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Jun 28, 2018
Apr 19, 2011
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May 23, 1994 (Age: 30)
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Hollow Bastion Committee, Female, 30, from Atlanta

Sup Feb 21, 2017

Droid was last seen:
Jun 28, 2018
    1. Beucefilous
      Not really. Just asking in case you were like "We need soandso to do this" lol
    2. Pinekaboo
      Don't know how to respond. Sending this instead.

    3. Beucefilous
      Hey, just thought i'd ask, is there anything in particular you want me to do with any of my characters?
    4. Pinekaboo
      Lol, that's perfectly fine. Supernatural is acceptable.
    5. Pinekaboo
      CURSES! Ditch brother, posting is more important.
      But alright, be sure to post as Kaiba too though, it's him I need most.
    6. Pinekaboo
      Think I could ask you to post in CC like, now?
      Only, I am so hyped for my next post. xP
    7. Daxa~
      Oh my goodness me,I wish xD Nah,I have gotten at least one warning I think...got involved in a flame thread,was very very funny,but the staff did not approve :3 And uhm,I suppose Princess Leia person thingy has interesting hair,as does Tangled person,and when you add the fact she almost falls in love with her freaking brother...well yes. I think it is related perfectly.

      Muwahaha,oh we would kidnap him.
      She saw him aswell actually,and had a Grell-like moment,which made me cry with laughter. Although I had a Grell-like reaction aswell,but that is beside the point.
    8. Daxa~
      Yesh yesh,ruling from our fort of sugar cubes~
      I thought that aswell. And then I started running through all of my last posts in my head,to try and remember if I had said anything odd xD

      On an unrelated note,while coming home from school today a car with a massive Mr.Tayto on its roof,driven by a man with glasses in a suit,went by me.
      For a second I honestly thought William and Spdude had teamed up.
    9. Daxa~
      I am rather confused about why we are King and Queen sweetheart,but it is most lovely to see <3~
    10. Itachilives
      ehh nothing just looking for some rps to join on here
    11. Itachilives
      hey droid whats up
    12. Pinekaboo
      Welp, we'll soon see if that works. xD

      Of course, this all depends on the Empire never being stupid enough to attack U-D. Otherwise there may be a large sword-shaped hole created in their Death Star.
    13. Pinekaboo
      My princess is currently in bed, sleeping off her illness. Dunno who you're talkin' 'bout.

      "Screw destiny" seemed to work for them.
      U-D would likely happen as a Final Boss, but if we're talking how things can definitely end... I may have an idea.
      The Death Star is taken out, and begins falling to Earth, JUST AS PLANNED. Something happens to stop it just in time, therefore saving everyone's lives. The Empire doesn't have to be destroyed, but it could be pretty crippled. I'm thinking they should save the world, basically, because if you want me to take over the next arc, I have a perfect plan of how to get things started.
    14. Pinekaboo
      Nice! We are now kings of this castle!

      Nah, you don't need to play it to understand. It basically means he gets given a major objective, in this case it would probably be something like "destroy all of the Empire's enemies". As a l'Cie, you get two options; complete the objective given to you (called a Focus) and turn into crystal until you're needed again, or fail to complete it (whether by being made unable to do so, or by simply taking too long) and you become a cie'th, and suffer eternal torment.
      But yeah, it'd give a good escape clause for you if you ever wanted to drop Vader.
    15. Pinekaboo
      You made Tea Party King too? When did that happen?

      Also; I figured out how we can do this duel between Vader and Starkiller realistically, but with the result we both want.
      Vader loses to Starkiller, as expected, but then Emperor Dysley shows up and brands Vader a l'Cie, giving him a massive boost in power, as well as the ability to use Final Fantasy style magic (including thunder. No more need for Force Lightning!). Starkiller wouldn't be able to compete with that.
    16. Heart ❤
      Heart ❤
      Found a vid u might like <3
    17. Daxa~
      I just had to drop by to thank you ever so very much for that beautiful birthday thread thingy,and that simply amazing Grell picture.
      It really really made my day <3~
      Thank you ever so very much my darling,so much love to youuuu.
    18. Pinekaboo
      Oh yeah. Let the Benny Hill-style chase scenes commence.
      Oh yes, you gonna love my brilliance.
      Sure thing; there's no rush. I went almost two days without posting, and I'm about your level in terms of plot-importance.
    19. Pinekaboo
      I love that we have everybody vying for the Tome very shortly. I'm so important to the plot~
      'course, we both know Dearche has a plan. But oh my, you're going to love it when it comes to fruition~
      Also; for sake of ease, just assume that Dearche and the others that belong to me just got on board the Kaibamobile.
    20. Beucefilous
      Marluxia slowly opened i his eyes, looking up at the concerned person. "I feel...FABULOOUUSSE!!!" He loudly exclaimed, leaping to his feet. The very next thing he did was look down at his organization coat. Ooo so bleak..Brb dears. I need a quick change of wardrobe. He blew a kiss to the group as he walked through a dark corridor. A moment later, he returned in a flowery pink version of the coat, which was more like a dress than anything else. He walked as though he were in a fashion show. Eventually he stopped and put one hand behind his head and the other on his hip "Ciel honey, Does this coat make me look too fabulous?" He asked with a flamboyant wink.