never really talk to people on this site anymore save like three-four people.

      Yeah, I know that. It's putting it into view that's hard.
    9. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Yeaaaah, that's why I kind of made the comment on Peace and War's profile. Because everyone was just fueling the flames and such... but the comment afterwards was pretty bad.

      I do come on to that appearance, but yeah. I am not really all that I seem to be. I changed a lot. Just a lot of (excuse the slang) crap has been going on in my life and changed me a lot. I do judge, but I'm trying not to. I've been judged pretty harshly around here lately, so I kind of been finding fault with others since I am finding so many faults with myself through others, which isn't a good thing... I'm trying to change back to being more open and not so horrid.
    10. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      I didn't realize you liked me. I saw myself as kind of annoying and stuff to you, only putting a smile on your face from time to time. I'm sorry for the comment I made on Peace and War's profile. Like I said, I feel like my opinions and comments didn't matter.

      I'm also going through some major stresses in my life right now, so I'm sorry I can't be more open to you right now or anything... Again, I apologize for my immature behavior.
    11. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      I didn't think you care much for my opinion or that I mattered that much to you, so I don't say anything. :3 *shrugs*
    12. Britishism
      I meant, I don't really have an emotional attachment to the place. I think I just stay because I'm used to it.
    13. Terra254
      I ahve ADHD,So naturally, I'm up alot.
      Not to mention I "Talk too much" and "Show too much public displays of affection"
      They also don't like me because I point out thier flaws as they have mine.
      Like my english teacher and our "Could care less" disscuction or des..Hmm...IDK.
      They can't read my handwriting.
      I eat alot.
      I sing randomly alot.
      I sleep alot.
    14. Terra254
      No, My Teachers just don't like me , they've all told me so.
    15. Terra254
      I do that alot,to take up more space xD
    16. Terra254
      What the hell does Tangent mean?

      Ah, I was never good with punctuation.

      Thanks Maki, But all my teachers hate me so I was never gonna stay in GT anyway xD
      They probably all gave me 30's.
    17. Britishism
      Ha, that's really it. I don't know.
    18. Terra254
      lol The name of this Template is "This One.Use This One",
      Here it is:
      (I did It In 3 hours, not to mention I couldn't just bash religion, people could become offended.) Its actually, I believe 5 pages? But It looks rather short here.
      Anyway, enough stalling.

      Religious Freedom.
      By: [My name]

      Religion- Its a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs. But what does that all mean? In religion, most people find an escape, self-righteousness or something to love; this is why I’ve decided to do my paper on this. Love it or not, Religion has played a large part in the history of the human race, for better or worse, it has led to many wars and from those wars- inventions- that have helped move society along. Sometimes religion is its own downfall, corruptness in the church has long existed since the dawn of religion.

      So why do people choose to be theists? Most people don’t; they are usually born into a life of the church, some later encounter God(s) as a release of stress, it comforts them to know that someone is watching over you. “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.†– C.S. Lewis.
      For others it is a wanting of Self-Righteousness; to set that person (people) apart from everyone else. “I would rather live my life as if there is a God and die to find out there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't and die to find out there is.â€-Albert Camus.

      “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.â€-Mahatma Gandhi
      War. Religion has caused so much war, so would argue Religion is the cause of all war, It has caused some of the world’s atrocities, for century’s people were oppressed for their skin color, and religion. An example, Hitler. Hitler believed he was doing God’s work, He believed God had made Germans the chosen race. "I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." –Adolf Hitler. This led to The Holocaust, which led to World War II. A more recent example is the terrorist attacks that occurred in 2001, 3 major shocking attacks. The first two, on 2001 September 11 , were attacks on The World Trade Centers in New York City, Then the third one occurred one week after 9/11, The anthrax attacks were attacks using biological warfare on America (from Israel) with Anthrax Spores. Both attacks were religion related, in fact at the end of all the letters that contained anthrax spores all ended with “Allah is greatâ€. But hey, Let’s look to the sunshine and hope it does not blind us. From those attacks, America has increased its security and developed an anthrax vaccine. From World War II, We developed Atomic Bombs and Missiles, Let the light blind you not, This makes America a target for countries worried about nuclear warfare, such as America demanded Korea dissemble their Nuclear weapons. From World War II we also gained more advanced radars and other things. This however, was not even the largest war fought on American soil, that was the Civil War; A war between the confederate and union states. This was fought over the slave trade. The Union states though all men should be equal as per the bible, The Confederate states did not agree, and declared war, 11 vs. 25 states. This war brought advancement to weapons and the way people were pronounced dead in war, and even to cure people in the war, The construction of the US Red Cross started when Clara Barton met with other people after the Civil War and formed the Red Cross, She considered herself a Universalist although she was not a former member of the Universalist Community. And then there is the ever-so-present war of life itself, and wishing to be by God, This in itself is a sin, but people do it , Cults kill themselves in large bunches, at times this can be contained, at others, Not. In Waco, There a siege that lasted 50 days, began on February 28, 1993, and ended on April 19, Killing 75 people (24 of them British nationals) died in the fire, including more than 20 children, two pregnant women, and the sect leader David Koresh.
      “Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other sects?â€
      - James Madison, Memorial and Remonstrance

      “No religion can long continue to maintain its purity when the church becomes the subservient vassal of the state.â€- Felix Adler .
      Some churches over time have become corrupt, in Middle Ages, Priest were paid to cleanse someone of their sins. “We are punished by our sins, not for them.’’-Elbert Hubbard. They had vast areas of estate, and were incredibly wealthy. The popes controlled the kings and queens under them by threats and use of power.

      “We have the most religious freedom of any country in the world, including the freedom not to believe.â€-Bill Clinton
      Being the “free†country that we are, religion is not forced, In the Middle Ages, anyone who spoke about the church, or astrology, were executed. But now, We have the right, and freedom, To not believe anything. This, More or Less, Describes Atheism, Which is choosing to not have a God or Goddess.

      “Human beings must be known to be loved; but Divine beings must be loved to be known.’’ -Blaise Pascal
      The fight for religious freedom, and acceptance of everyone still wages on, Not that war, Sects, Cults, and pure bitterness are helping. So, if you can decide, being “free†and all, then what side are you on? Hes waiting-Or maybe not?

      “You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.â€
      -Swami Vivekananda

      I had to use quotes, So if your wondering why those are there, hat is why, The limit was..I believe 4 minimum?
      I'm quite disappointed with this, actually, since This is basically just a summary of what I should've written ; ;.

    19. Britishism
      This is off topic, Makaze, but I'm interested.
      What makes you stay on KHV?
    20. Britishism
      I ask people to take things to heart, accept them as real.
      People will breathe, cry, suffer, and rejoice with me.
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    May 27
    The Matinée
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