Wheel of Time
Last Activity:
Nov 4, 2022
Apr 1, 2007
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8:42 AM
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September 17
Europe, Sweden

Wheel of Time

Time forever preserved in memory., Male, from Europe, Sweden

Wheel of Time was last seen:
Nov 4, 2022
    1. Blayz Mods
      Blayz Mods
      hey seph could you make me a dump? I need it in the HOC and with valor in the party for ntsc plz.^ ^
    2. adamboy7
      lol Yea, it sucks. I suppose we can talk when you have the weekend to stay up lol. Night my good man! :D
    3. adamboy7
      lol Yea, when something is a free for all, you can do just about anything XD
      And Health is about various things. It depends on what year you take it lol As the name implies, It has to do with health stuff, being healthy, exercise, bla lol.

      Than make the classes abnormal! lol Life is as bland or exciting as you make it XD
    4. adamboy7
      lol School can be epic, you just have to make it epic! Today I had two substitute teachers. So for my first period class it was a free for all, health was spent on the computers and doing nothing, math was another substitute and free for all, lunch is always a free for all, and than my last period computer class was just awesome. We do alot of fun stuff, so nearly every class is epic lol. So SCHOOL :D, and video gaming, and plans for riping, and I an going to begin building my game come this weekend! :D So I would say that makes epicness lol.
    5. adamboy7
      Okay, muchos thankyouis :)

      I will have to try it in a few days, by reguest of Sora's apprentice I must clear out 25 GB of my hard drive XD Me and him are going to be playing a starwars RPG game for the next four days while its free lol. So if I have any questions five days from now, I will turn to you lol. So, anything epic happen since we last spoke? :)
    6. adamboy7
      I am wonderful :D Glad you got some sleep :D

      I was able to rip from my kh2 disc with your video method, and I want to rip from final mix. The only problem I have is my Final mix is an ISO, I dont have the disc. Do you know of a way to rip from it?
    7. adamboy7
      Hello :D How are you?

      Oh, and may I ask a favor?
    8. adamboy7
      Dane Cook is a camedian lol. That was a comedy act he did. A kingdom hearts fan took the audio and set it to kingdom hearts lol. He is making jokes about being late to a crappy job lol. I slept in this morning and nearly missed my bus XD So, I pulled a Dane Cook XD Look up Dane Cook on youtube, he is funny lol. He swears alot though. But he is funny lol.
    9. adamboy7
      Your tired are eh? Well atleast you didnt pull a Dane Cook this morning! XD

      I aint tired in the least! XD
    10. adamboy7
      lol Makes sence. How are you? :D
    11. adamboy7
      Nope, exactly 98 XD
      Where did you get 500 from? I wish! lol
    12. adamboy7
      Okay, good night man :D
    13. adamboy7
      LOL Yea, stingy works XD Not very giving of rep lol. There is nothing to really keep with rep, so I guess they arent cheritable lol.
      I hang out... Here lol. I mostly spend my time talking with people. I dont really have a section to post in. I have almost 100 posts lol.
    14. adamboy7
      XD lol I see your point. Your such an awesome person, how can you not have rep?! XD
    15. adamboy7
      lol I am famous in Sweden? Sweet XD
      Oh, you mean on KH-vids? lol I guess I am famous, but only to a small group of people. And I guess some others seeing as how I actually have sep lol. No clue how it happened lol. I huess it just aquired after two years of being here lol.
    16. adamboy7
      lol Yup. Well actually not. Well, somewhere in the middle. Any random person off the street could probably care less lol. The people in the historical comitte love me however XD. So unless your really old and know your stuff, or you are a major histor buff, most people could care less LOL XD
    17. adamboy7
      Oh, and awesome little fact, my great great (insert a few greats here lol) uncle once removed founded the very town I live in! :D
    18. adamboy7
      lol Alot of haritige? Is that the word you are looking for? If not, I dunno. Geneticly speaking I get around alot lol. XD
      And Me either. I am lucky if I can point out north without a compass lol.
    19. adamboy7
      lol Whats wrong with Hungary? lol I am half hungarian :D So I guess its just a calling back to my roots lol. I am a mutt, so to go to all my roots wouls be... well... All over the world XD
      I am English (England), Dutch (Doutchland? Holland? I dunno, I will google it later XD), German (Germany, duh), Hungarian (Hungary), Romanian (Romania, next to Hungary), and French (France XD)
    20. adamboy7
      Its not all that far. Atleast on a global scale lol. Indeed by bus. Unfortinitly not, DC is as far as I have gone. I wish to go to England however :D England, Hungary, and Japan are my main ones lol. After that its Hawaii, bahamas, ect. lol Of coarse, that will require money. So the only far away place I will go is probably England or Hungary lol. My grandparents go to Hungary every year, so there is a decent chance I will go lol.

      And yup, a spelling error. It was quite literally set in stone, so they never changed it they just scrathed off the bottom of the E XD

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    September 17
    Europe, Sweden
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