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Oct 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
Home Page:
In your breadbin
To give everyone a hug.


((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>, Female, 30, from In your breadbin



Ienzo was last seen:
Feb 21, 2019
    1. ShibuyaGato
      Yes, I must. I should probably be reading them now, but I still have time.

      Oh god, that would be hilarious and awful at the same time.

      Prelude 12/21 by AFI. Yeah, it was supposed to be an old Christmas present for Jayn and Fuzzy, but I never ended up finishing it.
    2. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Your rp posts are really quite incredible, I must say.

      How old is Kathy by the way? She is my type of girl, I like her.
    3. AlexleHoshi
      Yes.... Yes I did rick roll'd myself
    4. ShibuyaGato
      Oh, I read the first one in two days, and it's only because school got in the way. xD

      Well, you could be doctoring photographs. :lolface: Gurl, you deserve all the places; those other kids got nothin' on you and yer skillz.

      Oh yes. And I finally managed to sit down and get back into editing stuff today. I'm trying to finish up an old project, and it's more fun to work on than I ever expected... mostly because Kairi dies. >:D
    5. ShibuyaGato
      No, I haven't. Though I really need to finish the Hunger Games trilogy before moving onto any other works though.

      Oh god. Well, I'll be rooting for you the whole way through. Besides, doctors who can photoshop are probably a rarity. XD

      Wow... well, I enjoy living in my comfortable bedroom with my computer and PS3. /socially awkward
    6. DecayingDesire
      That would be a bit helpful.. But what can you do? Haha~! xD
    7. DecayingDesire
      Its alright.. I just kinda had a small embarassment attack for a second! 'u' Thanks for fixing it! XD
    8. ShibuyaGato
      Oh, it's fine. I may just try and pick them up soon. Wow, well at least you've got it done.

      Oh yeah, I'll make sure to be wearing it underneath my clothes so I can just start stripping in the pool. XD Yeah, I don't even want to think about having to fight for a spot in college or uni.

      Well, no matter what you think, there'll always be a university in any state. Still, Florida has beaches; why would she want to go to the desert if she had the chance to live in Miami?
    9. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      A ketone is well yeah another organic compound just with a different functional group. A ketone (I always want to spell it 'keytone' xD) basically has a double bond oxygen attached to a carbon somewhere in the middle of the molecule. (I think if it's got a double bond oxygen attached to the end carbon then it's an aldehyde). Hope that makes sense.

      Yeah ^,^ Should be fun.

      Oh by the way you know how I mentioned 'Pottasium Dicromate' before? Well in chem 2 that's basically the answer to everything, if you're looking for a reagent and haven't got a clue, just put that down, it's probably right. That and electronegitivity, that pops up a lot too.
    10. ShibuyaGato
      Well yeah, but not when your whole grade depends on it. I've always sucked at annotation because I'm too lazy to inspect it in that kind of detail, but when it's a book I enjoy, I can just dive into it without much difficulty. I haven't been able to look at a lot of English literature; at this point, I think Frankenstein and A Tale of Two Cities are as far as I've gone at this point.

      Oh god. My allergies can be bad, but that would just be a perfect excuse. Ooh, well good luck to you then. Hopefully, shadowing doctors is something that they'll smile upon.

      Well, maybe they could be transfer students for a while. Swapping places would probably make them both happy. XD
    11. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Um, sort of. I'll admit that confused me a lot too and none of the answers I got seemed to make sense. However from how I understand it, it is the thing that you react it with to get the desired result. That probably doesn't make much sense but I'll try to explain. For example, when you're doing a chemical test it's the thing that you react it with for the test to happen. Like it's silver nitrate when you're testing for group 7 halogens (Cholrine, bromine, iodine). Or in organic, if you're trying to go from an alcohol to a aldehyde, it's what you'd have to react the alcohol with to get a aldehyde. (Pottasium Dicromate) Annnd that probably just made it more confusing. Sorry.

      Admittedly you picked me up on something I struggled with too there so that probably wasn't explained too well but hopefully I'll be a bit better on other things and I'll give it my best shot at helping with anything you're not sure on. ^,^ So yeah, as soon as you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. I actually really enjoy doing this.
    12. ShibuyaGato
      Oh god, that sounds like one of the labs that we do most every day in Biology. We all go nuts and get off topic while still getting passing grades. xD Wow, well this was the first year that I really had to get into annotation. Besides that, we've really gone in-depth with the books that have been read; we're analyzing Frankenstein down to the letter, and I'm pretty sick of all the annotations already. And this isn't even the college/uni level class, just honors. O-O

      Well, she wanted to take me around Rome (I believe) and two other places whose names escape me at the moment. Well, we went to Epcot before school started and the Italy section had the best pizza I've ever tasted; the cheese was so addicting. Well, I don't know if my mom will let me get into a swimming pool when we're supposed to be sightseeing, but I'll have to ask about it. Oh wow, what kind of work experience?

