Feb 18, 2011
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April 6


Chaser, Female


Still here every day, just not a lot to say in response to people's posts lately. Feb 13, 2019

    1. Krown
      Rep, one of my favorite words.
      I know. I'm just too lazy for my own good.

      And I fixed it~
    2. Krown
    3. Krown
      Thanks a million~

      Posted, as you have noticed.
    4. Lite
      Okay. I was just curious. Post is finished and posted.
    5. Lite
      Alright, I'm in the process of making the post now.

      Also, random question: What are your musical tastes?
    6. Lite
      Thel 'Vadam. Got it.

      Well according to some of the Genesis/MegaDrive games, Eggman can in fact run faster than Sonic. I will never understand how. I shall have Eggman fly off with it in his trusty Egg Mobile, at which time the Kaibamobile shall arrive and Dearche will be all like "DAT FATASS GOT MY BOOK!"...Or something similar. Sound good to you?
    7. Lite
      I'm guessing the ship that Lightning and Sazh saw belong to The Arbiter (Forgot his name lol)? Because he's the only one I can think of who'd have a purple ship. As for the post itself, very well done. Alright, Eggman now has the tome (due to his super-long arms...seems legit), so where do you think we should go with this? Can Dearche "sense" the Tome when she's near it or something?
    8. Krown
      Eh. I can't find that post.
    9. Droid
      Daw, don't worry I know what to do.

      Kaiba approves.
      That sounds like a plausible plan, I think we'll move forward with that general idea as the destination. By the end of this arc the Empire at the very least will be beaten away from the planet, Grievous will most likely get killed eventually, Vader's future being up in the air.
    10. Droid
      Haza! But I'm afraid your princess is in another castle.

      Those options don't sound too cheery, there must have been some escape clause for the characters in the game, no? Anyway sounds good, on to other matters I've been meaning to discuss with you an eventual end game we're hopping to get to. Like what's going to happen in order for this arc to end. Such as the Empire being destroyed and the Death Star esploded, someone taking over the world, Lightening and co. saving the world, etc. I've been trying to think up how this should progress, what's your opinion on that?
    11. Heart ❤
    12. Droid
      About 5 minutes ago actually. Not sure really, Misty said the Chev recounted or something.

      >Has not played XIII
      I get what you mean though, Vader gets branded, gains UNLIMITED POWER, kills Starkiller. Seems legit.
    13. Lite
      Darth Vader a L'Cie?(<-- tell me if I typed that wrong) Very interesting. It is a very good idea, as it could not only level the playing field, but it would make Vader all the more intimidating at the same time for those who know what L'Cie are.

      Crossover Cove and it's participants never cease to surprise me.
    14. Lite

      Sure, lay it on me.
    15. Lite
      Also, I've just given team Chaos a little incentive to start moving, so now would be the best time to get Venom going.
    16. Lite
      Alright, I might rent it or something.

      Well, both "helpers" asked if the characters had any questions, you could respond saying that they do or don't, and have them begin to move out. Just so you know, I will randomly control enemies for the characters to fight against, as it keeps the action fresh. At least I think it does.
    17. Excasr
      So I'm going to start our video event soon, stay tuned. I be posting within minutes. c:

      Also, could you post, then I wouldn't merge a double post, please? :3
    18. Lite
      That's still bigger than what I've got. I've got Halo 3, Halo Reach, Super Street Fighter IV: AE, Guitar Hero: WoR, Gears 3, MW3 and Left 4 Dead (but I never play that). I've also got a few downloaded games as well, one of them being SCIV.

      Speaking of Spider-Man games, do you know if Shattered Dimensions is any good? After watching a video of the Deadpool level (not sure what it's called), I've been thinking of getting it.

      Also, are you still in Dissidia: Marvel vs Capcom? Because it's just recently started if you'd like to start
    19. miaulement
      Since I'm Shin-Chan, can I have an allowance now?! *shot*

      XD But thank you haha!
    20. Lite
      Ah, okay. Yeah, most of the games on my list I don't have anymore either.
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