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Aug 17, 2013
Jul 8, 2010
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Sep 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
Brain Ninja


Destiny Islands Resident, Female, 28, from Candyland!

MaM_1 was last seen:
Aug 17, 2013
    1. adamboy7
      lol Thats Larxene :D For each organization member not involved in the storyline, a portal appears that leads to their battle stage. Zexion appears in the Underworld, Larxene Appears in Port Royal, and thats as far as I have gotten. XD

      I am sorry, but I am headed to bed. You will have a download link to the patched ISO in the morning :D Goodnight :D
    2. adamboy7
      Oh god, she is my next challenge. I walked in to see what I was up agianst. If you do so much as touch her within the first five seconds of battle, you will die. If you attack her after those five seconds, she will vanish, reapear behind you, and kill you. If you stand still, she will kill you. This will be fun! :D
    3. adamboy7
      lol indeed. This time I will attempt to do it fair and square lol. I managed to do it at level 21. My goal was to do it by 25. So I think I should be able to do it the fair way lol. After that, I move on to Larxene XD Fun lol. By the way, I am doing all of this on critical mode, so nearly everybody can kick your a$$ XD
    4. adamboy7
      Indeed it is :D Now that I have beaten him, I have no problem dieing a few dozen more times. I already beat him once XD Of coarse I kinda cheated... When you use the emulator you can save the exact spot you are in by gloing to system, scrolling over Save State, and you can save the current state of the emulator 10 different times XD so every time I knocked down a life bar, I would save the state. Shortly afer I would die, and continue from the state I saved rather than start the battle over lol.
    5. adamboy7
      Four hours fifty minutes remaining lol. And probably half an hour remaining before I crash LOL
      Kingdom Hearts 2 FM is awesome. you get to fight ALL of the organization members. And afterwards, you gat to fight them in data form as many times as you want :D Meaning you dont have to hack them to fight them :D I just beat Zexion today. I have been fighting him the past three days. I won, but then I restarted my emulator because I wanted video proof that I did it XD LOL
    6. adamboy7
      lol Well, technicly you can, however the much simpler way is to just zone out XD
    7. adamboy7
      lol A true fan XD After a few years of playing kingdom hearts, I just skip the scenes at this point XD Unless its a new game. If its an oldie to me like KH1 or two, I will probably skip the scene. Unless I havent played in awhile lol.
    8. adamboy7
      lol good. For some reason that is universal in Japan, on all platforms. Atleast as far as I have seen. It applies to PS2, PSP, and DS. I havent tried any others, but its safe to assume its the same for all of them lol. Oh, and by the way, I suggest you watch the scenes in final mix. There are some things changed in the scenes, and there are some added things :) I made that mistake and had to restart my game XD Well, I didnt actually have to, but the curiosity of what I missed drove me to it XD
    9. adamboy7
      So, till that time comes, do you know how to play Japanese games? :D

      For some reason, in Japan, cicrle is select and X is baxk, and in america X is select, and circle is back XD
    10. adamboy7
      Then I am an hour ahead. I shall remember this time! XD
      Five hours and fourty five minutes left lol.
    11. adamboy7
      You have the toolbar installed? Good, then you are completely prepared for the morning lol. Or atleast my morning XD I forgot what time it was for you XD
    12. adamboy7
      Six hours and seventeen minutes remaining lol
    13. adamboy7
      lol Twould be wise lol. However you will need an account to make it work. I suggest the toolbar because otherwise you will be downloading these files individually lol. The files are in a folder, but they are in an online folder. It is free to become a memeber, and its free to have the toolbar. :)
    14. adamboy7
      Ha, the upload may take longer then expected. Acording to media fire, I have 7 hours remaining on upload XD
      You should have it by morning lol
      Oh, by the way, do you have the media fire toolbar? :)
    15. adamboy7
      I am uploading now :) By chance, do you have the media fire toolbar installed on your computer?
    16. adamboy7
      Good :D I am nearly done splitting the file. This is going to be in several thousand pieces lol. It will be in a folder, so no worries about clutering your desktop :)
      double click it to open, I dont believe there is a necicary install :) A box should pop up. it will have options on it that say split, join, ect, ect. Once I have the folder uploaded and you have it downloaded, you will click the join button. It may take a short while to put humpty dumpty together, but not too long :) Maybe a few minutes, half an hour at the most.
    17. adamboy7
      Good, then in that case you need to download a file called HJSplit. HJSplit is a program that can smash files into as little or as large pieces as you want. Not only can it put things into pieces, but it can also put things back together :D
      Click the button that says "Free Download" download it wherever you wish :)
    18. adamboy7
      Okay, then in that case I will just give you a copy of mine :) You are going to have to download a program however, because in order to use media fire it has to be in bits and pieces XP
      The program you will need to download will put all the pieces back together :). Are you alright with that?
    19. adamboy7
      Well, I have not had this problem. Maybe it is thw ISO? I am not sure. We have three options. one option being try agian from step one, I give you my copy, or three, we could attempt remote access and I could try it myself. Up to you.

      Actually, first open it up in the emulator and see if anything happened. I suggest opening it in full boot.
    20. adamboy7
      Good, now with everything in the folder on your C: drive, drag the patch onto the patcher. After the patch is on the patcher, a box should pop up asking you to tell it to run. Tell it to run and a black box should pop up :) (This black box is called the command prompt, but thats another lesson, another time lol) You can type in this black box. We are going to have to type the file directory into it. So, you are going to have to type this EXACTLY. I suggest you copy and paste :D


      C: is the drive the folder is in, the folder is named KH2FM_patched, and inside the folder is our ISO :) once you have that typed in or copied in, press enter. The command prompt should change text and tell you when it can be closed. This wont take long at all, and we are nearly done :D
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  • About

    Sep 8, 1996 (Age: 28)
    Brain Ninja
    If you REALLY wanna know, just ask. :)


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    Relationship Status ❑ Taken ❑ Single ✔Mentally dating a character that doesnt exist