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Cisgender Male
Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Venomous, Cisgender Male, 32, from Tokyo-3


Friend Code: 5429-7906-2041 Dec 25, 2013

Hayabusa was last seen:
Jul 16, 2017
    1. Shikou
      I should not have not wasted money to see Titanic 3D and eat pizza at the mall Dx
      I will be 3DS-less and Spirit Camera would be sitting there with all of my games waiting to be played with. Poor thing ;_;
    2. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    3. (╯°□°)╯︵ ıɥsoɯ
    4. Shikou
      Yeah, it was a bit different then what I expected but it's cool :P
      Would you happen to have a 3DS?
    5. Shikou
      The main series is... a different story >_>
      It's a cursed DS game that you have to finish in a week or you'll die (I know, it sounds like Ringu/Ring). I've played a little bit of the first game and Im kinda stuck on Day 3.
    6. Shikou
      Wow, I totally forgot about Nanashi no Game. The only game of the series out in English right now is 774 Deaths.
    7. Shikou
      Really? It seemed very easy for me o_o
    8. Shikou
      At the moment... nothing else. Pokemon died on me recently (dealing with people about that topic was horrible and I avoid that topic at all cost).
      There is still Catherine, Lollipop Chainsaw, Golden Fantasia Cross and Black Rock Shooter: The Game.
    9. Shikou
      Exactly, everyone has different taste.
    10. Shikou
      It's kinda best to drop the issue with Silent Hill 2 because I have enough people screaming at me for not liking it. It's getting old too and wish no one brings it up again. Thank God I dont get any death threats or anything just because I don't like a video game x_x
    11. Shikou
      For all I have to say is Silent Hill 2 isn't really my cup of tea (story-wise). People can throw rocks at me for not liking it, I honestly wouldn't care.
      Homecoming has something that got me by surprised. I relived a real life experience in a video game. It hit me hard where it really hurts. I've watched a walkthough video and when that part hit I stayed silent the rest of the night because it effected me that much. I guess you can say it's a personal thing...
    12. Shikou
      HaHa, I've seen that a long time ago and laughed the first time I've seen it.
      Turns out Im not really going to pick up Downpour or HD Collection after all. I was going to get Silent Hill Zero/Origins but the TRSHE videos had explained some things that got me to not want it anymore. Looks like Im done with Silent Hill and has ended for me. Im happy with just 1 and 3, Im still planing to get Homecoming as you can already tell :P
    13. Misty
      As expected haha. Boys on their Birthdays is definitely a darker than Christmas TV lyrically (and sound wise), though they mess with that at the end haha. But in general, yeah, they are not exactly grimdarkz. Not for everyone, although I think everyone can admit that Rebecca Taylor has a lovely voice.

      In return I shall listen to a song of your request B|
    14. Misty
      I'm not sure if you would enjoy them really, they're pretty... folksy tweeish adorable acousticness. But you can defs give it a try! My favorites would definitely be Christmas TV, Trick Question, and Boys on their Birthdays.
    15. Misty
      where did you get that impression
      [/spoiler]can't be true no sir

      xD I'm not usually this obsessed with them, I have actually neglected them for like a good two years almost.
    16. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Yeah, I feel like if I deleted my Facebook it would cause be even more annoyance because then people would have to fill me in on everything that's happening, so I just delete all of the idiots I'm not friends with. I know some people with like 1000 Facebook friends and I'm like lolwat

      Yeah as long as the girl isn't totally emotionally unstable, and doesn't make you want to cry when she's PMSing you've got a keeper!

      That's so sweetly adorable :'3 That's a reasonable goal too. I mean the person might look different, but liking a dream like that just shows that you're not getting too ahead of yourself.

      Well Max is also my boyfriend so it's not like I can actually say he's my best friend even though he is. I have had a lot of best friends that are girls and they've all hurt me in some way. And hell, I always admit when I'm wrong, but I swear most of the time I did absolutely nothing wrong in the friendships. Yeah I mean I think it's good to have a lot of friends, but not get super attached. That way you know people are there for you, but if you don't hang out they won't get pissed at you. And haha yeah, that's cool. I wish I could work at Gamestop, but you have to be 18 because it's considered a pawn shop because they sell used products. I don't get how that has to do with age, but whatever it's New York State law.
    17. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Yeah I really don't like Facebook to be honest.

      I think a lot of people have hopes for the perfect person. A perfect person doesn't exist though. All people have flaws, but flaws are a key part of being able to love someone for everything they are. And you have? I don't recall so you can sum it up if you want. Haha, I don't actually go to the mall. I just online shop. I don't like shopping, I like having nice clothes to wear. I'm not one of those girls. But you probably have already figured that out!

      Haha I am not really close to anyone IRL but Max. I am really close to him and Austin (renegade he got banned from KHV lol) I have friends, and we talk about stuff, but I'm not exactly in the business of trusting women. It's just risky, and they know stuff about me, but not all of the details. And idk romance is different for everyone. Me? I'm cool with getting italian ices and playing some assassin's creed, but some people think romance is like roses and an expensive dinner. Idk idk idk maybe I'm talking too much
    18. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Yeah, but Squall changed with love, right? (yeah you see what I did there). It's good to have a balance of level-headedness and humor. And I've been job hunting to afford my girly shopping side.

      Yeah, you're right. If you ever need help though you can come to me. Not much more to say about it though. You'll find someone.
    19. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      I am either really talkative, or super quiet depending on my mood. I don't think how much you talk matters. I don't like it when people talk a lot, but don't actually have anything of substance to say. But then on the other hand, I don't perceive you as someone who never speaks. College might not be the place. Perhaps work (idk if you have a job i'm assuming so)? Or just meeting someone through a friend? You never know how these things work out.

      Hey, I'm here for you. I'd like to think I've been in a very successful relationship so I like it when people take my advice into account hehe.
    20. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      Well, do you talk to girls a lot? Or do you mostly hang out with guys? I know that a lot of my friends have guy friends, but don't get close with guys (some out of fear, but I'm not implying that you're afraid of girls), and just stick to hanging out with girls. Online doesn't count really. I mean if you can't give people the chance to know you, you can't expect them you fall in love with you, right?
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  • About

    Cisgender Male
    Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    Video editing, drawing, gaming




    Fullmetal Alchemansy
    Survival Horrormansy
    Final Fantasy VIIImansy

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    • Voted "Best Returning Member" of KH-Vids 2012
      Steam - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Playstation Network - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      League of Legends - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Overwatch - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
    • last.fm / youtube / deviantART / BlogSpot

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