Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Lite
      Oh, sorry. I was tired and I needed to go to bed. It had slipped my mind. Let me reread it real quick. *goes to reread*

      *comes back from rereading*...**** just got real.

      Wow, I would never be able to stay up that late and be able to function during the day. Do you have school during the day?
      Wait, if you said from the East Coast it's a 6 hour difference, and it was 10:40 when I posted that, so doesn't it mean it was 4:40 where you are? Unless I'm doing it wrong...
    2. Lite
      M'kay. You're gone by now so...later. :3
      That they are, my friend. That they are.

      Alright, so it's 10: 40 right now here (East Coast US) so I guess it's around 4: 30 there. Damn.
    3. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      Ooooh... well thank you! I see no bronies have taken it, so I'll do it. Thanks. ^^
    4. Lite
      Probably should.
      It's okay. It wasn't anything that important.

      Wow. You're further ahead in time than I thought. I thought you were only like two or three hours ahead. Seems I was off by about 3 hours.
    5. Lite
      Hey, he's the spiritual descendant of Mario, who treks several worlds to fight a giant fire breathing dragon-turtle to save a princess who's always getting captured. Besides, he was tending to Natsu. He's got an excuse for his stupidity. :3

      I wish I was omnomnomming, but my food ain't ready yet. This makes me sadface.
    6. Lite
      Don't worry. Siegfried's the kind of Honey Badger that only gives a little bit of a sh1t. Unlike the others.

      Eat away, my friend.
    7. Lite
      Because he's like a honey badger. Let's see if you can figure THAT one out.

      I'll go edit in a 'Fried response right quick.
    8. Lite
      He's been told. Failure to comply will force me to break out the Lead Pipe of Posting.

      Just thought I'd say that I posted in case you haven't seen it yet.
    9. Lite
      Oh, really now? I may just have to...persuade him to post next time he's on.

      Powerfully slow versus speedily technical. I like it.

      That sounds like a pretty cool idea. That way you'd just have to put one banner then you're done.
    10. Lite
      He should soon...Hopefully.

      I can't see anyone else being effective against her.

      It's sad when someone puts work into something for someone else (be it a little or a lot of work) and then they just stop acknowledging the fact that you made it for them. I'll be using the banners you've made for me as long as CC goes on. My newer characters, I may make banners for myself, but the older ones like Sonic/Deadpool, Wesker/Ghost Rider, they're always gonna be yours.
    11. Lite
      After listening to it I say go for it. It sounds pretty good to me.

      I see. This looks like it's going to be quite the battle once U-D and Thoma go at it.

      You can if you want to, but don't feel like you have to. I was contemplating going with Purple or Indigo, but then I wasn't sure if people with the dark skin would be able to see it very well. But I'll just go with Purple.
    12. Lite
      Hmm...I'm not sure of what songs are what in the OST just yet, so I can't really help there.

      Now do you mean regular Thoma or Thoma in the state he's in now?

      I was just thinking about that, but then when I tried it out, it ended up looking like Dearche's purple. I guess it would make sense seeing as his new form was given to him by Dearche. I'll make it purple.
    13. Lite
      Looking forward to it!

      Okay, I'll keep that in mind.

      Beautiful! thank you.
    14. Lite
      Ooooooohhhhh, U-D!! Can't wait to read her blow sh1t up!
      Oh, well that certainly opens up some options.

      My bad, I forgot what he had said. This is what he said to me exactly concerning the motion sickness: "At anyrate, Natsu's motion sickness has always been incurable aside from Wendy's Troia spell."
      I assume that's the spell you were referring to?

      Okay, thank you.
    15. Lite
      It's just your posts usually have the most effect on other characters, seeing as Dearche (and Light, but he's Rienzel's) is basically the main source of power in the plot. Need something unobtainable? Get the Tome. Need a power upgrade? Tome time. Got a hangnail that just won't cooperate? Tome or go home. Besides, you gave Wesker and Ghost Rider new powers. That makes it automatically awesome in my book. c: Now to think of what candy Wesker, GR and Sonic got...Decisions, decisions, decisions.

      Alright, M is done tending to Natsu (Bushy said his motion-sickness can't be cured, even by a 1-Up mushroom), so he's gonna be making his way to the room with Thoma and co. as soon as I make my next post, which should be soon.

      Also: Should me or you change Ghost Rider's half of his banner to reflect his new form? I can do it, but if you'd rather do it, go right ahead.
    16. Lite
      First off I'd like to say: effing awesome post, Wesker will be one happy camper, along with GR. Also I lol big-time at Levi's wish. XD

      Also, and I don't mean to eavesdrop but I noticed that one of Droid's VM's to you spoke of M, and then I proceeded to read the rest. I assume you think M is the most qualified for controlling the Star Destroyer after it's AI is taken out? You'd be right in thinking that as he's shown to have some tech prowess, but I just wanted to make sure before making assumptions.
    17. Droid
      Damn time change is doing that to me too, very wrong. Hope you get to feeling better.
      Yeah that'll work, GLaDOS is in a perpetual state of nagging elderly wife that wants your life insurance.
      M is the only person I'd think can, because he's an original character and he can do what we say. And Yesh, it can be raised to 16(at first I thought you were just mad because it was an odd number. xD)
    18. Beucefilous
      I just realised something. The tome's power is limited to it's number of pages, right? And the deathnote never runs out of them. So would Dearche be able to combine them into one book that has the effects of both?
    19. Droid
      I think you're in need of ice cream bro, or something calming..
      I was sorta trying to keep her location under wraps, although I thought I kinda made it clear earlier. Anyways, she's in the Death Star, commanding it and the Star Destroyer from her inner sanctum. She's only appearing on the screens in the bridge of the ship they're on. Although the AI core thing Thoma was pointing at is what allows her to command the claws, panels, autopilot, etc. on that ship
    20. Droid
      How would I jump to having 15? Regardless if I've got it at 14 moving it to 15 is no big deal, so I'll just do that.
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