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Jul 16, 2017
Feb 3, 2008
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Cisgender Male
Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:


Venomous, Cisgender Male, 32, from Tokyo-3


Friend Code: 5429-7906-2041 Dec 25, 2013

Hayabusa was last seen:
Jul 16, 2017
    1. Shikou
      With the lack of Gans (due to his arrest for something I don't know or care for) it might be better. But why 3D? I don't know how that would work.
    2. Shikou
      Those TESHE videos have pointed out the plot holes and the wrongs of the movie I have missed. I didn't mind that they turned Harry Mason to a chick but they made me realize the other part of the story turned to some mystery show -_-
      I do think focusing more on women in the movie was a bit "blehh", at least he didn't do any fan-service (that scene with Pyramid Head doesn't count Lol).
    3. Shikou
      It's usually when ever I feel like watching a movie because I got nothing better to do which is most likely once a month unless there is a movie I've been waiting on like the new Silent Hill movie :/
      They say it's 100% complete with trailers and poster art but the producers and distributors are still agreeing when to release it till they see a date they are happy with.
    4. Shikou
      Ah, that clears it up.
      I just go to movie theaters to pass the time. Hell, I'll even go see Twilight when Im not much of a fan (Im neutral).
    5. Shikou
      Ah, I see.
      I think it would be hard for me to recommend a movie to you because I watch anything xD
    6. Shikou
      So what is your type? That's what I was asking.
      I might have not made it clear, sorry about that >_>
    7. Shikou
      Not really sure what you mean by that....
      Explain please :)
    8. Shikou
      So I went to see Hunger Games the other day just to see how close/similar it is ro Battle Royale and noticed one of the weapons (which was a sword) looked like Squall's Gun Sword minus the gun handle but there is a thing that looks like a trigger xD
    9. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta
      It would be great to Duel you sometime.

      Afraid you'll be disappointed though because I'm honestly not that great player. There are three tournament leagues, AAA for extremely competitive players and AA for competitive-semi competitive players, and A for casual(AKA 8-10 year old) players. I haven't been to any of them and I can't even beat my mentor and he plays AA. The only decks on DN that I beat were ones that were not competitive at all, Infernities, Destiny Heroes, Water, Warrior Xyz, Gishiki, Chaos Dragons, and Hopeless Dragons. And the ones I lost to were Agents, Lightsworns, Photons, Turbo Synchro and BLS - Envoy of The Beginning Chaos. Plus I still lose to Six Sams and other decks when the AI in Tag Force and WC runs them so yeah, I still have a very long way to go. On a scale of 1 to 10 as a Duelist I think I'd give myself a 4. I know that you've probably thought that I'm some awesome amazing legendary duelist all this time but it's not true. I'm really not that great.
    10. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      ME TOO. But she sucks for me. It's probably because I suck with junctioning
    11. Misty
      s'laters ~
    12. Misty
      I wouldn't be surprised since they're both Lucas & all.
      And I know right? It's just great. It has this like... intense emotion to it, almost. Vader brooding in the back there shows how evil is slowly creeping in and taking over, since everything goes to hell in Empire, and then Han & Leia (<3), Luke looking all I am puzzled and on a journey and djshfkdbnfksja
    13. Misty
      I love that art though, just because it's so... campy, in a way. It's so retro sci-fi, with the intense hero guy and the sexy but also kind of badass chick. That one and this Empire poster are my favorites.
    14. Misty
      It really really is. I enjoy Return & all but when I'm like I want to watch some Star Wars I just go for Empire. Return is good but it drags on and just doesn't have much going for it? Empire is like... everything awesome happens, whereas I get bored of Return basically after they leave Tatooine. A New Hope is obviously terrif as well but Empire is just godly.
    15. Misty
      they are all found here.
      other people don't seem to notice that star wars is actually the coolest thing ever.
    16. Misty
      iharthdarth is just terrif.
    17. Misty
      we are just dedicated to making threads better
    18. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      I was so stupid to pick Rinoa omg
    19. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      And Ultimecia picks the party, right?
    20. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      I just looked up the ending like a complete ******. In case I never achieve it. Hell, I deserve it for putting up with the junction system for that long. Lol kill me. I can say I've beaten a few Final Fantasies though. I've beaten 12 (too easy for words honestly), 7, and 10. :'] Not too much of a lost cause.
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  • About

    Cisgender Male
    Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    Video editing, drawing, gaming




    Fullmetal Alchemansy
    Survival Horrormansy
    Final Fantasy VIIImansy

    • [/quote]

    • Voted "Best Returning Member" of KH-Vids 2012
      Steam - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Playstation Network - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      League of Legends - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Overwatch - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
    • last.fm / youtube / deviantART / BlogSpot

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