Last Activity:
Aug 11, 2021
Aug 21, 2009
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Local Time:
9:33 PM
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Broke Grad Student


Wakanda Forever, Male, from Konoha


#WakandaForever Mar 13, 2018

Plums was last seen:
Aug 11, 2021
    1. Iskandar
      Um, I just wanted to make sure, but my character is fine for the Velvet Room RP right?
    2. Krowley
    3. Krowley
      Hello, regarding the Velvet Room, is this the attacking order?;
      Zone 3: Haseo, Firekeyblade, Excasr, Loxare, Krowley

      I attempted to catch up as much as possible, but at the moment I'm a little lost.
    4. Ienzo
      That is true.

      Plums, never become a Prem :D You are better then them...
    5. Iskandar
      hey plumes, so you think we should do another video night? I think the members would like another one, but I have no way to control it, and you are a mod, so you have more say in this.
    6. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      Thanks, Plums! Do I have to wait until the others beat your Shadow to join in? Or am I included in the battle and just waiting for my turn?
    7. Ienzo
      :D Well, you must be obsessed with butts I was gonig to go about 3 hours ago but then photoshop mysteriously opened and I ended up making some avatars. I am now attempting to pull myself away from the pictures on tumblr...

    8. Iskandar
      quick question before I sign up for the Velvet Room RP. How do you decide on your Persona? I mean, are you taking them from the games or something? I'm still trying to figure that out before I sign up. Oh, and I did take the Quiz once, and I scored something called the moon, and got it again just now so I would be sure, but the percentages are different. Like before, it said The Moon at 100%, but now it's 83%. I find that kinda strange. Oh well, with quizes like these, sometimes I might answer a question differently than the first time, not knowing what I did the first time.

    9. Bushy
      Tempted to join your Persona RP anyway... lol (If you'd have me along that is :P)
      but I'm honestly not sure. I have no idea what is what or what is going on. XD

      (Big fan of the games though if that helps)

      Also, I realise, I've always been meaning to talk to you more and yet I haven't.
      I mean... dude. You're a Gurren Lagann fan, a Persona fan... and much more! Why has it taken me this long?!
    10. Bushy

      Pretty pleased with my result... XD (I was honest with my answers. I promise. lol)
    11. Chie Satonaka
      Chie Satonaka
      Hey Plums! I wanna join the Velvet Room thingy, but I don't really get how to do this.... Can you help me? I already posted my info and waiting for you to add me....
    12. Iskandar
      alright, thanks....and maybe you could give a very short version of what's happened so far? Or at least how to do things? Because I'm not sure how those fights work
    13. Iskandar
      Hey Plums, is it possible to join your Persona RP? Although, I have no idea what's going on with it, since there's 54 pages of it, and it's probably already gotten farther in the story, and I have no idea how Persona works since i've never played it. Wow, I gave you more reaons not to let me in than to let me.....gotta owrk on that more
    14. CrownMoksha
      Can I still join your Persona Rp?
    15. Ienzo
      Aww, thank you Plums ^^ I am trying my best at making avatars and finding what colours work, it's hard going ;-;

      Can I have Plums fact's everyday ?::L:
    16. Soap
      Hey Plums-y, can you put Cuttlefish in a room with me????? Were gonna be brothers in the rp.
    17. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      I might check it out. It depends on the Va's
    18. Sacredlith
      Do feel free <3 It's up for grab anytime.
      & thanks for the visit c:
    19. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Hey did you here about Madoka getting dubbed?
    20. ShibuyaGato
      Yeah, I know. That's why I wrote it all down... even at midnight.

      Well, Plumi is sort of... obvious. You two are also pretty much perfect for each other. X3
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  • About

    Broke Grad Student
    Past Usernames:
    Plums Vi Britannia, Ploo-Hems, Suzuha Amane, Suzuhanukkah, Ploohemsaurus Rex, Yellow, Takyubey, Plumoose, Aang, gutsyGumshoe, Rise Kujikawa, Lin Beifong, Mako Mori, Plumenkranz
    Default Name:


    blaine: i love all my staff!! me (checks smudged writing on hand), plens, library, kaputa, kek, talon, storkpot, krooly, iwanedinexploud, and rexim​


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