Last Activity:
Dec 13, 2014
Dec 21, 2011
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Stourbridge, England
College Student


Gummi Ship Junkie, Male, from Stourbridge, England

Aragorns was last seen:
Dec 13, 2014
    1. Pinekaboo
      That was ages ago. Basically, Shepard's teleported across the universe for no visible reason. But meh, he's Shepard.
      Still, Jail needs to give him another assignment at some point, one which will give him back the SR2.
    2. Pinekaboo

      Dr. Scaglietti seemed to be highly enjoying himself, having two other doctors to plan alongside. He found it deeply satisfying to combine their tactics together, even despite the obvious threat that the Empire posed.
      He tapped a virtual console to one side of him, which instantly sent Enforcer Lanster and Commander Shepard to their destination, before he continued on with their rest of his co-ordination.


      The pair of investigators, Teana and Shepard, found themselves within a pitch black room, very little visible at any distance beyond arms length.
      As they both activated flashlights of whatever kind, they found that the room they were in was the control room of what appeared to be a very old vessel, as well as a very huge one.
      "I've never seen anything like this." Teana said quietly, examining some of the consoles around them. "It's high-tech, but everything looks... ancient. Abandoned, maybe."
      Case and point.
    3. Pinekaboo
      Actually, they did use the teleporter. That's how they found the place they arrived on. They found Nove aboard the other place, which is now obviously an ancient TARDIS.

      Would have replied earlier, but you posted on your wall instead of mine. Remember to hit "View Conversation" first.
    4. Aragorns
      They only went to the teleporter on the ship. And they never used it, they found Nove, remember?
    5. Pinekaboo
      I did look before your post. Still wasn't obvious. Meh, he still talked to them, but it'll be via comm instead, and he'd still be bothering the group.
      And no, Shepard was sent somewhere else with Teana ages ago, remember? They haven't returned from it yet.
    6. Pinekaboo
      Shepard wasn't on Jail's ship either. But there was definitely a group still on the Death Star. Gogdamnit.
    7. Pinekaboo
      How the heck did Shepard suddenly be on the Death Star? O.o
    8. Droid
      Well it's putting the watermark because you're using the trail version I assume. If you want to try and get rid of it without buying the whole thing type this, "AVS video editor 6.1 no watermark" into google and check some of the results. Other than some way to trick the program it's going to put the watermark if you don't buy it.
      I'll think about it. Updating the character list now.
    9. Droid
      You think you can get me?

      Yeah, I totally forgot about your vid..if you still wanted help with that just link me to the program and I'll look at it.
      As for Namine, I'd be sucky at playing her. Really. Plus the point she would have had became kind of mute when everyone left the castle. To put it in other words:

    10. Aragorns
      Not even the Fork of Truth can kill me... deal with it
    11. Pinekaboo
      Not if I stab you with the Fork of Truth.
    12. Pinekaboo
      You can't hurt me, I'm undead.
    13. Pinekaboo
      By a client.
      Are you immune to bullets, sir?
    14. Pinekaboo
      Unfortunately, it would appear I've been asked to shoot you. Nothing personal, just doing it for the creds. *bang*
    15. Droid
      No it's fine, but I'm not going to have my computer back until Sunday.
    16. Droid
      I use Sony Movie Studio, which doesn't have any sort of watermark. So I really don't know, I'd check the program out myself for you, but I can't get on my computer.
    17. Droid
      I have no idea..never used that program. Sorry..
    18. Lite
      lol, got it.
    19. Lite
      Well...I won't tell anyone, but anyone who sees mine or your user page will see it. Just sayin'...
    20. Lite
      Yay! Thrall!
      Oh, I guess I didn't see Darion...My bad.
      DeathWing...F*cking DeathWing. Good lord, this is shaping up to be an epic RP.