May 27, 2008
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7:42 AM
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Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
On the other side of the internet.
Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie


"Don't think. Imagine!", Male,, 32, from On the other side of the internet.


Does this now mean I'm a Rainbow Ninja? I stand out even more! My stealth is non-existant! UNLESS I HIDE IN RAINBOWS THEMSELVES! Genius. Apr 5, 2017

    1. Dinny
      Hehehe, don't worry, I'm a ninja. Ninja's don't choke. ACHYEAAAHHHH *gong*
      but then again, silly is amazing sometimes c:
    2. Krowley
      Take your time, still searching for a 7th recruit (Should be a huge comics fan)

      Btw, What are your abilities exactly?
      Everyone Else's;
      Krowley > StoneSkin,
      Lilbueno > Fire Manipulation
      Dinny Grayson > Thunder Manipulation
      Machina > Arrows, Teleporting
      Midnight Star > Intangibility/Phasing

      Abilities start off pretty weak but get better over time.
    3. Krowley
      I have settled on E.
      Lilbueno settled on A.
      Dinny Grayson can be S, R, A, or G.
      Machina can be either T or N.
      Midnight Star can go G, or R.
    4. Krowley
      Did you receive my previous PM?
    5. Dinny
      That's what I always hear! I want to play it so bad but lol no cash durrdurrdurr.
      LMAO. So I was eating cereal while reading this VM and I choked on a cereal cause I gasped trolololol (thought I'd share that, it was funny... i think.) But golly, that's amazing! I've always wanted to watch live! That's so lucky whoaaaaaaaa <3

      Magic confetti!! 0:
    6. Dinny
      OOH. Cool ~ I've always wanted to try Persona D: /shot
      I'm eating some cereals, chatting on skype, and should be getting ready for tennis in about an hour or two but I'll wait another 30 minutes lol.

      Oh golly, that's cool! This will be my thought of the day for everything. I am VM number 3000 8D
      Yieee *dances in the confetti* WHOO!
    7. Dinny
      WHOOOOO0oo0oo0o0o ~

      lol xD
      Well, what's up? Other than not feeling tired lol ?
    8. Dinny
      Why, I like the way you think brotha ~

      lol why thank you xD /doesn'tknowwhatelsetosay
    9. Dinny
      Unless you've got... FUN LOGIC ! >8D
      *releases caturday surprise and rainbows*

      N'aww, really!? yus. I'm improving! LOL xD
      But I promise you I can't talk on the phone and stuff, I don't know why AHAHA.
    10. Dinny
      Hahaha, good then.
      And an absolute YAY FOR YOU!! Sleeping is like, a gift. Most people don't get it D: Sleep like a cat and keep living a great life 8D /lolwhatislogic

      Ahaha, no it's okay I get it. I got your previous message/rep so yeah. It was a cool thought of going yo talk to you too! I'm just really... awkward xD Hahaha, but yes, hello c:
    11. Dinny
      Oh, near midnight? Maybe you should get some sleep, just try! xD (lol sorry, I sleep early often hehe) But that seems very chill, very noice ~

      Heck yes <3 Haha, and n'awww, why thank you Bushy. That's very kind of you c:
    12. Dinny
      Well, I've just woken up - but so far everything's great x)
      How about you? c:

      Oh yes, every day ;D xD
    13. Dinny
      And no problem, hehe c:

      N'awww, thanks Bushy! xD Yes, that's Sischu c:
    14. Spunk Ransom
      Spunk Ransom
      Thanks! I love your avatar too! I can't see your sig at the moment! xD

      Thank you! I got some stuff for my Yoko cosplay in today actually!
    15. kitty_mckechnie
      I got that they were created a long time ago but for some reason I thought she released them again. xD

      And you pretty much cleared everything up for me lol. I really need to watch them all again in quick succession. Too many long breaks.

      Ah well. We'll have to settle listening to the songs and the ost when it comes out.
    16. kitty_mckechnie
      Aye, I'm still slightly confused about some of it.

      I thought Fine released the Noise into the world and that she was controlling them. But at the end they're still around. Plus, how did Tsubasa and Chris come back? I understand it because of their Swan Song, but then WHY WASN'T KANADE? D: Unless it's something related to Gungnir infused in Hibiki's heart...I need a full story explanation now. >|

      Yeah, I guess it depends on the shows reception. I tend to see more positive reviews about it but there are a lot of folk who could bored of it. I think they could've done a lot more with it but at the same time I'm glad they didn't drag it on.
    17. kitty_mckechnie
      lol, I love it! I was a wee bit iffy about it involving songs but now I'm hooked. xD Much love for Kanade. <3 Though I did rage after the first episode. >|

      I knew what was coming but still I was ;____; at the end. Then it got to the very end I was :'D. Very sneaky of them...very sneaky. Perhaps one day they'll continue with it?
    18. Krowley
      Its why I sent the Pm out to see who is interested in what. A lot of people seem to be fond of G class.
    19. Krowley
      Which Class do you think would best fit the OC you plan on making. I'm trying to get on of each class. Do you remember which each one was?
    20. Krowley
      Any question/concerns you have? I want to fix anything before I post the actual thread.
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  • About

    Aug 19, 1992 (Age: 32)
    On the other side of the internet.
    Writer/Costco Assistant/Being British/Roadie
    He, Him,
    Past Usernames:
    Bushy Brow
    No Game No Bush
    Default Name:
    ...I have to do an about me thing now?
    ...I'll get to that later. Maybe... lol



    • ¦3 ~OTAKUS RULE!~ ¦3

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