Jun 6, 2008
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10:26 PM
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Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)


The Future, Enby, 29


Do what you can, the best you can Aug 27, 2022

    1. Pinekaboo
      Heh, yeah it did. Just wait until more happens.

      School? Hell no, I'm nearly 20. I finished school four years ago, did three years at college, and now I'm looking for a job. Which is a job in itself. Also, like I said, I was lying awake at that time, trying to sleep but failing. I went to bed not long after posting.
      Dunno. All I know is what time it was when I recieved it on here. What time is it there now? Only, it's 12:27 here.
    2. Pinekaboo
      No comments on the wonderfulness of U-D's release? Am disappoint.

      Normally that time wouldn't have stopped me. In fact, I was lying awake then.
      And it was 2:40, not 4:30. Off by a margin.
    3. Pinekaboo
      Mm, well I'll do that and then go.
      Meh, conversations are always important.

      Yeah, it's always 6-7 hours different, depending on location in America. 6 hours when you're close to the East coast.
    4. Pinekaboo
      I should really post now, huh.
      Also I missed your reply for about an hour. Wow. I'm amazing.

      Well... it's 10:32pm here. Figures I'd eat by now.
    5. Pinekaboo
      I see. Like M, who decided to dropp kick Thoma. Bad idea by the way.

      I am doing. Omnomnom.
    6. Pinekaboo
      If he attacks my testicles, I'm killing him off.

      Ah, better. Now I'll respond. As soon as I've eaten something.
    7. Pinekaboo

      I saw, but I'm waiting on Rienzel now. Also; why is Siegfried not reacting to the fact that Thoma is obviously targetting him now? And the others, for that matter.
    8. Pinekaboo
      Do it. Do it now.

      Yeah, and both have overwhelming force. There's one thing I've had in mind for a long time that just has to happen; both of their most powerful moves being used against each other, beam o' war style. Brute force against brute force.

      Yeah, I did that for my RP, and it made things a lot easier. I guess I'll work on that.
    9. Pinekaboo
      Hopefully. He was on earlier and didn't though.

      Nope. And she's strong but slightly slow. Thoma's fairly fast with some of his projectiles. And he could use his anti-magic field to slow her down massively. He'd be the best chance they have.

      Yeah, I've been thinking about re-doing my own banners actually. Making them a little more fancy. Only thing is; I have so many characters that it's a little impractical to do that. I might make one large banner for them all though, instead of two-per-banner like I have been doing.
    10. Pinekaboo
      Alright, Raging Storm it is. Now if only Rienzel would post...

      Oh yeah, definitely. He's gonna be the one attempting to hold the line for everyone else to get themselves ready, what with him being the only one able to actually take her on properly.

      I don't mind doing things like that for friends that actually use them. What made me stop banner-ing is the fact that I was making them for ungrateful people that used them once or twice and then stopped, and never even acknowledged me.
    11. Pinekaboo
      Well this is best option so far;

      Well... after this sub-plot, they'll be one and the same. That's why I've got Krown bringing in Lily Strosek.

      Did you want me to quickly make his name purple in his banner? Also there are several purples. Dark Orchid is Dearche's, but Purple and Indigo would be fine.
    12. Pinekaboo
      I still need to pick out a track that'd fit well with it. I'm thinking of something from the first OST, but don't really know yet...

      Here's a pointer though; like this, Thoma is strong enough to take on U-D one-on-one at up to about 15% power. Considering that at 6%, Reinforce isn't expected to be able to win, that's significant.

      You might consider changing Ghost Rider's text to purple now. Especially since Zero uses the same red.
    13. Pinekaboo
      Oh yeah, there's definitely gonna be a lot of that, trust me. First things first; it'll be her against Reinforce.

      Yep, that's the one. Certain healing spells do it. Dearche and Stern probably have one that'll work, as would Thoma. Thoma however... well, he's unreachable right now.

    14. Pinekaboo
      I see. Well yeah, but just you wait. U-D's literally just around the corner now!
      All kinds. They're not limited to one kind of candy, they have a huge bagfull each.

      Well that's a complete lie, since there's a spell that they use in the series to cure him occassionally. :/ Also, he was in the same room already. Everyone was.

      I can do it, give me a little bit.
    15. Pinekaboo
      What made it a good post? I'd like to know what exactly it is I'm doing right. xD
      And Levi has the best wish ever, don't deny it. Everybody in the cabin has candy, and she's now sitting on Bushy's lap.

      Yep, M is the most qualified I thought. If he can't do it alone, I'll have Doctor come help out.
    16. Bushy
      OH SHI- I knew I had missed something! O_O
      Sorry, it completely slipped my mind when I came to writing Natsu... lol

      At anyrate, Natsu's motion sickness has always been incurable aside from Wendy's Troia spell.
      It's funny, because it's kind of a psychological thing with Natsu as well as a proper sickness. He flies around with Happy (his winged cat all the time) but he never get sick, and you know why?
      It's because Happy is his friend, and therefore not considered transportation which is pretty incredible. XD
    17. Pinekaboo
      Well it was just a simple hue swap, so it was easy. Does look pretty damn badass though, I'll admit.

      Nice post.
    18. Pinekaboo
      As a side effect; when he's more powerful with it he'll be able to change into his Auroboros (however it's spelled) form from RE5 whenever he wants, without negative effect.
      Just because.

      Also; made an image for Ghost Rider.

    19. Pinekaboo
      Only problem with that would be that they'd have to be Dark Pieces to be made on that scale, and that'd put them under Dearche's control.
      However, I think something like... alright, avoiding the army idea, what about if she bound a page into him permenantly? It'd essentially mean that from that point on, he'd be able to develop and use the same kind of magical power that Dearche and the others are capable of, to a medium-level of power. The page would essentially become a Linker Core for him.
    20. Pinekaboo
      Why not have him wish for an army of sorts? A good army would help them repel the Empire, and possibly help Wesker himself afterwards.
      Of course, it'd have to be using something from RE series. Any ideas?
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    Oct 7, 1995 (Age: 29)
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