Last Activity:
Feb 25, 2019
Mar 6, 2011
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Local Time:
2:26 AM
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Feb 7, 1989 (Age: 36)
I live in Austin, TX
Majoring in Videogame Design


Twilight Town Denizen, Male, 36, from I live in Austin, TX

Cloudrunner62 was last seen:
Feb 25, 2019
    1. starseeker3
      Hello, If You Are Reciveing This Message, It Means That You Have Died, Would You Like To Restart From The Begening Of Your Adventure?
      You earned one cupcake. [/spoler] you won now
    2. shidonic
      XD sorry, getting use to it because of the chats im in, mainly les crap but still...

      Atleast try to have fun at colledge!~ (Cant help the heart thing anymore ;~; )(Also starting the ~ crap, im playing as Pinkamena, like to Fck around before killing em u see)
    3. shidonic
      Ok, i dont expect much, beside, i found a chat where its instand and im talking extremely saucy~

      So please, take your time <3
    4. Jayn
      Erika Furudo from Umineko. It's kind of her title, I suppose. She's very clever.
      And awesome to hear it.
    5. Jayn
      Lol, hi. I'm always online... literally, almost all day. I just like to be invisible so no one bothers me. ;P hehe. What's up?
    6. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Thats gotta be tough.
    7. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      That has to suck.
      wait, i thought u said ur 21???
    8. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Hey Cloud, whats up?
    9. shidonic
      Hey cloud, your post is needed in the group chat (Sorry if you dont have the time)
    10. starseeker3
      i dis agree...i keep dieing to people!
    11. starseeker3
      tis good gonna go to fam din soon working on a kh2 proud mode file my niece is mad at me cuz she thinks i think shes a bad player which aint true, she just int focused and we were givn kh2 a few years back by a friend but it was kh2 not one
    12. Misty
      Got it, thank you!
    13. Marluxia912
      I don't like the sound of her ex. Makes me wanna go down to where you live, find the guy and put a knife through his chest.
      Some guys are just....ugh...I don't know. He just brings out the evil I have in my heart.
    14. Marluxia912
      No, it's alright.
      I was a virgin when I met him, so he was also my first time too.
      Maybe that's another reason I don't want to let him go
    15. Marluxia912
      Yeah, I guess
      But I mean...we've only been together for 10 months
      And he was my first boyfriend. If things come to worst...and we break up...
      There are others out there.
    16. Marluxia912
      It's kind of neutral.
      We're not really talking about the situation at hand, nor are we acknowleding it.
      We're just talking like a regular couple. But I don't know what he's gunna do.
      All I know is, I never wanna bring it up or talk about it again.
    17. Marluxia912
      A little better.
      Not good or great, but just...a little better.
    18. RikuxXion
      But its so long!
    19. Sora's Apprentice
      Sora's Apprentice
      Dude when you get online check this out!
    20. RikuxXion
      ??? Umm......... everywhere?
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  • About

    Feb 7, 1989 (Age: 36)
    I live in Austin, TX
    Majoring in Videogame Design
    I am a 6' 5" Deep Dive Riku Cosplayer along with my 4'10" Xion cosplayer Girlfriend

    My hobbys include playin WoW, Making KH music vids, playin kh games, dot hack, dynasty warrior Gundam games, Skies of Arcadia, and many many others. I enjoy reading various series including some of the classic Star Wars novels like the Thrawn Trilogy and Corellian trilogy. Babylon 5 books are also awesome as are Starcraft and Warcraft books and manga. I also enjoy watching many different animes such as Gundam (various series), Fairy Tail, Mai HiME, Gurren Lagann, and many many others. And I of course must include hanging out here between everything else.



    I am a Riku Cosplayer. I dual-wield. Don't mess with that.