      I would, but that could get me expelled; I doubt my mom would be happy about that. XD Oh god, well my best friend of about three years now was the one who got me into it. I remember criticizing her for her love of all things British and her Harry Potter fetish, but just look at me today. XD
    13. kitty_mckechnie
      I'll be stalking you stalking me!
    14. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Yeah, I know. Listen if you ever need help with anything just let me know, it's all still frest in my mind as I resat CHEM 2 and you rego over a lot of the same stuff in A2 but just go into more detail so trying to explain it would probably help me too.

      Yeah, I know what you mean and I still find 'reagents' a little confusing. But once you've got your head around the mechinisms they're not too bad. There's only a few of them you actually have to know for AS. Equilibrium I'm quite good at and I grasped the concept quite fast, and that's not too bad. Thanks, you too~

      Ouch. That's expensive though I guess I can understand why.
    15. ShibuyaGato
      Oh wow. So, you all did the same project? Well, we basically write an essay that answers certain questions about what we've read. In short, we both do the same thing. XD

      Oh god, I would burst out laughing. Still, we must do it.

      An India trip? Ooh, well my mom was planning to take me to Italy with her in the summer. Hopefully, we'll both have a good time on our respective escapades.

      Wow. Well, I saw that our school's library had a time travel theme going on. When I saw that there was a cardboard cut-out TARDIS, along with a Doctor Who novel and comic (Marvel used to make them) I nearly squeed.
    16. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Oh, and resits cost about £15-20 depending on the exam board so doing a lot can get expensive, I've done 3 already and am doing 2 more.
    17. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      You got As in Biology and Chem?? Wow, even more well done!!! You're blowing me out of the water already. That's brilliant, just try and keep it up.

      Yeah, CHEM2 is quite hard but once you've got your head around some of the stuff, it's not too bad. The mechinisms and some of the stuff you have to learn seems really daunting but trust me, when you do CHEM4, you'll realise it actually wasn't that hard xD That's probably not much help but yeah just stick with it and you'll do fine.

      I know, same here.
    18. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Oh well done, that's brilliant! ^,^ What were the As in? And what did you get in the sciences if it wasn't them?

      I got a mixed bag. I did well in Maths, I got a high B in my C2 resit and a low B in my Core 3. I brought my CHEM2 up from a D to a B, which was really good. However I didn't do very well on my A2 Physics or Chem, so I'll just have to resit them. But overall it wasn't too bad. I get my Chem resit for free too as they messed us around so bad and the entire class did badly.

      And lol, they ran out of resit forms at reception at my college so I had to go to the exams office to get some.
    19. Midnight Star
      Midnight Star
      Enzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you got your results today? I hope you're smiling and they reflect how simply awesome you are. ^,^
    20. ShibuyaGato
      Yep. I've done "Which falls faster between a tennis ball, softball, or golf ball", "What sort of covering keeps apples fresh the longest" and "How much water is ideal for sunflower seeds". The last one was the first one that I did and when I ended up faking all the data the night before, I learned to plan ahead for my procrastination (though the reports that go along with them are always annoying). Wow... that's quite impressive. I once made up a whole book report the weekend before it was due and got an A.

      Oh god, that'll be a riot. We should definitely make her sit through one of our Portal 2 co-op sessions. She can listen to us babble about RDJude and commit double suicide. XD Oh yes, we will be ready!

      Yeah, it's backwards compatible. When you end up getting one, we will exchange friend codes and message each other with doodles and pics like crazy. >:3
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  • About

    Oct 17, 1994 (Age: 30)
    Home Page:
    In your breadbin
    To give everyone a hug.
    Past Usernames:
    Ienzo, Perry, The Doctor, River Song, Vashta Nerada, Nova is sexy, ЅherӀоck, Dr. Frank N Furter, Clara Oswald, Spiderman, Twelve
    I'm a nerd who decides to come on here every now and then to procrastinate. (I think I typed this when I was like 14... it amuses me so I'm not changing it) In fact, why dear user are you wanting to know about me? Come and talk to me to find out who I am! >:3 Or go study, as that is probably what you should be doing right now.

    Yes, I have many interests

    CatKat 5EVA TO WIN THE WORLD! >:3

    *licks disk*... while not in California


    "Let me put myself in your shoes as a puppet loosely strung."
    Avatar art link | My Deviantart | Youtube
    Cat~ & Ienzo are the Best Bromance of 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 (2nd) | 2017

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