Tifa L.
Jan 12, 2010
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Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)

Tifa L.

Merlin's Housekeeper, Female, 31, from Illinois

Happy Valentine's Day guys. Feb 14, 2013

    1. Lite
      Yeah, that might have something to do with it. XD
    2. Lite
      Well, I'm glad to hear there's another fellow Deadpooler on KH-Vids!

      If I had to put Deadpool up against another character for my favorite, it would have to be...Ghost Rider. There's just something about a flaming skeleton on a motorcycle that I seem to like.
    3. Lite
      We Deadpoolers tend to do that! :lolface:

      Yep, Deadpool has been a favorite of mine for a long time. I take it you're a fan of Deadpool as well?
    4. Lite
      Nice to meet you too. :)

      How's it goin'?
    5. da johnstir
      da johnstir
      adam, just asking what keyblade did u use while fighting Zexion?
    6. adamboy7

      I beat the bugger, got video proof, did it without any hacks, and took no damage what so ever :D
      WHO'S DA MAN?!?! :D

      (I did take one hit when Zexion kicked me, but my health didn't go down)
    7. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      *goes to khv gamble room* i guessed it! where do i get my money!
      LOL J.K.
    8. adamboy7
      Oh, and before I go, check this out! It isnt a gif!

    9. adamboy7
      lol You get how it is XD You are just awesome like that :D

      I am sorry, but I must go to bed, night :D

      And I have re thought our calling time. Call Saturday, the day when I have all my stuff going on. Sunday is free, so we will be free to talk to all hours of the night on Saturday and sleep in on Sunday lol. Up to you :)
    10. adamboy7
      lol I am a firm believer of swear once, swear twice silently to yourself, and walk it off XD

      Fun fact: Swearing actually increases pain tolerance lol.
    11. adamboy7
      lol that's a bit more like it! XD Ass kicking is better than worrying lol. Unless its me. However I usually listen to reason, so I guess then ass kicking would be somewhat appropriate if I do not lol.
    12. adamboy7
      I saw it on myth busters. Adam licked a petre dish that a dog licked for science XD But I will take your word on it. I still say he will be fine, just tell him to rinse with cold water if he hasn't already. If he is afraid of the pain just tell him the cold water will numb it. Besides, that's what our immune system is for. As my grandfather used to say, rub some dirt in it and you will be fine lol. I say you are just worrying yourself.
    13. adamboy7
      I would take his word on it. A few bites wont kill ya. The only harm he could get is an infection, but a dogs mouth is actually cleaner than a humans lol. If he washes his hand he will be fine. The only other threat there would be is rabies, but I am sure somebody would have noticed already if the dog had rabies. I would take his word on it and say he is fine.
    14. adamboy7
      Not much :D I just got home a few minutes ago lol. Sorry for the late response, i had to take out the trash.
      Whats up with you? :D
    15. adamboy7
      I'm baaaack :D
    16. Darkcloud
      Okay, I'm back on...
    17. Darkcloud
      I'm sorry, I've got to go. Dinner. I'll be back on in an hour. Bye for now.
    18. Sora's Apprentice
    19. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Fine but ur the only person i will show it to.
      Give me a sec.
    20. Sora's Apprentice
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  • About

    Oct 19, 1993 (Age: 31)
    I'm not particularly new to Kh-vids, but I have been absent for quite a long while. It's nice to be back, and I hope I meet those on here that I haven't had the pleasure to discover yet. :) I'm pretty friendly so talk all you want to, and I'll do my best to get back to everyone quickly.
    <3 Tifa L. <3


    I would swallow my pride, I would choke on the rinds,
    but the lack thereof would leave me empty inside.
    Swallow my doubt,turn it inside out,find nothing but faith in nothing.
    Want to put my tender heart in a blender, watch it spin 'round to a beautiful oblivion.