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Jul 16, 2017
Feb 3, 2008
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Cisgender Male
Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:


Venomous, Cisgender Male, 32, from Tokyo-3


Friend Code: 5429-7906-2041 Dec 25, 2013

Hayabusa was last seen:
Jul 16, 2017
    1. Shikou
      Hard to believe right? :P
      Basically a cult has this plan to bring back their God and choose 5 woman to carry 1 of the 5 chosen children by giving the women a tablet (with or without knowing it) that would make the child to have the ability to see demons and ghost. They will begin to see them around the age of 17-18 (some start earlier). They would have to face monsters who are trying to bring them to the cult in the other world version of their current surroundings (like Silent Hill) and in the real world they would have to fight off demons with the same goal as the monsters.
      The cult has a plan to sacrifice the 5 to revive their God.
      Im still in the beginning process but that is what Im aiming for.
    2. Shikou
      Hope you find it :D
      Recently I have came up a game idea that is inspired by Silent Hill and Fatal Frame.
    3. Shikou
      Both the worlds of light and dark are scary xD
      Can you show me the drawing? :O
    4. Shikou
      He sounds like me to be honest >_>
      I liked the way you described the monster, I could already imagined what it would look like.
    5. Shikou
      What ideas would they be? Im interested.
    6. Shikou
      Exactly my point :D
    7. Shikou
      HaHa, I know right? People have been paying for the same game for a long time! xD
      I don't really like Resident Evil for the story and monster designs, none of them scared me back when they was still considered survival horror games. Now, they are just action games and have been compared to Silent Hill to death when they have nothing in common.
    8. Shikou
      I dont buy games based on reviews because some just play it for a few minutes and wine about what is bad about it when you get used to it later on in the game *gives all the people at IGN the evil eye*. People who buy games based on good reviews miss out on games that are actually good when they get bad reviews like the game Calling for the Wii.
      I get bashed for not liking Resident Evil, Call of Duty, and many other big titles. I prefer story then graphics or what system the game is on.
    9. Shikou
      Thats true. The 3rd Birthday didn't do so well and drop $10 a few weeks later but now a brand new copy is $20 (half of the original price).
      Im just wondering but do you buy games based of reviews?
    10. Shikou
      Ah, new game prices.... Y U NO CHEAPER?????
      Try waiting in 2 weeks to a month, I hear prices start going down by then from a YouTuber that rarely buys games on day 1.
    11. Te Deum
      Te Deum
      Dammit, I didn't respond...

      I got Mass Effect 2 and 3 for the PS3. Haven't played it yet. And I don't think I will for a while, 'cause I'm going to Madrid for Spring Break starting tomorrow.

      Oh, and I also got Captain America: The First Avenger "The Game". The graphics are good, the combat is kickass, and the story stays true to the movie.
    12. Shikou
      I do agree he gets over used A LOT to a point to where fans are annoyed with him. Is he in Downpour too?? Im sure he will show up in Book of Memories but Im not sure about Downpour. I like the guy but come one, we can survive a game without him, the poor guy doesn't even have a history/background like you said.
    13. Shikou
      I don't know, I kinda like walking around in a Pyramid Head triangle thing :D
      Yeah sure, it makes no sense but it sure is better then steroids (you get the joke???).
      It does have symbolism, it symbolizes his evil/bad decisions (you make in the game) that makes him fit to be one of them.
    14. Shikou
      I've never really liked 2 for the plot. Who in the right mind would go looking for someone they already know is dead? That is the one thinking that annoyed me about it though but not many people see it that way, I maybe the one in a million who do :/
      The reason why I liked Homecoming is because one part of it in the beginning of the game hit me where it really hurts because I've lived though it (the tape recording part where Alex's dad is talking to his little brother).

      KONAMI should see this video, this would make a good plot for their next game
    15. Shikou
      I wish they would make another Silent Hill game where you play as another female character. Silent Hill is becoming a sausage fest >B|
      Both 2 and Homecoming are unique :P
    16. Shikou
      This might come to a shock to many Silent Hill fans but I've never really liked Silent Hill 2 xD
      But I did liked the video, another well done video that deserves more then that many views :D
    17. Shikou
      Wow that was amazing! You deserve more then 500+ views >B|
      I liked that you included clips from my favorite games of the series
      (1, 3, and Homecoming).
    18. Shikou
    19. Shikou
      Oh yes I am. With the type of games and anime I love there is a side of me no one knows that loves Silent Hill and Japanese horror. I am a man of many hidden secrets ;D
    20. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      I'm the opposite. I'm really stressed out and I don't have spring break for another week or so I think.
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  • About

    Cisgender Male
    Nov 25, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Past Usernames:
    Video editing, drawing, gaming




    Fullmetal Alchemansy
    Survival Horrormansy
    Final Fantasy VIIImansy

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    • Voted "Best Returning Member" of KH-Vids 2012
      Steam - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Playstation Network - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      League of Legends - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
      Overwatch - Username: HayabusaZeroZ
    • last.fm / youtube / deviantART / BlogSpot

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