Last Activity:
Nov 30, 2022
Apr 1, 2007
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8:10 PM
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Awarded Pins 7

May 20, 1991 (Age: 33)
Story Brooke, Maine


These violent delights have violent ends, 33, from Story Brooke, Maine


hey butt Aug 12, 2014

Fork was last seen:
Nov 30, 2022
    1. Jiηx
      Yeah i thought that episode was class, especially with the landmark signs being retro and stuff aswell, really nice touch.
    2. Jiηx
      currently watching the two shapeshifters episode where they came through and somethings planned for tomorrow at 3:31pm.

      really liked the last episode with the guy going back in time to try and stop his wifes car accident, and resolving it at the end with him dying with her, sad face.
    3. Jiηx
      If someone doesn't tell peter he's not from this world soon, I will, deserves to know.
    4. libregkd
    5. libregkd
    6. Amaury
      Just saw your name request, and it gave me an idea. Since your original was Forsaken, why not try Fork? :smile:
    7. C
      To be fair, he was just sitting on a random bench on the Citadel, talking to turian who didn't seem to want to talk to him :b IT'S BETTER THAN WHAT SCANDINAVIANS GET, DAMMIT!
    8. Jiηx
      wow i just pause spammed the opening, and got the observers messege, that is not even a frames worth of shot that appears in, you are stupid lucky to pause at that moment.
    9. Jiηx
      I do usually wait yeah, but I don't visit many sites on the internet land, unless this place comes in uproar about the episode I think i'll be safe.
    10. Jiηx
      sitting close to my computer for once watching an episode and i finally started seeing stuff in the xray images they flash on screen, like twins in the apple that's cut in half, and an O with an I through it on the back of the frog.

      so many new things to notice.
    11. Jiηx
      I flicked through the observer spotting guide for all the episodes up to the one im at, god damn some times they are right in your face, and others its a stupid one frame image, ridiculous how anyone spots the hard ones, the mole man episode in the fields in season 2, that ones just silly.
    12. Jiηx
      Favourite episode so far, the one where peter and olivia are locked in an office building because of a killer virus contagion, good stuff.
    13. C
      There's a guy in ME3 who's all "LYON!", which is where he is from. It's just some random guy though, you don't even get to know his name I think. So obviously Bioware put you in the game! Damn, french people getting all the good roles in video games. :c
    14. Jayn
      ...Like, ever? Or are you going on break? xD
      I can't rememb--ohhhhh. I was being really friendly with him the other day (talkative and ... not anti-social), and he snapped at me and was really mean and made me cry and yeah. >>

      I don't either! But it never lasts that long, and I got a lot done today, so. :') And IRL, I'm just really quiet. I've had family knock at my door just to make sure I was in the house. ;__;

      Lol! I promise I didn't, though when I refreshed after the screenshot, he was there. Then again and everyone else was there. :C

      Fine, fine. I'm using so many smileys, omg. Delirium. You're right, time for bed. Night night. Have a good day at school! ...Thanks for keeping me KHV company.
    15. Jayn
      lol THEY'RE BACK moment lost /sob
    16. Jayn
      That is what we should do. FORUM TAKE OVER. Except you're leaving me, so NOPE. Maybe next time.

      This song is the greatest. It's so addicting. ;__; And...Idk. I've been anti-social today, but I'm mad at Fuzzy so I haven't vocally spoken to him for two days and no one else bothers me, fufufufu.

      No, Fork-kun I'LL BE SO LONELY (I'll probably just sleep).

      I'll always remember that brief second.
    17. Jayn
      I feel like

      I feel like we should do something

      (I'm so sorry for spamming you, I'll feel bad about it when I wake up from finally sleeping)
    18. Jayn
      I have been listening to this for the last like ... three hours.

      And I haven't spoken to anyone at all, including IM'n stuff for about ... eh. A little over 15 hours! :D So when I saw you, I guess my cabin fever kicked in.

      I'm so happy you and I can share a moment like this.

      idk man, I have this fear of going to countries where I don't understand/speak the language.
    19. Jayn
      Patman and us two are the only ones on the forum atm.

    20. Jayn
      HEY HEY LET'S GO 喧嘩する !