Last Activity:
Dec 6, 2021
Sep 27, 2006
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Dec 10, 1992 (Age: 32)
Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.


You're such a loser., Lord, 32, from Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.


What is life? Why do people live? Someone asked me that, and then I beat him within an inch of his life. Nov 7, 2012

Jiηx was last seen:
Dec 6, 2021
    1. Fork
      Ahah. I think I know what members you're talking about. Back in the day you would have mad a wall of text insulting members who misspell words.
      I'm proud of you Vivi, really I am >_>
    2. Fork
      That must be tough. Why would Bruce Lee even help you lot?
      Lol, have a good nap dude.
    3. Fork
      How the hell are you still awake. Word of advice, try going to bed at like 10ish, so you don't end up screwing up your sleeping pattern (More than it already is).
      Police Officers can be fat too!...In America. I guess it's different in Scotland.
    4. Fork
      I hope you mean 12pm and not 12am >_>
      Why do you do this to yourself? D:
    5. Fork
      It adds more to the wtf-ness of the observers.
    6. Fork
      Yeah haha. There's actually guides online that tell you what scene they appear them. But don't check those obviously, cuz spoilers.
      I feel so proud when I actually spot them in an episode when they're not officially in them.
    7. Fork
      Yeah, they're basically aware of everything that happens in history.
      Also, I don't know if you've noticed by they appear in EVERY episode, even as a slight cameo. They're very hard to miss sometimes. I love the directors for doing that.
      But that's why I love The Observers. They're just great characters because it's the biggest mind**** ever.
    8. Fork
      The Observers are the best characters ever. I actually changed my name to "The Observer" at some point, just because I love them so much.
      What episode are you at? What happened?
    9. Fork
      Yeah, tell me about it >_>
      Thanks by the way, I edited the video out. The video isn't really anything special but yeah, the related videos are pretty inappropriate ahah.
    10. Fork
      Well actually Cat's mom barely lets her get on msn or skype, so that's probably why they start conversations in threads. Meh.

      And I've been meaning to watch that ._. I heard it was pretty good. Plus it has Chris Hemsworth hell yeah.
    11. Fork
      What, you mean David Robert Jones? He's one of the best villains period.
      And d'aww I'm sorry about the kitty. It's alright though, it's just an extra week.

      Does it really bother you that much that they do it? Everyone hijacks a thread every once in a while, and they're just having fun.
    12. Fork
      By the way, did you like the season 1 finale? I was pretty much blown away by it. Leonard Nimoy is the best.
      There's FINALLY talk about a Season 5 renewal, which makes me so happy. Problem is it's only going to be 13 episodes apparently, but hell I'll take that over nothing.
    13. Stardust
      Ah okay, thanks for the heads up, I'll make sure to be watchful.
    14. Fork
      Oh okay. That's alright, in that case.
    15. Fork
      Yeah, I really liked Charlie too.
      Also, you're sort of slow. I thought you would have gotten to Season 2 by now.
    16. rikusorakairiown
    17. rikusorakairiown
      Hoylshit vivi when did you stop being staff? O_o
    18. Sabby
      Haha it would be nice to have one, I feel lonely sometimes cause I'm like on my own at times
    19. Sabby
      i wanna seee himmmmm! i want a pet, dog or cat. i feel lonely sometimes lol
    20. Sabby
      OMG that is soo ****ing adorable!!! :D From where? Shelter? breeder? DID YOU ALREADY MEET IT?!
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  • About

    Dec 10, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    I come and go, i'm a blade of grass on the wind, if i'm around say hi, if not don't worry about it, I'll appear somewhere, usually when I'm needed, more likely when I'm bored, this is my curse, this is my destiny.


    When all else fails you can still die fighting.

    GT: Crimson Azoth PSN: Azure_Azoth Steam: CrimsonAzoth
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