Jun 6, 2008
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Pinekaboo
      To be fair, there's a lot of that in anime. To the point where I'm not even squicked out by it even slightly anymore, it's almost normal to me.


    2. Pinekaboo

      It basically means that Precia is really into bondage. And she does obsess about Alicia a lot... .___.
      When was the last time you learned how to defend against a whip?
    3. Pinekaboo
      Ryu can go down too.

      Oh yeah. I mean that outfit just lends itself to a whip, considering it's based on a bondage unifo-- I don't like where my mind's going with this.
      Anyway, yeah, her whip is part of her device anyway.
    4. Pinekaboo
      Ryu's more ki than magic, but go with it anyway. Chaos Emeralds aren't technically magic. Dr. Doom's powers are superpowers, not magic. Ghost Rider is magic now. Eddie's demonic, not magic.

      xD Yeah, evil Nanoha is scary. Also gonna be used. But yeah, that's Precia, and it was heavily implied in the first place that Fate's costume was based off of Precia's old costume.
    5. Pinekaboo
      So everyone with magic just suffered a magical heart attack. Should probably go respond to that fact.

      Decide for yourself. Here.
      Oops wrong pic.

    6. Pinekaboo
      Ah, okay. Do that then if you want, that's okay. And by confined I mean that a small(ish) group would be fighting him, not everyone ever. 'tis all.

      Hmkay, doing it. I'll give you the pic of young Precia soon, you'll like it.
    7. Pinekaboo
      Hm, alright. I've not played it and don't know the plot, but so long as it's confined to only part of the cast and not the full cast, I'm okay with it.
      Yeah, it's just what people generally assume happens with villains. Except Eggman and Jail and the like.

      Also, I've been playing something in my mind and wanted to get your opinion on it. I've been thinking of including a character from Nanoha, but as a psuedo-OC. A young Precia Testarossa, possibly older Precia appearing later. Thoughts?
    8. Pinekaboo
      Oh, no, I'm okay with Galactus so long as you know he can't be the main threat, and therefore may have to die fairly early. But I've actually just had a better idea; he gets shrunk down to human size because of the realitybending crap (he can obviously get his size back eventually). IT WOULD BE GLORIOUS.
      Quite true, but it's more because the general assumption is that villains die at the end.
    9. Pinekaboo
      But as the co-founder/helper of the RP, I should be just as respected. I have power now, I just wouldn't feel right if I used it on account of it being Droid's RP. Thing is, I actually think that Galactus and Unicron are too big to be included, but if I refuse them then I have to refuse Bushy getting Chouginga Gurren Lagann later, as well as Tengen Toppa and Super Tengen Toppa when the time comes. And so I suggest a way we can actually include them that is both open for discussion and fair to everyone (characters can appear, but absolutely cannot be the main threat), and rather than being a fair, open-minded leader, I'm a control freak that wants to kill off characters to show the threat level of my own. It's frustrating.
    10. Pinekaboo
      Probably won't hear them tonight. I do find it annoying though that Droid says he can't allow a character and not a single **** is given, but I do it and suddenly I'm pure evil.
    11. Pinekaboo
      Votes so far:
      3 against - 0 for
    12. Pinekaboo

      Well BIU doesn't approve of me having the rights to not let them in, so it's down to a vote. Please make yours.
    13. Pinekaboo
      Not really, I have Midnight Star. Yes.

      I'm gonna negotiate with it at first, and if I'm undecided afterwards I'll put it to a vote.
    14. Pinekaboo
      No, it doesn't bend like that.

      Exactly my reasoning. And Droid doesn't really want them in either, I'm just the one that would be putting the foot down.
    15. Pinekaboo
      Yes you will.

      It's both. I'm actually both man and woman. At once.

      Also, Aragorns is claiming that everyone would quit if I refused to allow ponies in the RP. Clearly not true; at least you, me, Bushy, and Droid would stay, and four is plenty to have a good RP with.
    16. Pinekaboo
      Yes. Pedobear Algol will rule all.

      My voice is actually incredibly deep.
    17. Pinekaboo
      Beargol is the best thing ever.
      And Algroklos is amazing.

      Nor will you ever know. But I am seriously girly.
    18. Pinekaboo
      Also I dressed Algol up as Patroklos.
      And a bear.

      Not a problem. I don't much enjoy talking to people I'm new to anyway. Plus I'd make you blush with my ever so feminine voice.
    19. Pinekaboo
      Yes, exactly.

      I have 190 hours play time, 792 wins to 490 losses, all characters unlocked including Algol and Kilik, and I'm level 69. Try me.
    20. Pinekaboo
      Why would I post a secret there? That's silly.

      Excellent. I look forward to kicking your ass.