Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Lite
      Hmm...I guess you're right. Let's see, Facemelter wouldn't work, as that can only kill if the opponent is weaker or as strong as the user... I'm sure I'll think of something.

      It seems Aragorns has split the group into two separate groups. Those groups consisting of Team A: Shepard, Thel and Siegfried, and Team B:Melvin, Eddie and Mustang.
    2. Lite
      Oh, I see now. I forgot that Berserker took Thel's ship...Alright, I've got a few tactics in mind. Eddie's got a solo that has the ability to lock someone in place for a set amount of time. That could be useful.
    3. Lite
      That's because you're a mad genius.

      So what you're saying is you want everyone to come up with a way to use their characters abilities to defeat the Berserker?
    4. Lite
      I can't say I saw that coming...
    5. Lite
      I...It...You...Okay, yeah, it's basically magic. Just a different kind, in a way.
    6. Lite
      In Brutal Legend's lore, it's not magic. It's the amplification of the instrument's sound to a point of it having an effect on things around them. Eddie's guitar, for example, is amplified to the point of electrifying things whenever a power chord is played. Just sayin'.
    7. Lite
      I HAD THE KILL MASTER FIRST! Two healers are always better than one, y'know. Besides, one heals with magic, the other with music.
    8. Lite
      He's better known in the real world as "Lemmy Kilmister". In Brutal Legend, many of the major characters are actually parodies of real Heavy Metal artists, the Kill Master being Lemmy of Motorhead. In the game, he lives atop a mountain alone, where metal spiders spin him bass guitar strings with two properties. One property is that they heal, and another is that they can deal damage and stun people. I chose him because he was the only other Brutal Legend hero that I thought would fit in the Cove. Besides, with the sh1t that's gonna go down in arc 2, a healer would be useful.
    9. Lite
      I kinda already did it but Sure, if you wanna ask someone, go ahead. It'd probably be easier on me anyway.
    10. Lite
      Alright then. I'll just add Viridi and Cosmos to the list right quick.
    11. Lite
      I was going to, but then you said that she's basically an extension of Pit, so I wouldn't need to.
    12. Lite
      If we did that, would I have to reserve Palutena, Viridi, and/or Cosmos?
    13. Lite
      Well, we've got the Patroklos/Pyyrha subplot, and the M and Bowser subplot...There could be a Brutal Legend subplot featuring more characters other than Eddie. Uh...We could do a Dissidia subplot, but instead of one god vs one god, it could be three gods versus three gods. One the Chaos side there would be Chaos, Hades (Hercules) and Hades (KI: Uprising). And on the Cosmos side there could be Cosmos, Palutena and Viridi. There's probably more possibilities, but those are the few that I could think of.
    14. Lite
      All valid points. And I agree with all of them. Still, if he messes things up with them, they're out. Simple as that.
    15. Lite
      Yeah, I know how you feel. At least with Sonic, they've been given powers and such that makes them a formidable force in battle (As demonstrated by Sonic when he reversed U-D's move on her. Granted he wasn't in much control when it happened, but still.) Ponies on the other hand...They're not as battle-ready as far as I know.
    16. Lite
      I agree, it's a bit...weird to say the least. It could still work in a strange way, you never know.
    17. Lite
      Neither am I. We could at least give them a chance, though. He says he'll use them "responsibly". If he sticks to his word and doesn't go outright ridiculous with them, then it shouldn't be a problem. But if he goes and starts ruining important plot moments and things like that, then they gotta go.
    18. Lite
      He probably did. Mah bad.
    19. Lite
      You mean the ship that they were teleported to? Yeah, I know. I just didn't think Eddie or 'Fried would know. They didn't meet Thel until after his ship crashed.
    20. Lite
      Hell yeah, it is. Speaking of, I just posted. Fate's trying to get Thoma to come with her to the Cradle.
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