Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Aragorns
      ... ok...
      Why, exactly, is he Foreshadowing?
    2. Lite
      Wow, I thought you could only use the colors provided on the site. I think I will start using it, thanks for showing it to me.

      Evil Chrono. Nice.
    3. Aragorns
      true that.
      Then again, the Doctor is a non-combat person... and yet, we seem to be him. So, you never know.

      Edit: Oh and, reading through some wikipedia's, it dosn't say anything about them being copies. At all. Nada. So... Perhaps then that means they just had there memories wiped... aside from Cloud and also, it seems Zidane remember's... infact, chances are, anyone with a FF character involved is going to make references to Dissidia. So you're arguement is invalid. No offence.
    4. Lite
      I know how you feel with the running out of colors thing. If it wasn't for banners, I'm sure people would get confused with people who have characters that share the same colors. Dr. Eggman and Eddie Riggs are two of mine that share colors.

      Wow, I guess you weren't the only one who had an idea for a Material Chrono. You have a kindred spirit out there somewhere. c:
    5. Droid

      Lightning bolt while wishing, it's the only logical way to go. This will be grand. For kicks Grell can show up and die of Scar's looks, it's a very high possibility.
    6. Droid
      Well as just a lion he's not that great

      I thought we agreed that U-D couldn't be here had Scar done that? We could just have Jafar grant the wish, or Bushy could cough. Or Scar could actually get hit by a lightning bolt.
    7. Lite
      Crimson Ice? Badass.

      Also, did you make that picture yourself? It looks really cool.

      Regardless of your answer, I won't get it 'till tomorrow. You should know why. :P
    8. Droid
      I love that pic. If Scar was human and wasn't Jeremy Irons this would be him.

      How would this happen though, does he get hit with a lighting bolt or bitten by a radioactive spider human?
    9. Lite
      Okay, well at least you've got a plan for him. Wow, so he's going to be more like Levi than he would Stern or Dearche? I like. 2 serious and 2...still serious but in a slightly more annoying way sometimes. Yeah, that's the word. Or words.
    10. Lite
      Hmm...You're right. Well, it was the only thing I could think of that made sense...Unless of course you're okay with the color being similar to Dearche's. Maybe she could have something to do with Eis's creation, meaning his magic color is very similar to hers? Since the Materials (I assume) are coming back soon, wouldn't Dearche be able to use the Tome to do that? Excuse me if I'm showing extreme signs of Tome-based stupidity right now, I've still got little knowledge of it's limits.
    11. Lite
      Would black be acceptable? Y'know, because of "Black Ice"(Even though Black Ice isn't actually black at all)?
    12. Lite
      No, no, I understand. I knew that's what you meant, I was just saying.

      As for someone I know who would be good at it...I don't know anybody who's done recolors before...Sowwy.
    13. Lite
      I knew it!

      Hmm...I would help, but recoloring really isn't my thing. I could give it a shot, but I wouldn't have results until tomorrow, seeing as I'm on my laptop which GIMP isn't on...
    14. Lite
      That thing is God-Tier...

      I meant to say Materials, not devices. My bad.
      But that's pretty cool they did that.
    15. Lite
      I have looked into the eyes of death itself...And I **** my pants.

      Hm, very interesting. are the names and devices all German or something? I've noticed they all have German-sounding names.
    16. Lite
      You scare me sometimes.

      *GASP* [video=youtube;7g9WjcGdxuM]

      Aren't the materials all clones of someone else? Who would this material be a clone of?
    17. Lite
      Okay, good. No more potential apocalypses.

      Yes. Do it. If you don't I will never forgive you.
    18. Lite
      Ooooh, I remember now. Damn, she's got fragments of that in her? She's going to be a tough one then.
    19. Lite
      I really can't say I remember...Which is sad, because I really liked the Ultimate Crossover...Sorry about that.
    20. Lite
      Wow, I guess he is good.

      Yeah, that might help. Thanks.
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